View Full Version : Crash on Exit

September 7th, 2010, 02:05
Every time I exit FG2 it crashes. I'm using windows 7.

Should I reinstall?

Moon Wizard
September 7th, 2010, 18:00
I doubt that a re-install will correct the issue. Let me ask a few questions:

* What version of FG are you currently running?
* Are you running as client or host when you crash?
* How are you exiting the program? (Radial menu on desktop, or Windows close button on upper right)

I ran into a couple situations where this could happen in v2.6.5 of FG, and worked to address all the situations I could find for v2.7.x. If you are hosting and have not tried v2.7.x yet, then you can find more information in the Laboratory forum.


September 8th, 2010, 00:07
I doubt that a re-install will correct the issue. Let me ask a few questions:

* What version of FG are you currently running?
* Are you running as client or host when you crash?
* How are you exiting the program? (Radial menu on desktop, or Windows close button on upper right)

I ran into a couple situations where this could happen in v2.6.5 of FG, and worked to address all the situations I could find for v2.7.x. If you are hosting and have not tried v2.7.x yet, then you can find more information in the Laboratory forum.


I'm running 2.6.5 and I'm host ing the game. The crash happens when I use the radial menu to exit.

Moon Wizard
September 8th, 2010, 06:52
I don't remember what the issue was exactly, but there was an issue when exiting via the radial menu if certain conditions were occurring (I think the conditions were related to modules images/tokens).

You can try exiting with the Windows close button in the upper right, or you can try the v2.7.2 version of FG currently in testing. Check out the Laboratory forum if you are interested in trying out v2.7.2.
