View Full Version : maximizing the Fantasy Grounds 2 program

September 30th, 2010, 18:40
This is going to sound odd:

I was using the Fantasy Grounds 2 program, and I was the GM and everything was working fine. I maximized the FG2 program, and it seemed like I couldn't type in the chat window. I could use my mouse, and my keyboard still was working (the window key brought up the start bar and I could type in that). When I un-maximized the window, I could type in the chat bar again.

Is this a known bug? Am I just doing something wrong? Anyone ever experience anything similar?

September 30th, 2010, 20:19
It is, actually. I believe it has something to do with DirectX, but I don't know that; basically,the chat window loses focus when FG is maximized if anything else is running behind FG. I've found that reducing and then re-maximizing FG allows you to type in the chat with the program maximized, as long as you don't focus on any other program (ie, alt-tab to something else and back to FG). The easiest way to avoid this is to simply expand the FG window to the limits of your monitor, rather than hitting the Maximize button. Don't know if the magic v2.7 fixed this or not.