View Full Version : New to FG, LFG

September 3rd, 2010, 23:06
Hey guys! I've been playing PnP games for years, but just bought the FG client (lite) and I won't to get my feet wet. Anybody looking for new players? I just have the core stuff, 3.5 and 4e. I'm willing to play anything!

Any takers?

September 6th, 2010, 17:04
sounds like you play D&D. Are you looking at mostly D&D or another D20 system, or would be willing to try a White Wolf or Fate system?

September 6th, 2010, 17:17
Also, look at this if you think you might want to try to get used to playing games on FG.


September 9th, 2010, 17:37
Sorry to the delayed reply, I'm interested in playing any of them, just would like to avoid paying for more modules for WoD or SW rules. I've GMed and ran many games at the tabletop, including both of those, so I'm for anything.

September 9th, 2010, 18:16
Not sure if your familiar with Earthdawn but I am looking for players for that. There are no Modules for it that players would need.

September 10th, 2010, 19:57
I'll read more up on EArthdawn and let you know! Thanx!

September 11th, 2010, 02:57
If you're interested, I'm trying to get a Dresden Files campaign started. No GM yet, but we've a couple people who might join. Unlike D&D, The game is RP intensive, and there is alot of working together to create your own RP environment. If you are interested, post here


September 12th, 2010, 21:16

I will probably be starting a new 4E campaign in the next couple months. Doesn't help you right now, I know. We are close to finishing Revenge of the Giants. I will either follow that up with P3 Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress (levels 17-21) or start over with something at level 1 - maybe Scales of War, maybe a collection of Dungeon adventures that I link together somehow.

Anyway, keep an eye on the forums. It sometimes take a little time to find a group that works for you...


September 13th, 2010, 01:51
Thank you for all the invites and suggestions!

I will probably be starting a new 4E campaign in the next couple months. Doesn't help you right now, I know. We are close to finishing Revenge of the Giants. I will either follow that up with P3 Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress (levels 17-21) or start over with something at level 1 - maybe Scales of War, maybe a collection of Dungeon adventures that I link together somehow.

Thats awesome! Man, I don't mind waiting. I've got mine PnP game coming up in full swing, so I've focused on that. I'm also getting married in two weeks, so I've suddenly myself alot busier ;P

Do you mind PMing me when you start? I am definitely interested!

September 13th, 2010, 13:56
Sure. I have a great group of 4 right now, but I don't know who is going to continue. I will definitely be recruiting though, so I will let you know!

We have about 4 weekly sessions left in RotG so it will be after that...


September 15th, 2010, 02:57
is there any books required for that... cuz id like to play some 4e if you need some more for that as well