View Full Version : Shadowrun: Guild Recruiting!

September 27th, 2010, 22:09
Seattle Sprawl

Shadowrun Pen & Paper Online Guild Recruiting

We're off to a good start with about fourteen people having contacted me expressing interest in playing SR4A pen and paper online. Nothing is set on schedule at this point so it's unknown how many people will be able to make our weekly or twice weekly events. There's some preparation to make sure everything will be going smoothly, such as learning the the new SR4 system.

Our guild is seeking Shadowrun players and gamemasters who want to play pen and paper online using Fantasy Grounds II virtual tabletop (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/). The guild has been supplied with the beta version of the SR4 ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II (FG2) courtesy of its programmer in Germany (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?u=12425). Gamemasters who have an FG2 Ultimate License ($149.95) can host games in which players that have not purchased the software can still login to the virtual tabletop and play. Alternatively, a gamemaster can purchase the FG2 Full License ($39.95) so long as those who want to play in his games possess the FG2 Lite License ($23.95). We will be going with the second option.

Players will need to purchase an FG2 Lite License ($23.95) to play. This will allow the player to store their character locally and therefore be able to take that character into any game with any GM.

Is it really worth it? Transportation costs are eliminated when you play online, plus we hope to keep expanding to have numerous gamemasters and players who will be hosting games at a wide variety of times. Finally, the virtual tabletop screenshots speak for themselves. Below is a screenshot of the Fantasy Grounds II SR4 version 2 beta ruleset.


Our TeamSpeak 3 server has custom icons to identify a player's class, their country of residence, if they're a player or a gamemaster and what Fantasy Grounds II license they possess (if any). We'll also be adding number icons to track how much karma players have earned.


These features will make it easy for gamemasters to know right offhand how they should tailor their runs for the particular shadowrunner team. For instance, if it's a Saturday night and we have two gamemasters logged in and ten players that form into two different groups, one team might have more physical fire power while the other might have more magical and technical skill, and the gamemasters can see that at a glance.


If you are interested in joining the guild, contact me at username ThoughtContagion through Skype (https://www.skype.com). Skype is great for one-on-one communication, but we'll be using TeamSpeak 3 (https://teamspeak.com/) for gaming, working on projects together or just hanging out. Once you have TeamSpeak 3 installed just enter the following information to login. In the afternoons and evenings you'll generally find someone online in the TeamSpeak. If you're a player you'll want to make contact as soon as possible so your character can be entered into the virtual tabletop and so we can get to know you and see if there's anything you might be able to help with (collecting maps, critter and NPC tokens, playtesting a new house rule, etc.).

TeamSpeak 3 Info
ADDRESS: seattlesprawl.teamspeak-host.com
PORT: 10018

October 15th, 2010, 05:48
IS this still being done, was looking for someone who is using the 4th ed Shadowrun rules to roleplay with


October 15th, 2010, 05:57
Unfortunately due to some real life commitments (having to relocate) this is postponed until further notice.

October 16th, 2010, 03:57
I hate that this is on hold. I love Shadowrun and that ruleset looks amazing. I'm dieing to use it with my old group.

October 16th, 2010, 04:25
Talk to Fenloh here on the forums for using the SR4 version 2 beta ruleset. It is currently being used by his German Shadowrun guild. In fact, if you have a gamemaster, you can use our TeamSpeak for gaming. The plan is to have as many English speaking gamemasters and players all under one roof.

For the record, due to the idea of players being able to switch between gamemasters (so that they are hampered by real life schedules), it will be best for players to get the Lite License so that they can have locally stored characters and bring them into any Shadowrun game held by any gamemaster.

You can contact me through Skype at ThoughtContagion. On Monday, October 18th 2010, I will be unavailable for an unknown period of days or weeks until I get Internet on at the new place.

October 23rd, 2010, 14:58
Wow I definitely want in on this

October 25th, 2010, 19:01
If this project is still taking place, please let me know. I have a few friends that would jump on board as old time fans and I already have a copy of the FGII Ultimate. I also have nearly everything written in PDF format for reference as needed.

Send me a PM with contact info and hopefully we can get some games going and various maps/tokens, etc.. up.

October 27th, 2010, 02:27
I too have a lot of interest in this project, let me know what happens.

March 7th, 2011, 18:55
I am interested also when it gets going.

USA, California
Full License