View Full Version : Map pins and linked story paragraphs

August 3rd, 2010, 04:31
Hi guys,

This is probably a dumb question, but I was wondering if it's possible to get map pins to link to a link paragraph type in a story? For example, I have a dungeon map, and I want to put map pins in each room that link to room descriptions. In the story book thing, I have an entry called 'Dungeon' and, within that entry, I have paragraphs for each room description which I want to link to the map. I know I could make seperate story book entries for each room description, but I think it's a lot neater to keep them as sub-entries in the 'Dungeon' story book entry. That way, I can just have one story book entry for each map in my campaign, with each entry containing room descriptions.

Hopefully that's not too confusing...if anyone has a workaround for something similar, that would be great to know :)

On a related issue, I have read threads that say players can't see map pins. Is there any way to make player map pins? E.g. I'd like to give them a general map of the country they are in with map pins for some of the major towns/features that contain info that the player's characters could reasonably be expected to know. I can see it being helpful for dungeons as well where I could add a map pin for players with a room description, and also have a DM only map pin that contains other info such as hidden doors/traps/monsters. The player map pins could be revealed when the masking layer is removed from that room.

Grateful for any assistance which can be rendered!

Moon Wizard
August 3rd, 2010, 06:27
Map pins are only visible to the host, though you can right-click and share a sheet with your players.

On the room entries, you could create a "Dungeon" category, and place all of our room description entries in that category. Same concept, but slightly different implementation.


August 3rd, 2010, 09:31
I thought about that, but then if I want to pre-prepare a lot of my campaign and I have, say, 10 maps, I would need to have 10 story book tabs (one for each map with related room/place descriptions). I just thought there would be a more optimal way :)

August 3rd, 2010, 19:05
I thought about that, but then if I want to pre-prepare a lot of my campaign and I have, say, 10 maps, I would need to have 10 story book tabs (one for each map with related room/place descriptions). I just thought there would be a more optimal way :)

That's where (in my opinion) library modules come into their own, more completed to create (to begin with), but in the long run much better I think.


August 3rd, 2010, 20:15
I do it this way.

Story Tab 1) Main Story page (contains the table of contents of the adventure).

Which links to all my encounter / area Story entries in the adventure.

Story Tab 2...) Encounters that occur in one area (so for example all the encounters of a given Dungeon level will be in one Tab. A village will it's own Tab, etc.)

In each Story Entry, I have a link to the Encounter Map location (usually a edited zoomed in portion of the bigger overall map where combat takes place), the Encounter list (list of monsters encountered with tokens), and the Fluff / Read Aloud text.

From the little red Story entry, I drag that to my overview map as a Pin. So in essence, if I click on the pin, it goes to my encounter entry which has all the information I need to run an encounter.

I know it sounds like a lot of work but if you have / use a big overall map, with Pins and have that first tab with ALL your adventure entries in one list, it will make things go a lot faster; even if you do have Tabs filled with a ton of information.

Come to think of it, I think you can drag the Map pin more than once from the same entry.

August 4th, 2010, 08:34
Thanks for all of your replies :) I actually saw the table of contents type idea yesterday when I was watching one of the video tutorials by Xorn. I've decided to go with that approach. I have also decided to go with just having an entry in a story book tab for each dungeon/encounter/map and putting the room descriptions in chat paragraphs. This will allow me to drag and drop the room descriptions for the players. Essentially I wanted a way to share room descriptions with players, and still would have preferred map pins, but chat paragraphs work ok :) The table of contents idea is genius imo :) It's probably going to be the easiest way for me to make sure that play can keep rolling along without being delayed by me frantically searching for my pre-prepared info.

August 4th, 2010, 08:40
Hey Chainmail,

Glad you got it worked out. I saw the same idea in the tutorials and thought "BRILLIANT"; so simple and obvious. After that, it doesn't matter where your entries are or what order as long as you use that Table of Contents.