View Full Version : Pathfinder Society Coop?

August 16th, 2010, 20:55

I've been thinking about the possibility of setting up some sort of Pathfinder Society/FantasyGrounds co-op group. The idea is to have users of the full version of Fantasy Grounds join the group (which doesn't necessarily have to have everyone playing every game). We can take turns running different adventures for the group, allowing everyone a chance to play. For instance, I'd pick up an adventure, and run it for one or more groups of people to play, and others would do the same, with us tracking/scheduling the games playing all in one spot.

One downside to the idea is the lack of a character import/export tool in Fantasy Grounds. This isn't necessarily a problem as all this data is stored as XML in the campaign info. I've already written an app that lets me move monsters/NPCs to/from my different adventures as well as automatically convert paizo stat-blocks to the xml and insert it into the campaign data. It shouldn't be too bad to write up a quick .NET app that lets us do the same thing for player files.

What do you think? Is this something others might be interested in doing? Or are other people already doing something like this?


August 16th, 2010, 21:32
Hey, do you really have a util to take paizo stat blocks?

I was wanting to write a util to take the entire pathfinder bestiary and import it into a fantasy grounds bestiary module.

What will it read the stat blocks from?

Would you mind giving me a copy? Otherwise, I have to write the same thing.

August 16th, 2010, 21:34
Also, I just put up a pathfinder cmd + cmb mod for d20_jpg. See my post in the Workshop for a copy of the .ext file.

August 16th, 2010, 22:04
Hey, do you really have a util to take paizo stat blocks?

I do, although it's still a bit buggy. Basically, I wrote a C#.net app that keeps a 'library' xml file for all my npcs/monsters separate from the campaign files and I can move monsters to/from the campaign and the library file. For the import section, I copy the text from the bestiary entry or adventure path adventure, and paste it into a textbox in the app. It then iterates thru the entry and parses out the relevant fields.

There are several problems to it. First of all, paizo isn't always consistent with their stat blocks, and things are sometimes in the wrong order or just missing. Likewise, when I copy from the PDF files, there are often spaces in the section headers in the middle of a word (probably due to the font being used). I've been slowly fixing the program as I use it to account for some of this stuff. I've gotten to know what to look for problem wise, so copy stuff to the textbox, fix header names, strip out the before combat/during combat/morale sections, and then submit it.

It isn't the most elegant process, but it is faster then my keying in everything in the adventure path I am running. The program itself isn't complete, and was made more for my own use then anything I was planning on releasing to the wild. However, if you'd like a copy of what I have so far, you are welcome to it.
