View Full Version : Naming an effect

August 9th, 2010, 07:29
Is there a way to give an effect a name? For example, I created a simple effect for combat advantage and the label was: "ATK: 2". Is there anyway I can add the name "Combat Advantage" to the effect so that when a player with the effect makes his role, it clearly says "Combat Advantage (ATK +2)" in the list of modifiers on the attack role? I've read through the documentation a few times and I kind of understand how to create the effects, just not how to actually name them.

August 9th, 2010, 07:40
I don't believe labelling effects is supported (yet) in the 4E ruleset. Whilst the effect will accept a label, any such label is dropped when roll results are output to the chatpad.

You may want to add a request to the 4th wishlist.

Also, in the latest 2.7.0 test release, JPG has introduced an option that forces PC effects to be listed at the start of a PC's turn. This is very useful for reminding everyone which effects are in place for which PC.

August 9th, 2010, 08:53
Thanks! And I'm super-impressed with how quickly you replied.

August 9th, 2010, 09:06
It should be mentioned that the effect Combat Advantage (I've not actually sure of the CA syntext I personally use mods instead of effects for CA) actually gives you the +2 so you might just want to call just the effect Combat Advantage.

In answer to the general question the 4E ruleset ignores text it doesn't understand in effects.

Thus for information effects you can pretty much use any text - as long as you don't use an effect keyword. For example I have a Shaman drop the following information effect text on PCs: Regen 2 if bloodied - because the effects are case sensitive REGEN is not actually triggered but it does remind the player to apply it if necessary.

For another example I use a DM only effect: DMGO: 10; Fire Suppress - which I drop on Trolls when they are hit by fire/acid that ends automatically so I don't have to mess around with the REGEN:10 effect. The text after the simi-colon is ignored but it reminds me why the trolls has the effect.

August 9th, 2010, 15:37
For another example I use a DM only effect: DMGO: 10; Fire Suppress - which I drop on Trolls when they are hit by fire/acid that ends automatically so I don't have to mess around with the REGEN:10 effect. The text after the simi-colon is ignored but it reminds me why the trolls has the effect.

That's a good idea! So rather than turning off their regen you just give them one round of damage. I'll have to keep this in mind for my werewolves.

Moon Wizard
August 9th, 2010, 19:05
Great idea Griogre. I was enabling/disabling the effects in my game, but I was constantly forgetting to toggle.


August 9th, 2010, 22:12
@JPG Glad you like the idea, I'm running P2 King of the Trollhaunt Warrens and needless to say there are a ton of trolls. I found the Damage effect saves me a lot of time since I hot keyed it and just drag and drop from the hot key bar onto a troll token when ever it takes fire damage.

@adminwheel3 I used the same idea in another game were the party is fighting werejaguars in the jungle. LOL, man they don't like those were or the dire and greater dire jaguars either. :)