View Full Version : FG2 connection refused, including solution!

August 21st, 2010, 07:03
So today I suddenly had an issue that I often see crop up on this forum so I figured I'd document it. Perhaps it will help someone.

I am an ATT uVerse customer, all of whom I believe share the same 2wire modem. Tonight, here is the order of events I went through:

0) I have an ATT Router Gateway ("RG") which is both a modem and a router. That's hooked up to my regular router.
1) Everything was working fine and we started our game fine. Suddenly I lose connection.
2) I am able to see networked machine but cannot get to the internet. Seems like an ATT issue so I reboot the RG.
3) I can now connect to IPs, but DNS is still down. I reboot my router.
4) I can now connect to everything... but my web server is inaccessible and no one can connect on FG2.
5) I open the ATT router control panel to notice it has changed. ATT silently upgraded my router firmware! Lovely.
6) I spend HOURS trying to get a configuration to work. The RG allows you to assign a device to the DMZ, which is the best way to get a router-behind-router working. But this did not appear to be working anymore as packets were showing in the log as being rejected despite the fact that pinholes were configured for them!
7) Hours later, our group has long dispersed and I have tried myriad configurations to no effect. I figure... fine, I will try and get my web server working. So I set up an pinhole identical to the FG2 one (port 1802) for my web server (port 80), and without any further configuration, it works!
8) My conclusion: Port 1802 is for some reason blacklisted. I checked the IANA port list and don't recognize the software used on 1802 but maybe there's something malicious using 1802 that was blocked in this update? Seems very strange to me but whatever.
9) I tried setting FG2 to work on a different port and my players were able to connect (after configuring his client per the above instructions).

So, yeah. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them but for the time being I think I'm stuck with 9876. Here are instructions on changing your FG2 port, which both hosts and clients must follow:

Find your Fantasy Grounds shortcut (if you use a Win7 pin shortcut, right click it, then right click the program name at the top of the jump list) then right click it and click properties. This will open a window with the shortcut settings. Find the field labeled "Target." It will begin and end with a quote character (") and contain the full path to your Fantasy Grounds executable. Move to the END of that field, after the final quotation mark. Put in a space after the quotation mark, and then put the following string of characters:


Your full target should look like:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Fantasy Grounds II\FantasyGrounds.exe" -p9876

It may differ slightly if your FG2 is in a different location than mine, but that's the basic gist.

Click "OK" to apply those settings and then start FG2. You should now be able to connect to that game normally. HOWEVER, you will not be able to connect to other FG2 games that are working fine. If you play other FG2 games, you may want to make two shortcuts, one for the broken server, one for everyone else's.

August 22nd, 2010, 04:52
Good troubleshooting, Eugene. I haven't had this come up for me as of yet. Here's hoping Charter doesn't go blindly updating my 25mpbs cable modem and break something.