View Full Version : Immunity + resistance [4e ruleset]

August 25th, 2010, 02:07
Per the rules, if a dual-type damage (lets say, fire + acid) hits someone with resistance to only a type, the damage goes on full power. To avoid it, you need to resist both types.

But if the character have total immunity to a damage type, and a small resistance to the other type, the ruleset dont apply the resistance reduction.

I tested it on a fire+ radiant power against an angel in my table (immune fire, resist 15 radiant) and the avenger powers were going full power against it. Just pointing in case no one get this issue before.

Moon Wizard
August 25th, 2010, 08:01
Was it a targeted effect? If so, I just found an issue recently where targeted RESIST/IMMUNE/VULN were being ignored. Slated for v2.7.2.


August 27th, 2010, 15:45
Yes, was a targetted effect. She clicked on the enemy, and double-click on the attack and damage.