View Full Version : Looking to play 3.5e, low fantasy, roleplay oriented

September 15th, 2010, 21:03
Hi... I am looking to join a 3.5 game, with low fantasy and roleplay oriented. If you have something like this, please let me know.

I am available during day PST-7 mountain time... Or late at night, after 8 PM or 10 Eastern....

September 15th, 2010, 22:27
hey that sounds good to me too, I'm central -6 and am available those times as well. Grosnounou if you are willing to DM maybe we can get something underway.

September 15th, 2010, 23:39
Well I dont know if I want to GM... It's been awhile since I have play with that system.... But i will see... Maybe, was looking more for a game... What about you :P, why dont you GM?

September 15th, 2010, 23:43
lol Lets look for a group together. I would gm but I am still learning the software, maybe another gm is out there reading this? and wants to gm a game for us :P

September 17th, 2010, 07:06
Hey guys!

At the risk of offering you something you're not interested in....

I run an historically-inspired campaign set in Iberia. It's low magic, the adventuring takes place underground and the players are active role players.

It's D&D, but not 3.5. The rule system we use (Castles & Crusades) just ins't that complex. Rather than having you roll for everything your character wants to do, I have you describe your actions much more. We roll when necessary.

We play on most Sundays around midday your time and occasionally other days of the week. The setup is such that players can drop in as and when they have time.

Here are some threads that give you an introduction to the campaign:

If it sounds interesting, send me a PM.