View Full Version : Importing Text

September 24th, 2010, 13:36
Is there anyway to import text created in a word processor or text editor like notepad, into FG2? I was wondering as it would give me the opportunity to work on my scenario while I am at partners over the weekend (it would give me the something to do while she is watching soaps!). Alternatively if I purchased a second copy of FG2 and worked on the scenario after I had installed it on her machine could I load the story data onto a USB stick and switch between the two copies and if I could which files would be involved.

Thanks in advance to all you FG2 tech gurus.

September 24th, 2010, 14:44
Text formating within FG is pretty basic.

You can import the text by simply using ctrl+C and ctrl+V to copy and paste it in from your word processor/text editor. but it only pastes the words - all formating is lost.

you then have to go through it again to sort out the paragraphs etc.

September 24th, 2010, 14:51
Thanks Sorceror, thats great, reformatting is no great chore, I'll have an experiment now. I was hoping to be able to swap formatted text from a second copy, but if thats the only way it will have to suffice.

September 24th, 2010, 16:44
Jericho - For true portability, you may want to spend a little time familiarising yourself with using modules for your games. Modules can be used to hold, story, reference text, images & maps, encounters, npcs, items and various other campaign content excluding PCs (always stored in the campaign) and can be loaded in/out of a campaign using the Module Activation window.

Many FGII users simply host the PCs in the campaign and move all other campaign content into modules, this benefits the GM experience in several ways as it help keeps a logical structure for all your campaign data and enables campaign data to be shared and used across more than one campaign.

Within FGII you can use the /export command to selectively output campaign content (story, images, encounters etc. etc.) into a module. Thus you can create a development campaign to hold your data as you build it and then export the data to a module which can then be used in other campaigns for your live games. If you keep the original dev campaign, you can always then go back to update it and re-export over time.

If your using the 4E ruleset you can also use Tenian's 4E Parser tool to produce FGII 4E compatible modules. The tool enables easier production of modules when your working on larger data sets such as 4E rulebooks, adventure modules and paths.

September 24th, 2010, 16:56
Thank you Dr Zeuss, Modules aren't mentioned anywhere in the user manual so I had no idea about them. I'll have a good hunt around later and see how they work. Your tip is really appreciated.

September 24th, 2010, 18:45
Your welcome. I found this in the User Guide under Library and Modules - see here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/userguide4E/gm_library.xcp)

There should also be an equivalent in the 3.5E section as well.

Which ruleset are you planning to use BTW?

September 24th, 2010, 20:42
I'm a big Traveller fan so was planning to use Valarian's Mongoose Traveller ruleset, I know its not complete and I will have to manually track some of the data, but I've ran games off a laptop before, the only paper I used was for the PCs character sheet, I tracked initiative dmagae and the like in an open word processor document.

I'll take a look at the link you supplied shortly, thank you very much again :) .

September 25th, 2010, 05:15
If you are comfortable with XML you could just create an example of each type of entry you are looking to create and then open your campaign folder and copy the db.xml file to your USB stick. You could then create your entries in that xml file (back up the original) and replace the file when you get back from the weekend.

All you'd need on your partner's lap top would be a text editor.