View Full Version : Help with ADnD

September 4th, 2010, 12:49
Hi all :)

I got some problems with the ADnD module:

The combat tracker isn't working properly (next actor doesn't appear on chat screen, and when i lift a player on the CT windows doesn't get the whole information about the character).
The managing of the weapons dice's damage doesn't work, give me an error.

Could someone please help an old player of AD&D? Please :(

Thanks in advance to all :)

September 7th, 2010, 01:38
No one can/want help me? :(

September 7th, 2010, 08:01
I think you are posting in the wrong forum - this is for Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying system (BRP). That said, there should be some folks around who can help: any chance you could post some screen shots and/or provide a bit of information about which version you are using (both of the ruleset and of FG), and what Windows platform you are running it on?



September 7th, 2010, 11:10

Try post your question on the ADnD thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12953). As Stuart suggests add screenshots and other info and you will hopefully get more responses than on this board.

February 21st, 2011, 20:58
Is there a general help post? The documentation with the program is scant at best and, though I have viewed a video tutorial or two, I cannot see watching a half hour video to answer simple questions like:

How does the DM make his dice rolls appear on the players boards?
How does the DM make it so he must approve players moves before allowing the icon to move?
Is leveling a character really a manual process with no checks and balances? That is, does the player have to look up how many skill points he is supposed to get and update his sheet and then the DM has to review every character sheet every session to see if any changes were correct?

If there is a link or a posting or a manual I am missing please let me know!

February 21st, 2011, 22:03
Again, I think you are in the wrong part of the forums. This is for Chaosium's BRP game system, not WotC's d20/3.5e systems.

Some of your questions are probably covered in the 3.5e User Guide (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/userguide35E/), but you might also want to post the question in the d20/OGL (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=63) sub-forum.

In respect of your specific queries, to the best of my knowledge:

Is there a general help post? The documentation with the program is scant at best and, though I have viewed a video tutorial or two, I cannot see watching a half hour video to answer simple questions!
You might like to try the Library (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/library/) part of this site, and in particular the 3.5E User Guide (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/userguide35E/)

How does the DM make his dice rolls appear on the players boards?
The /die reveal and /die hide commands enable and disable die roll visibility to players.

How does the DM make it so he must approve players moves before allowing the icon to move?
You might want to look at the User Guide, under GM Guide - Gameplay -> Images -> Locking Tokens and Accepting a Move.

Is leveling a character really a manual process with no checks and balances? That is, does the player have to look up how many skill points he is supposed to get and update his sheet and then the DM has to review every character sheet every session to see if any changes were correct?
The short answer is 'Yes', but some FG rulesets include help for this process. By way of defence, however, rule systems are generally so complex and dynamic that building automation for the rules today is likely to be obsolete for new variations released even before the FG products hit the shelves. And that is before allowing for the fact that many GMs introduce House Rules which cannot be anticipated by FG designers. The best policy is usually to avoid rule constraints and to treat this part of the product like pen-and-paper.

Just my 2c!
