View Full Version : Campaigns with updated rulesets

September 18th, 2010, 14:29
Some of my players (and I myself) have had some strange issues occur when they have a ruleset, and the host has a different version of that ruleset. It was my impression that when they joined a game they received a copy of the hosts ruleset and theirs doesn't play into it at all(and that it can be updated while the campaign is ongoing).

My question is: is that the actual behavior, or is something else going on?

Moon Wizard
October 5th, 2010, 22:05

Your interpretation of what should happen is correct.

I haven't been able to verify, but I believe that there might be some issues if the GM is trying to run a unpacked version of a ruleset, when the players have a packed version of the ruleset with the same name installed already.

Please let me know if you discover anything strange so that I can investigate.
