View Full Version : (newbie) Can't see shared modules

John Winkeler
August 19th, 2010, 03:44
I have several modules that I am attempting to make available for players. On the DM side (right side) I have opened various modules and either allowed for players or forced loaded. When I connect as a player, none of these modules show up in either the library or module activation windows (left side of image)

I am running the latest version of FG2 2.7.1. I could swear that earlier I had seen a module on the player side but was unable to "open" it. Of course I got side tracked with other things and can no longer reproduce/verify that behavior.
I just reproduced this behavior by opening the character sheet on the client and clicking something that should have come from the player's handbook. At this point the PHB showed up in the modules activation with a closed book, the book will not open. The Player "chat" window also displays -- "Could not open sheet with data from unloaded module 'Players Handbook'"


Am I missing how this works?


August 19th, 2010, 05:28
Force loading only works if:

a) the player has a type of module called a client module on his computer in his modules folder and it it exactly identical to the the version on the GM's computer.

b) the GM force loads a common module type module.

In your example the PH module should have been open on the client if it is a client module. What type of module is it?

From your screens it looks like that PH module was build as a host only module. I just forced loaded a PH onto a client and it seemed to work fine.

Note the error message just means that the module that was used to drop something onto the character sheet is not opened. You would get the same error message if the character sheet used a different version of the PH at the time the item you are trying to open was built even if you had a PH open.

Moon Wizard
August 19th, 2010, 06:08
Client modules are used for data which is individually owned such as 4E data. I believe that the parser creates client modules by default, which means that the modules also need to be installed on the client machine to be accessed even though the GM allows.

You can learn more about module types here:


August 19th, 2010, 09:48
You should also note the 4E Parser defaults to producing host modules (db.xml), ensure you change the module type to client (client.xml) and reparse. Also, try using the latest version of the Parser, the one you have is now old.

John Winkeler
August 19th, 2010, 12:49
You were right on the money, the module type was wrong. I even recall reading that passage in the user guide and in what passes for my mind associating that with the "x", check mark, force load, so I blew it off. Needless to say, the wrong choice.

Thanks for the assistance.
