View Full Version : 3.5 Greyhawk D&D Campaign Fri/Sat 11pm Eastern

July 22nd, 2010, 02:06
Play time will be Friday and/or Saturday nights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific.

Looking for a total of 6 players. Starting level 1. Will move up quickly. Points given for good background and roleplaying. (and other random things, like showing up on time)

Prefer starting class and race from PHB, but will consider others if you are an experienced player with a good background story. Multiclass and prestige classes can be from any official wotc publication and are strongly encouraged. I want you to have fun roleplaying your character and don't like to see rules get in the way. You decide who/what you want your character to be and we'll find the rules that fit your concept.

Stats will be 32 point buy or a set of my choosing. Everyone will choose individually which option they want to go with.

Alignment must be Good, L/N, or True Neutral for Druids only.

Setting is Greyhawk. I've been DM'ing in Greyhawk since 1980 and don't plan on changing that anytime soon LOL

I am a single gamer chick with 2 small children who go to bed at 9pm Mountain Time. I prefer text based online gaming over voice. Typing doesn't wake up my kids, talking might. I am available all day every day for questions and character development. I am open to individual side adventures if your character has need of such thing. But the main gaming will be done in FG, on Friday/Saturday nights at 9pm Mountain Time and plan on 4-5 hours.

IF there is a need I am willing to purchase an unlimited license. I plan on DM'ing online for quite a while. I just moved to a very small small town and there's nothing but cowboys and rednecks. Well, almost. I haven't found anyone intersted in D&D, at least. A couple of MTG players, several friends who play Settlers of Catan (would love to play some online Catan if anyone's interested, too).

If you are new to FG and/or D&D I am very patient with newbies, as long as you don't try too much too fast and then don't know what you're doing. Stick to something simple, learn it well, then mix it up a bit when you've gotten comfortable.


Did I stress that enough? LOL

July 26th, 2010, 15:23
I am more than interested in playing, the timing is perfect as I also have a 2 year old daughter that goes to sleep around 10pm (EST). I am new to this program although i bought 5 copies at last years GenCon Indy (group fell apart) and never installed them.
Havent played in Greyhawk since the good ol' days of AD&D, but am more than willing to pull out the old books and massive dual poster map of Oerth.

If I play I would like to play a human rogue.
Basic history (more detailed will follow along these lines): Born to a nomadic people. At sometime during his early childhood his people were attacked by raiders and all were slain. He survived by not being present during the attack (he was fishing). Now that his family and everyone he knew were slain he left not knowing where to go. Came across a town (preferably small, but large will work also) and began to scrounge for food the only way he knew he could (began learning as a rogue)...

I will multiclass him at some time also as he discovers his mother had the taint of the blood of the dragons and begins to uncover an inherrant ability to call upon powers in times of dire need (sorcerer).

July 26th, 2010, 19:51
Welcome, character sounds great! I have that big 2 piece map of Oerth too! Love it! I also have an awesome map of the City of Greyhawk. I have one player from the Dungeons and Dragons group on Facebook, one friend who wants to play and you. That makes 3 players. One more that I know wanted to play at that time but haven't heard from him yet, so probably 4. Getting there! Will plan on starting the first weekend in August.

July 26th, 2010, 20:26
Well, then. This most definetly piques my interest.

I have a character concept in mind for a human fighter character, but I'm not at all sure how well I can put that to work in a non-homebrew setting. I'll have to look a bit into the setting myself, but I get the feeling most of it will be up to how willing you, the DM, are to allow me to add in a small sub-culture of people I intend to have my character to hail from.

But then again if there already is someone going with a fighter class character, I might have to think of something different.

July 26th, 2010, 22:14
I'd be interested if I knew anythng about Greyhawk.

July 26th, 2010, 22:26
Not too picky myself. I can play whatever the rest of the party needs, provided Ashke doesn't mind me butting in :) I prefer brutish fighters/barbarians, but am as flexible as any. . .

July 27th, 2010, 08:03
Greyhawk has always been the "default" world for AD&D/D&D. All the Deities from the PHB are from the Greyhawk setting. All the old 1st Ed. modules were from the Greyhawk setting, etc. I happen to be a fan of Greyhawk history and bring it into my campaigns as often as possible, but it is not necessary to know anything about Greyhawk to run a character there. You describe a location that your character is from, and I'll tell you the name of it. And if it doesn't match anything already in place, we'll make something up. I'm flexible.

Xaotik, would love to have you along for the ride :)

Xcenocide, I prefer you play the character you will be happiest with, regardless of what others are playing. If you are lacking something important, I'll throw in an NPC or something. Having 2 fighter types definitely won't hurt the party.

Kain, feel free to join us without knowing anything about Greyhawk. It really isn't necessary! Just think of it as a generic D&D world.

July 27th, 2010, 08:36
Count me in, then. Contact me via messenger.

July 27th, 2010, 15:52
Well, alright. Suppose you will want to discuss the details of characters in private before the game begins?

July 27th, 2010, 16:10
Yes, please get your characters ready and send me all the details via email at [email protected]. If you aren't already on Gaming Army, I recommend joining. I will make a group for our campaign there. (gamingarmy.com) I will need full backgrounds for me, and I'll want you to post a "public" background on Gaming Army to introduce yourself to the other players.

Additional information on the campaign and character creation will be posted on Gaming Army.

July 27th, 2010, 21:09
BTW for those who aren't already in GA, here's a link: