View Full Version : 4E Tues. night Teacher wanted Apply within

September 13th, 2010, 02:50
We are a group of 4 players who have been playing a 3.5 D&D game Tues. nights from 6-10 for about 2 years now... But unfortunately the main character in the story driven campaign needs to take a hiatus, for an undetermined length of time.

So Since our loser DM (Me) doesnt want to reconfigure the story we have decided to take the plunge into 4E. We are looking for someone skilled in 4E to teach us the ropes .. and run the game.

There are 4 of us we would like to start at 1st level. We are all D&D Veterans... 10 to 30 years Exp. but none of us have played 4E. we all have the 4E players handbook.

The day and time are pretty much set at Tues. 6-10 ( Not sure on the +5 -5 time zone stuff... im in AZ.) We have all been using FG2 for the last year or so ( All of us are competent... but I wouldnt say experts)

Anyway not sure what else you might want or need to know... but if your interested you can PM me or E-mail me.