View Full Version : GMT+0 looking for Fri Night C&C or SW game

August 5th, 2010, 07:27
Hi I am interested in playing a Friday night SW or C&C game.

I haven't played the either system before but i began by playing AD&D first edition and have since just started getting back into gaming.

Please let me know if there is a oneshot or short campaign that is looking for new players.


August 5th, 2010, 09:43

You might want to join this group:

We usually play from 8pm-11pm GMT on Friday nights. We've had a bit of a break for a few weeks but will be most likely starting a Dresden Files game soon which you are welcome to join.
We've played some Savage Worlds in the past and have some players very keen on C&C so that could likely come up in the future.


August 5th, 2010, 10:47
Hi Thanks Rob,

it's Josh ;o)

I'll reply through the mailing list.


You might want to join this group:

We usually play from 8pm-11pm GMT on Friday nights. We've had a bit of a break for a few weeks but will be most likely starting a Dresden Files game soon which you are welcome to join.
We've played some Savage Worlds in the past and have some players very keen on C&C so that could likely come up in the future.
