View Full Version : Script Error: Error parsing GlobalRegistry

August 5th, 2010, 23:40
Once I start a new campaign with the Savage Worlds ruleset I window pops up (after the Savage Worlds 'world' is up) saying Script Error: Error Parsing GlobalRegistry. Script Error: string "return(...)4 unfinished string near('uT)'

This window closes when I do anything else and the Savage world 'world' stays there, but there is no library or anything, but I can roll dice to my hearts content. What am I missing here?

August 7th, 2010, 15:32
Also, when I run the FG 2 Updater I get a 'Error processing package manifest' message right after the 'Checking package 4E for updates' message

August 9th, 2010, 08:57
If you haven't already, I'd try uninstalling and re-installing FG. If you are using Vista or Win7 make sure you don't promote the install as admin, let the program install normally.

August 10th, 2010, 00:15
Reinstalling allowed me to get the library up and going, however I am still getting the "Error processing package' message after the 4E update attempt. I have no intentions of using 'D&D for Dummies':D in a campaign so hopefully there will be no issues from this.

August 10th, 2010, 01:07
I'm glad you got the library up but am a bit worried about the 4E problem because it might hint there is some sort of corruption in your download/install.

It's possible the 4E problem will resolve itself on the next update of the ruleset in the next week or so. If it doesn't I'd suggest you double check to make sure the hard drive FG is on isn't getting close to full and run a check for bad sectors, etc.

Moon Wizard
August 10th, 2010, 01:58
We have found that the updater sometimes spits out the "error processing manifest" message when we have higher demand on our update server.

Due to the excellent reception we got at Gencon, it's probably partially related to all the people downloading updates.
