View Full Version : New Campaign/open table

August 21st, 2010, 03:55
What is an open table game?

It means you dont have to commit to anything. The structure of the campaign makes it easy for me to toss you in or pull you out and believable for the players. It is all part of the story.

The genre: Sci-fi horror/pulp

The system: Savage Worlds

The time and day: Saturdays noon-1pm (starting August 21st)

What you need: At least a light license of FG2 and Skype (voice chat). If you dont know the SW rules it's not a problem. I've introduced Savage Worlds to many new to the system and even some new to RPG's in general and they've all picked up after an hour or so and loved it. I will provide pre-gens characters to get you started if you don't know how to make a SW character or show up when the game has already started. Tomorrow we'll be making characters so I'll have a good 2 or 3 hours to devote to you if you'd rather make your own character.

More info: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12972

My credentials: I'm 33 y/o been gaming for almost 25 years, GM for 20 years. I'm a good storyteller who enjoys "pulp noir" intrigues, dramatic encounters and cinematic battles. I also pour a good dose of humor when it is suiting.

For those that have wanted to try Savage Worlds, this is your chance. The game is opened to everybody so come on in!

Send me a pm and I'll give you the server info.

August 27th, 2010, 00:54
I'm really happy with all the people who signed up for this game. We made characters last weekend. It's not too late to make it to the debut this coming Saturday 12pm EST. Even if you dont have a character pick up a copy of the quick start rules (https://www.peginc.com/Downloads/SWEX/TD06.pdf)and a pre-gen character when you come in. Bring your snacks, mountain dew and have a seat!

October 6th, 2010, 23:06
Still recruiting. Hop on board!

October 7th, 2010, 13:01
Still recruiting. Hop on board!

Are you playing this Saturday? In the top post you list an hour, you only play an hour?

October 7th, 2010, 22:14
Yes, we're playing this saturday... and no, we start at 12 or 1pm and play for about 3 hrs