View Full Version : [Interest Check] Fiasco

September 2nd, 2010, 19:59
Hey Guys,

I was wondering if anyone here was familiar with Fiasco? It is a one off type game with no GM. I am been reading various articles and whatnot about the game on the net and it has peaked my interest. Before buying it though, I wanted to see if anyone out there in the community is a) familiar with it and b) is interested in playing it.

It is a rules light game that is based around a plan gone horribly wrong. It is roleplay heavy but looks like fun. It is described as collabrative storytelling. One sight described the game as Coen Brothers the RPG.

Anyways let me know.

September 2nd, 2010, 23:35
I don't have it although I have something similar - Remember Tomorrow, another GMless zero prep, rules light game. I would be interested in playing either.

September 3rd, 2010, 00:26
I am currently discovering these GMless games. They are pretty neat.

September 3rd, 2010, 03:55
I'll try it. I think playing a one-time character seems fun. plus it sounds a lot more simple than trying a couple one shot campaign from more complex systems, like D20 or others.

September 3rd, 2010, 04:18
Our local group played it a few weeks ago. It was loads of fun. There are a bunch of scenarios out on the net to go with it. The one we played was fun but not the best from what I've read. YMMV, but I would give it another whirl.

September 3rd, 2010, 14:27
Cool guys. I am liking what I see thus far. Well if there is some interest I will set up a time and date. I am in the EST and would prefer a week day evening. (Except Tuesday's because I have another group I am running in NWoD).

September 9th, 2010, 17:35
I've been wanting to try to tabletop version, but this will suffice. Do you think I need the GM version of FG? From my reading on Fiasco, its almost like everyone is sorta the GM, controlling the scene together, swapping out.

September 9th, 2010, 20:23
To be honest we wouldn't actually even need FG to play this. I was just advertising here cause this is where I hang out.