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View Full Version : Testing the waters for a Fri & Sat dedicated 4e

July 24th, 2010, 03:59

Seeing if there is any interest in a 4e game Friday night and Saturday night for 4 hours on GMT -5 time starting around 6-8 pm.:ninja:

What I was thinking is a homebrew long term campaign in the World of Greyhawk with about 6 players. I have a few months of material that should take players to 3 or 4 and then I was thinking of running through the H2 and H3 modules.

August 5th, 2010, 18:33
No takers huh? Well I'll give it a bump to make sure ;)

August 5th, 2010, 18:38
Man. So many games are -5 GMT. Such a damn shame. I need to move back to Vancouver to be closer to these things. Otherwise, it would be midnight to whenever you guys end, for me (GMT+1)

August 5th, 2010, 20:17
Mark me as a possible? I don't think I can play two nights in a row though, so...

Will keep my eye on this thread tho.

August 5th, 2010, 22:09
Saturday Maybe????

August 5th, 2010, 23:13
I'm interested and would be fine with either Friday or Saturday.

August 6th, 2010, 04:35
I could get into a Friday night game. Saturday's I could do, but the day I'm most likely to go out and do something in the week. Still putting the game together?

August 6th, 2010, 07:26
Saturday would be best for me, count me as interested.

August 8th, 2010, 07:25
Hey all thanks for the responses seems like we got like 5 that can do Saturday huh. Well, I guess I'll only be able to stay home and save money on Saturday then. The plan is to have a second instance of a homebrew I've been successfully running for a few months now. I'm looking for dedicated and reliable players. Life frequently calls and family comes first of course but if you don't think you will be able to make it most of the time don't join. Maturity at least in age would be convenient...I'm in my 30's so somewhere thereabouts. Don't have experience with 4e or FG??? It's not an issue, most of the players in my Sunday game including myself were old school D&D/Warhammer players but noobs to FG and 4e. Yet, having paper and pen roleplaying experience, would prove useful. Although really, the most important thing with me is that the group cliques, so if you don't have previous roleplaying experience but are cool, then all is well.

About my style of play: I like the game to be mainly vocal as opposed to typing. I know this is difficult in internet games but I have an initiative based speaking rule that seems to work fairly decent. We will be using Skype to communicate unless someone has ventrillo server to offer. As a DM, I'm mostly fair but a killer if you don't heed warnings or do something stupid (which is always fun). You will definitely feel you have earned your levels and magical weapons, provided you survive and find any ;) I'm not a rule's spaz, I prefer to keep the game and story fluid. Fair warning: I change things a lot...so if you've memorized the MM don't tell me a creature can't do that...cause it can, lol. I try to intrigue the mind aswell as the sword. Although, the beginning of the adventure is a bit battle heavy, on purpose (to learn 4e fighting) but as the story develops so will the roleplaying. As the Gygax said "the first 6 levels ARE the PC backgrounds".

If you guys are still interest I will make a yahoo groups for us and PM you the address so you can join. I will let you guys decide the time on Saturday after 6pm eastern by majority vote later and if all goes well, we'll have us a game.