View Full Version : Earthdawn v128 uploaded to the FGWiki

July 21st, 2010, 03:12
Hey all,

I've uploaded an update to the Earthdawn ruleset fork I've been working on to the FGWiki ( https://oberoten.dyndns.org/fgwiki/index.php/Earthdawn ).

Added an 8th tab for notes.

Updated the threaded items support under adventure_items to match the character sheet's inventory behavior.


August 1st, 2010, 10:30
Hi Kirbol,

I haven't played Earthdawn since it's first version. Is it still D6 or have the switched to d20? Curious since am I looking to start a coding project for Open D6 and wanted to know the problems / challenges faced when working on D6 rulesets inside FG2, which is d20.

August 2nd, 2010, 01:57
Actually Earthdawn (at least the versions I'm aware of) relies on a step based system. The higher the steps go, the more dice that are totaled together.

For instance, step 5 = d8, step 6 = d10, step 7 = d12 ... step 13 = d12 + d10, these results are then totaled and applied against a difficult number (or an opposed step roll).

I'm not really familiar with the Open d6 ruleset, so I'm not sure if it's based on successes, or if they are totaled rolls (ie West End Games' Star Wars).

I haven't done anything yet with a success based system. When using a totaled dice pools, FG2 seems fairly straight forward. Essentially just pushing extra dice into the dice array before calling the throwDice function of the chat window.

Hopefully that helps some:)

August 3rd, 2010, 06:26
Awesome work. Just took a quick look at it and it makes me want to get an Earthdawn game going again heh.

I posted on the Redbrick forums that someone else has kindly picked up from where I left off and made some great improvements. I have an Ultimate license so volunteered to demo the ruleset to people.

August 3rd, 2010, 13:09
Woot I may have to come back to Fantasygrounds now ;) I've been trying to get a maptools version working for a while (and keep getting side tracked due to work)

August 4th, 2010, 05:11
Thanks:) Heh, actually if you get an ED going and need a player, let me know, I'd love to play:)

August 5th, 2010, 01:58
I don't know when I will have time for another full blown game but I may work on setting up a one shot to test this out

August 5th, 2010, 02:25
Couple of quick questions. First Off I'm only familiar with the 4e sheets so these may be stupid.

Also, how does one figure Armor Defeating Hits? Shift to ignore armor? Drop it on the damage instead of the armor?

On talents that require karma when you roll them does it auto roll the karma, and subtract it?

Finally how does one get the player sheet info to the combat tracker is it something that has to be hand typed, I tried dropping the character portrait to it but it didn't populate the stats..

August 5th, 2010, 04:32
Armor defeating hits would be dropped on to the Damage --> Taken field on the character sheet, or in the combat tracker, you can drop it on the box in the Dmg column. Wounds are automatically tallied if the damage taken is above the wound threshold, though they are not automatically applied to roll. If I can come up with a reasonable way to apply these, I may yet add in that functionality, though I don't want to over penalize rolls... currently using the mouse wheel to add a step modifier to the roll before rolling seems to work well.

Actually, because of discipline talents, and the variability of if a "required karma" talent actually required the use of karma, talents rolled from the talent page will require rolling the karma dice separately. Though double clicking on the karma step will automatically deduct one karma from the "Curr" total for you. (This also simplified those talents that could apply multiple karma dice.)

Alternatively, you could use the combat tab's attacks areas (maybe should have called this actions...) to configure and set up any talent roll and if the sheet detects karma as required or discipline, a karma checkbox will appear to add karma to the roll. You can drag and drop talent, skill, or spell names from the lists, or type in the full name of a Attribute (actually can type in any of these, but must be exact: Willpower, Melee Weapons, etc) into the Attack or Damage source fields which will auto link that source, and will track changes to the underlying abilities. (sorry, items and equipment are not auto updated, and need to be managed manually)

There are two possibilities to add characters to the combat tracker.
1) When a player is connected, the portrait on the tabletop in the upper left can be used to drag and drop that player into the CT
2) You can open the "Characters" selection screen, and drag the portrait from there.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find a simple way to allow this directly from the character sheet.

August 7th, 2010, 04:11
Well I gave it a try tonight on my in house game... Feedback as follows

Like in the 4e ruleset a good way to handle bonus and penalties seems like it would be conditions.. I.E. Aggressive Attack, Blindside, Harried, Wound penalties, etc,etc. Not sure if coding wise this would be the case.

Showing Player Armor Values on the Combat tracker under the shield for easy damage dropping.

Second players being able to click the init down when they are done.

As a Gm, more detailed npc sheet. Something for more then one spell perchance? And possibly a way to name attacks.Karma for NPCS!

Other then that I think it's a great project!

Please don't take these as It sucks and this needs done.. it is great and these would improve it.. is the better option to think of!

August 8th, 2010, 07:45
I appreciate the feedback:) Sorry for the delay in responding.

I'm still considering a way to handle combat conditions. Right now the plan was to use the mouse wheel modifiers on the step and armor/defense fields to adjust for those conditions.

I'm a little stumped on a few items though.

** In the combat tracker: when dragging a character into it, you should get the following information:
- Both armors, linked back to the sheet, damage total, and wounds.
- Init step on the attack panel (choosing which attack a char might want to use was beyond the scope of what I was attemping:) )
- defense panel: All three defenses, uncon, death, wound thresh, # of recovery, and recovery step
- movement panel: Combat move, full move (size and reach defaulted to 1)
- the effects panel right now is mainly freestring, and allows setting up how many rounds the effect last, mostly for notekeeping.
- end of turn for players. Yes I had disabled that until I had time to track down an odd bug with it. Then forgot about it.. oops.. It's on my todo:)

* for the NPC sheet:
- the main/combat page is simply in the style that ED always published their NPCs/monsters.
- the notes page is a full formatted text area, so links to other items can be inserted there. (something I used while making a library for the monsters in the main book)
- the "other" page is where I thought the fancy parts of special NPCs would go. It is a list of extra attributes that can be named. It includes a value field, and a step. If you added say, breath attack under property and then set it's step value, then double clicked on the step value, in the chat window it would say "breath attack (Step: X) [Total: Y]" Pretty much, I thought/hoped this would get around the limitations that were somewhat obvious with the format used by ED.

Unfortunately, I can't recreate the issues you appear to have with the combat tracker. When I'm connected though localhost everything seems to work properly. Do your players have values in the armor fields on their character sheet? On the combat tab, adding armor values PD, SD, SoD, Mystic and Physical Armor, etc, in the defenses section should all work correctly. Just have to make sure they are checked active. (Handy for things like an Absorb Blow Charm, since you can toggle them, and it computes them in, and in my tests, makes it transparent to the CT) Then the GM can drop damage on the appropriate armor value to have it computed.... at least that was the plan. ;)

Which version of the ruleset are you currently running btw? (should say in the readme.txt file at the top.)

Perhaps we can connect up a session sometime and look things over, maybe together we can recreate the issues.

Again, thanks for the feedback.

August 9th, 2010, 01:11
Kirb, I'll double check the issue and check it out when I get back to my home computer this week. But It's whatever is linked to on the wiki site. I'll see if I can recreate myself, we may have been blind. So out of boredom I loaded it on my laptop and realized we were blind on the NPC sheet makes more sense that way.
given the rest I think the end of turn is the biggest one. but man I got a lot of typing to create libraries... lol

August 9th, 2010, 04:34
I was able to track down my mistake and get the "Turn Complete" button working properly for players :)

The libs are well worth the effort, just wish there was an easier way for them, I'm about 1/2way done with the main rule book, though I have taken a short break from it since I'm not sure when I'd actually get to use them :) ((I've been working on the FASA edition... since that seems to be the edition that might get used...)) I suppose it's possible that if ED/FASA/Living Room Games/Redbrick got on approved list these could be bundled and sold by Smite Works or something.... not entirely sure how that all works exactly..


I made sure that most of the character sheet (talents, skills, spells, and inventory), personality, items, etc.. all support drag and drop from the library modules.

The xml format is somewhat unique for these as ED items can get pretty complex, though the /export function also works.. On the ED page in the wiki, there is a template lib that I tried to illustrate how these could be crafted.

For the combat modifiers I'm still not coming up with a great way to handle these... they tend to be fairly complex, coding wise... though I've got an idea for wounds.. since num of wounds -1 is the step penalty, it seems the most logical approach would be to apply it to the actual double-click/drag base roll. Then it would not apply the penalty more than once. Thoughts?


August 9th, 2010, 17:31
see I'm actually using the current version. I think the only reason that the Fasa version is so popular is it's so easy to get since its oop. I agree with the wounds, there are only certain times it doesn't apply a spell or two that stops wound penalties, and in those rare cases they can be applied as a bonus to negate it.

August 10th, 2010, 05:35
I'm looking into how to apply wounds properly, this may take some time... I don't want to break anything or over-apply the penalty... I have no global way to handle this, especially since wounds are handled completely differently for the recovery roll.. I'll see if I can figure something out thou..

I used the FASA edition for my lib since that's what I started playing ED on, and it's what I own the books for:) I haven't yet picked up the newest edition from Redbrick, since I've not got an active game going or anything;)

August 11th, 2010, 03:13
After pouring over the code and rules for wounds, then talking to the GM that ran ED. I'm thinking this needs to be designed as an extension or a fork, for a few reasons.

The sheer variability of when wounds applies makes it difficult to know when to apply them without tons of automation that may not be desired.

In the FASA rules, these are optional. (Even the Redbrick edition that I have suggests not using wound penalties at first)
Blood Elves ignore 2 wounds instead of 1.
Some talents and spells allow people to ignore extra wound effects.
Do all creatures suffer wound penalties? Cadavermen, for example, fly into a rage and get big bonuses for being wounded, instead of penalties.
Are there threaded items that allow you to ignore extra wound penalties?
Is the karma step affected by wound levels?
Recovery dice do not take a step penalty, they take a modifier penalty to the total roll (which the modifiers box at the bottom works very well for by dragging your number of wounds while holding the control key onto the modifier box to add the wound penalty to the recovery roll)
Should the wound system alert you to attribute steps that reach 0 and apply effects/death based on those? (this is a whole new level of complexity I barely want to think about... my head is already hurting;) )
What about other house rules for wounds?
How should this interface with the combat tracker? Wound penalties can't really back-trace into the personalities/library entries. The ruleset already has step modifiers in place, which would make it simple to apply wounds, with all the possible exceptions without over-complicating the ruleset, to any rolls that are subject to wound penalties.

I really hope this doesn't put you off using FG and this ruleset for your game :o. Someone (possibly even me at some point, though right now my time is very limited) could code this into an extension to, or a fork of, the ruleset if it was felt this was important enough.


August 11th, 2010, 15:28
Added a floor to the damage taken and the wounds fields so they can't go below 0.

Updated the Willforce detection and calculations to take in the statmod value on the full talent card.


August 14th, 2010, 21:49
Doesn't disuade me at all in fact in a couple of weeks I plan on seeing if I can get enough for a one shot, then perhaps a consistent game after that, I'm just having problems finding maps I like.

August 15th, 2010, 22:21
I appreciate the updates to this ruleset. I played with Joshuha when he coded the first iteration and thought he did a good job. My Savage Worlds group is enthusiastic to give EarthDawn a try, and I hope to run a few sessions in a few weeks. I'm using RedBrick's second edition rules, so this should work fine.

I was pleasantly surprised with how receptive the players were about trying EarthDawn.

If you want any feedback from the game sessions, let me know.

August 17th, 2010, 04:25
Feedback is always welcome. I can't swear exactly how much time I'll have for new features, though I'll try to fix any bugs as quickly as possible. :)


August 22nd, 2010, 23:18
Viz not sure if you would have a spot open (not even sure when you play, but I'd kill to play in a few ED games.

August 28th, 2010, 05:51
Nother update... Saw a few gaps/bugs in the defenses area of the combat tab.

[combat tab]
Added "vs Heath" to the Defense cards on the combat page to allow modifications to wound thresholds, unconsciousness, and death ratings. (should make it easier to work with obsidiman, certain talents, and threaded items that modify these values)

Cleaned up the strain damage chat text for the defense section


August 30th, 2010, 04:43
Well if anyone is interested I just posted looking for players up in the guild house.

September 3rd, 2010, 14:16

Noticed one more thing. Players can't drop their init on the combat tracker is that intentional?

September 9th, 2010, 00:08
Sort of.... I figured the GM would need to do that, since normally he's jotting it down on paper normally... the Auto-roll for everyone does work for the gm, and it's linked back to the init field on the charsheet. But in the case of something like Air Dance, I though the easiest way would be for the player to roll it, and then gm to grab it and drop it off...


September 9th, 2010, 00:13
Oh wow, ok that works!

September 18th, 2010, 02:29
I've re-uploaded v136 of the ED ruleset to the wiki, will get the template libs uploaded asap.


September 18th, 2010, 05:18
I went ahead and compiled this into a PAK file and built a installer around it that I posted up to the FGWiki. That should make it install a little easier for everyone. :)

September 18th, 2010, 16:21
Hey Drahkar, the ruleset isn't tuned to 3rd edition.. as an fyi. Also can you put the non pak version there as well?

September 18th, 2010, 19:21
Its not? Dangit. I must have gotten my gears crossed somewhere. Which edition is it? I'll fix it up quickly.

Non PAK Version is already there. I didn't move any of kirbol's existing links. just added the installer which I'm unlinking till I can correct the issues you pointed out. The Earthdawn-v136.zip is not a PAK.

September 19th, 2010, 15:27
First, thanks for making the PAK version. At some point I know that thought had entered my mind.. (Apparently it also fled, its scary in there...) Very appreciated.

Yeah, technically I'd say this is the FASA edition of the rules this was written for, though I used a few items from Redbrick's classic edition, (spell matrixes armor and health values, since they were mentioned in FASA though not detailed)

I've not yet picked up the 3rd edition of the rules, though between FASA and Redbrick Classic, this ruleset, I think, would work fine, since mostly the differences are in the talents and spells.

Perhaps if time permits, I'll pick up the 3rd edition and try to identify if there are any major differences. Who knows I may get motivated and even create a 3rd ed fork of this (no promises ;) )

Just as an FYI, I am tracking two known issues/bugs in the ruleset:

- behavior differences between librarylink, linklist, windowcontrol shortcuts when using the drag and drop for an item from the library as a player (all work as intended as the GM) -- Need to find reference docs for these three (verified in 2.6.5 and 2.7.1)
- combat tracker: auto expire of effects are not working correctly, may need a full rewrite (verified in 2.6.5 and 2.7.1)


September 19th, 2010, 18:31
Thanks Kirbol. I'll go ahead and repackage it as '2nd Edition' (I believe that was FASA's last version) and put it up there with that. :)

September 19th, 2010, 18:59
Second edition was Living Room Games! Fasa Just did Earthdawn!

October 8th, 2010, 04:57
I've uploaded 1.37 to the wiki.

Fixed two minor bugs, one dealing with the Adventure Items creating errant properties, the second correcting the half magic step calculation.

I also re-uploaded the template libraries, to hopefully help any create their own libs for the ruleset. It (hopefully) illustrates the format for the libraries expected by the ruleset. ((please excuse all the vim comments/fold markers))

With the recent updates to 2.7.2, the drag and drop equipment functions are now working correctly for players and gms.


August 1st, 2012, 08:19
Just curious if anyone was still around who worked on this and willing to look into it? If not, I'm also curious who else is using or is interested in ED 3rd edition? Just curious if we can look into working on this (Even if it involves me diving in myself)

August 3rd, 2012, 15:13
Just curious if anyone was still around who worked on this and willing to look into it? If not, I'm also curious who else is using or is interested in ED 3rd edition? Just curious if we can look into working on this (Even if it involves me diving in myself)

I am using it for ED 3rd at the moment (played last night), and the only noticeable difference is the inclusin of the D20 in the step progression.

Otherwise, the only issue we have found is that the number of available Recovery Tests doesn't reduce when you use one!

August 5th, 2012, 22:13
I'm still around, though mostly lurking these days as real life has caught up with me, so I haven't had an abundance of spare time. The group I'm playing in moved on from ED a quite a while back, so I haven't looked into this ruleset in quite some time, though I'm glad to hear it is still being used.

I don't recall the step differences in ED 3rd, it's possible that an option could be added to use ED 1&2 or ED 3rd I think... Assuming that is the major difference... It's also been a fair amount of time since I last looked at code for rulesets, so I'm probably very rusty. I also never got into adding overall ruleset options governed by the GM. As much as I would like to, I'm not sure if I can promise any timeline for an update right now. Time permitting, I can see what I can do.

On the Recovery Test count; That was actually a design decision, as I recall. There are occasions when you may roll your recovery step without it actually counting as a daily use, or you may be granted extra Recovery steps, a free recovery roll, etc. So I decided to use the mousewheel modifiers to track these changes to the recovery step, keeping them fairly visible to the player and gm, without having to go back and refund a use. Seemed to keep the book keeping easier all told. (maybe a global option or even a player option could be used to change the behavior)


August 5th, 2012, 22:43
I'm still around, though mostly lurking these days as real life has caught up with me, so I haven't had an abundance of spare time. The group I'm playing in moved on from ED a quite a while back, so I haven't looked into this ruleset in quite some time, though I'm glad to hear it is still being used.

I don't recall the step differences in ED 3rd, it's possible that an option could be added to use ED 1&2 or ED 3rd I think... Assuming that is the major difference... It's also been a fair amount of time since I last looked at code for rulesets, so I'm probably very rusty. I also never got into adding overall ruleset options governed by the GM. As much as I would like to, I'm not sure if I can promise any timeline for an update right now. Time permitting, I can see what I can do.

On the Recovery Test count; That was actually a design decision, as I recall. There are occasions when you may roll your recovery step without it actually counting as a daily use, or you may be granted extra Recovery steps, a free recovery roll, etc. So I decided to use the mousewheel modifiers to track these changes to the recovery step, keeping them fairly visible to the player and gm, without having to go back and refund a use. Seemed to keep the book keeping easier all told. (maybe a global option or even a player option could be used to change the behavior)


Good work by the way! It is a pleasure to use.

The only real differences between ED (earlier) and ED3 is:

Step 10 goes from D10+D6 to 2D8
Step 14 goes from D20+D4 to 2D12
Step 15 onwards replaces the D20 and D4. I can PM you the new dice steps if you want.

I hadn't found the mousewheel modifiers yet, but that is a great idea.

August 6th, 2012, 23:00
Thanks very much.

So basically the averages are the same, but the chances to min or max the dice have changed? At least by my basic math, it would seem that step 10 is still average 9 on the dice, and step 14 is an average of 13. Yeah, if you wouldn't mind a listing of the new steps could be useful if I can find some time.

The mousewheel modifiers are pretty much on most numbers/steps to make temporary bonuses much easier to deal with during play.

Hopefully things like the automatic linking of attributes, etc, aren't to convoluted when setting up talents,skills, items on the combat tab, etc. (always knew I shoulda made a manual..heh)


August 7th, 2012, 09:57
Thanks for coming out of the woodwork. Your framework is fantastic for doing what we need. I may see what I can do to tweak it here and there. And if you don't mind answering some newbie coder questions.. that would be great.

My first task, a simple one mind you, is going into the skill boxes and removing the "circle" from the listing. Small tweaks like that. I'm sure it's easy as soon as I grasp how to understand the XML.

Again though, fantastic job.

August 12th, 2012, 23:24
Drat, just closed browser without thinking... will try and recreate what I had put together...lol

Is Circle for Talents and Skills no longer relevant? As far as I remember, esp for Talents, knowing what circle it was acquired was important for legend cost and advancement. Similar for skills as well I thought..

To remove Circle from Skills, there are basically 3 places you will have to edit/comment/remove.

charsheet_skills.xml about line 37 has the list header entry for Circle, and about line 393 has the textlistitemvalue for Circle.

charsheet_templates.xml holds all the little boxes/spellcards/popups that are on most list items, found by using the little magnifying glass or double clicking the name/description field.

Around line 1351 you will find the windowclass called skillfull, and below that around line 1721 is the labeledstring for circle.

Keep in mind that commenting these will cause any existing characters in your db.xml to have values for circle in these, but it will inaccessible. I am unsure what this would do to a current character, so please back up your existing campaign first.

If I may... I suggest copying the ruleset to a different name and creating a new test campaing while you are working with it, so that no existing characters/campaign info will get damaged.

I will try and be around and help as much as time permits:)


August 12th, 2012, 23:28
Is Circle for Talents and Skills no longer relevant? As far as I remember, esp for Talents, knowing what circle it was acquired was important for legend cost and advancement. Similar for skills as well I thought..

For ED3 at least, it is still vital. You are right that advancement cost is dependent on the circle at which you purchase the talent.

August 13th, 2012, 13:21
I had a go lat night at updating the dice steps, as we are playing an all-weekend ED game this weekend.

I edited the step_action_lookup.lua file with the new dice (up to step 40), but i guess scripting is not my strongpoint, and it just seemed to crash the ruleset! I assume there is more to edit than just the lookup details.

August 13th, 2012, 22:10
That's really all you should have to edit..

Based on:

Step 10 goes from D10+D6 to 2D8
Step 14 goes from D20+D4 to 2D12
Step 15 onwards replaces the D20 and D4.
In step_action_lookup.lua:

@ line 115:

elseif stepnum == 10 then
return {"d10","d6"}, 0;
should become:

elseif stepnum == 10 then
return {"d8","d8"}, 0;

Let me know if it keeps giving you hassles and I may try and get that updated for you...


August 13th, 2012, 22:28
Thanks for that.

That was the only file i changed, and only changed the dice "numbers". I get the error:

"Script Error: [String "scripts/step_action_lookup.lua"]: 1 '=' expected near '>>'

I could actually send you the lua i suppose. If there is a simple error there, i don't mind updating the rest of the steps

August 15th, 2012, 04:01
I've been working on this for about a week now. I'm not a programer by any sense of the word but I dabble a bit. I have the new 3d edition steps in there and it seems to be working just fine. I also modified the /step command to handle step 0 to not return an error. When you type /step and a number higher than 40 it defaults to 40. Still working on getting the character sheet to do the same. I can send you my modifications if you would like or just show you how.

I also borrowed some code from the 4E rule set and got the hex map to work right. My big thing right now is trying to set up modules for monsters and talents/skills. The monsters work great but I'm having trouble with the talents. I'm using the "reftalentfull" template to display the ta in the library but if the formatted text is too long to fit on the screen it doesn't allow scrolling. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. If I open the template using /openwindow reftalentfull and type info in manually it scrolls just fine, just not when I pull the data in from a module. If i ditch the formattedtextfield and use a stringfield it scrolls fine but I can't use links to other talents and things using a stringfield.

August 15th, 2012, 04:47
I've been working on this for about a week now. I'm not a programer by any sense of the word but I dabble a bit. I have the new 3d edition steps in there and it seems to be working just fine. I also modified the /step command to handle step 0 to not return an error. When you type /step and a number higher than 40 it defaults to 40. Still working on getting the character sheet to do the same. I can send you my modifications if you would like or just show you how.

I also borrowed some code from the 4E rule set and got the hex map to work right. My big thing right now is trying to set up modules for monsters and talents/skills. The monsters work great but I'm having trouble with the talents. I'm using the "reftalentfull" template to display the ta in the library but if the formatted text is too long to fit on the screen it doesn't allow scrolling. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. If I open the template using /openwindow reftalentfull and type info in manually it scrolls just fine, just not when I pull the data in from a module. If i ditch the formattedtextfield and use a stringfield it scrolls fine but I can't use links to other talents and things using a stringfield.

Good job! Just be careful that is how you get hooked. ;)

August 15th, 2012, 04:58
I think it's too late for that. :D

I have some experience with Lua from messing around with WoW addons. XML is sort of new for me but it doesn't seem too difficult. I've been wanting to update this ruleset to 3rd edition for awhile now and finally have some time to do it. I'm more than happy to share what I do but just don't expect anything too fancy.

Edit: Oh, and I fixed my talent problem. Forgot to inclose the data in <p></p>. So silly.

August 15th, 2012, 07:33
Welcome to the club. We all had to start somewhere. I know that is how I got caught up in it.

Just keep taking small steps and before you know it you will feel pretty comfortable digging into most things. Also don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them. There are a lot of very helpful people here.

Good job tracking it down and don't feel too silly. I know I've had my share of silly mistakes. :p

August 15th, 2012, 09:10
I've been working on this for about a week now. I'm not a programer by any sense of the word but I dabble a bit. I have the new 3d edition steps in there and it seems to be working just fine. I also modified the /step command to handle step 0 to not return an error. When you type /step and a number higher than 40 it defaults to 40. Still working on getting the character sheet to do the same. I can send you my modifications if you would like or just show you how.

I could use that for this weekend!

Why have you defaulted steps above 40 to 40 though? I agree there are not many occasions where it will matter, but it would be useful to have the steps above 40 available.

August 15th, 2012, 09:19
3rd edition only seems to go to 40. I haven't found any charts that go above that. I only have the 4 core books though. Speaking of, I think I need to get a list together of what needs to be done to update the 2nd edition ruleset to the 3rd. I know the talents/skills need to have the actions changed. It's no longer a simple yes/no. There are free, simple, standard and sustained actions. The karma system is a bit different now too. The die rolled is always a d6 until you're warden or higher then it becomes a d8. Race does play a part in your maximum number of karma though. I'm sure there is at least a few more and I'll take some time to get a list together. Until then, I'll send you the updated steps and the chat handler for the rolls.

August 15th, 2012, 12:10
3rd edition only seems to go to 40. I haven't found any charts that go above that. I only have the 4 core books though. Speaking of, I think I need to get a list together of what needs to be done to update the 2nd edition ruleset to the 3rd. I know the talents/skills need to have the actions changed. It's no longer a simple yes/no. There are free, simple, standard and sustained actions. The karma system is a bit different now too. The die rolled is always a d6 until you're warden or higher then it becomes a d8. Race does play a part in your maximum number of karma though. I'm sure there is at least a few more and I'll take some time to get a list together. Until then, I'll send you the updated steps and the chat handler for the rolls.

Edit: I'll just attach them here.

Thanks for that. You are right about the steps above 40 not being listed. I was going to use the dice roller at the Earthdawn Compendium to compile my own list and update those steps.

I don't worry too much about the action type as far as automation goes, i find it easier just to rule that in play. And you can already change the Karma step on the front page as necessary.

August 15th, 2012, 14:10
I have just realised where one of my problems might be. I am using the 2E PAK version rather than the 137 version. The files above just caused that to crash, and i think i used the 137 file but put it in the 2E PAK etc etc

I might just stick with the 2E steps because when i tried changing even the steps 1, 2 and 3 of the 2E lua, it also gave error codes.

And i can't change to the 137 version as all of the images, maps, characters etc are in the 2E campaign!

August 15th, 2012, 18:11
There may be something else going on then. If you're using the pak version from the wiki then it should still work as it is simply version 136. I just downloaded the pak version and updated it with the two files i sent you and it seems to work fine. Are you putting those two files in a separate folder or are you opening the pak and then overwriting the old scripts? Are you getting the "Script Error: [String "scripts/step_action_lookup.lua"]: 1 '=' expected near '>>'" error when you use my updated tables?

August 15th, 2012, 19:01
There may be something else going on then. If you're using the pak version from the wiki then it should still work as it is simply version 136. I just downloaded the pak version and updated it with the two files i sent you and it seems to work fine. Are you putting those two files in a separate folder or are you opening the pak and then overwriting the old scripts? Are you getting the "Script Error: [String "scripts/step_action_lookup.lua"]: 1 '=' expected near '>>'" error when you use my updated tables?

I am overwriting the files in the PAK and get (attached screenshot)

All very strange

August 15th, 2012, 19:06
I'm not sure what's going on then. You can just try to restore the original file and maybe just use the updated step action table. It's only data really so shouldn't have any affect on your other stuff.

Oh, and I'd make a backup of your campaign somewhere just to be on the safe side. :)

Edit: I thought of something else. It could be something in your campaign. Try to load a fresh test campaign and see if you run into the same problem. If so you may be stuck with the old step system unless you want to transfer all of your stuff into a new campaign.

August 17th, 2012, 08:35
I'm not sure what's going on then. You can just try to restore the original file and maybe just use the updated step action table. It's only data really so shouldn't have any affect on your other stuff.

Oh, and I'd make a backup of your campaign somewhere just to be on the safe side. :)

Edit: I thought of something else. It could be something in your campaign. Try to load a fresh test campaign and see if you run into the same problem. If so you may be stuck with the old step system unless you want to transfer all of your stuff into a new campaign.

Fixed it! It was being being a newbie at this. I was just adding the new file using winzip, but as soon as i tried using the PAK creation utility to package the new files, it worked perfectly!

August 17th, 2012, 08:45
Great! Let me know if there is anything else you need. I've only changed a few things, such as the aforementioned hex map fix. I've also changed the text type from string to formatted text for both versions of the talent templates so I only have to have one description in my modules instead of both a string and a formatted text.

August 20th, 2012, 11:37
So i ran a 16 hour ED3 game over FG last weekend, and the ruleset was superb! The new dice steps are much better as you no longer have the extremes of D4 and D20.

One option we did use from ED3 that is not supported at present is the minimum damage rule. If you score a good result, you will do at least your step damage. However, you cannot then "create" a result in the chat window to drag to the relevant armour/damage place on the combat tracker, instead having to do th emental calculation. In addition, the damage applied does not appear in the chat window.

Does anyone know a way of producing a specified dice result in the chat window?

August 20th, 2012, 21:10
You should be able to type a number in the modifier box and then drag it into the chat window. From there you can move it over to one of the armors or straight to the damage box to have it apply damage.

Anyway, a 16 hour game? That sounds awesome! I'd love to hear any other input you have since I still have yet to actually run a game in FG2 for Earthdawn. I'm just finally in a place in my life I can relax and devote myself to gaming again.

August 20th, 2012, 23:23
You should be able to type a number in the modifier box and then drag it into the chat window. From there you can move it over to one of the armors or straight to the damage box to have it apply damage.

Anyway, a 16 hour game? That sounds awesome! I'd love to hear any other input you have since I still have yet to actually run a game in FG2 for Earthdawn. I'm just finally in a place in my life I can relax and devote myself to gaming again.

Thanks for that, i had never used that trick!

It went very very well indeed. I used Mists of Betrayal, and had 4 players. We managed to get through 3/4 of the whole session, even allowing for a short lunch/dinenr break. The ruleset automation held up superbly, with most combats taking less than 1/2 hour. One of the players had never played ED before either, with the others having about 6 hours online experience.

We would normally meet up every 3 months or so for a 2 day game, but are finding it more difficult to arrange these, so will probably have a full day game evry couple of months and meet up in person when we can

August 21st, 2012, 00:47
Wow! 16hr game, that's a torture test for any ruleset, glad to hear it held together... no odd memory leaks, etc..

Another quick method to getting a result number is by typing /die # in the chat box.

/die 5
/die 205 some text here (to add a description)

will give you just those numbers as a usable drag and drop score..

also typing /step 10 will roll step 10 for you as well

/step 10 some text here (also works for descriptions)

Yeah, knowing the target number would be required to know what type of success was generated, didn't yet have a good way to discern that, probably would have felt cumbersome.. I keep thinking that there was something in the success level table that kept it from being simple math, and having to program in a large table seemed overkill at the time...


August 21st, 2012, 03:35
I was going to start with a manual table and then go from there. According to one of the developers (read about it here (https://www.loremerchant.com/?page_id=104)) it is based on probabilities and isn't easily calculable. So I think a static table is the way to go.

I was thinking some sort of window you can type the target number and drag the result into to determine the success level. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it but I'm thinking it should be easy enough to implement. Maybe even a simple slash command "/success (roll) (target)" and have it output in chat the success level.

August 21st, 2012, 11:43
I was going to start with a manual table and then go from there. According to one of the developers (read about it here (https://www.loremerchant.com/?page_id=104)) it is based on probabilities and isn't easily calculable. So I think a static table is the way to go.

I was thinking some sort of window you can type the target number and drag the result into to determine the success level. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it but I'm thinking it should be easy enough to implement. Maybe even a simple slash command "/success (roll) (target)" and have it output in chat the success level.

The Rolemaster ruleset has an option where a roll can be made, and the GM can right click and choose the "Resolve" option, which then looks up the attack/critical on the appropriate table and reports the result. That may be an option?

It was not a major hassle, but i suppose it would be a good addition to an already fine ruleset

August 22nd, 2012, 00:11
I'll take a look at my options and see what's most viable for that. Bare minimum I'll put an in-game chart in.

Alright, another thing I've changed is removing the automatic willforce use in spell effects. 3rd edition's willforce has a strain cost (unlike 2nd ed which had no negative effects to using it) so it shouldn't always be used. The effects of willforce can be added in the combat tab, you'll just have to have two per attack, one with and one without willforce (Unless I can somehow make it a check box option).

Anyway, Kirbol, is there any reason to use a formatted text for spell/talent/skill references and a string for the character sheet version? I changed all of mine to formatted texts so it's easier to copy over from the reference to the character sheet without having to type up to separate descriptions. It just seems overly complex to me I just wanted to know if there was a technical reason for it I should be aware of.

August 29th, 2012, 19:22
There was a reason for that in the way that prior versions of FG handled formattedtext vs stringtext within a listitem. I could not get them to copy from the Library into the skills tab. It would just drop the text. So I added the string so that a copied version of the ability would have something, and when making the library entry, it only cost me two paste operations instead of one. Honestly, it was one of those minor bugs I meant to check in on when newer releases came out, to see if the need for it could be removed... and um... never got around too....

Does this appear to no longer be required? Are you able to drag and drop formatted text into the list items now?


August 29th, 2012, 21:44
Works perfectly for me! I've manually typed out a lot of skills and talents into a module and they copy over just fine with formatted text. I had to change the templates as well as the lua to accept the formatted text in a drop but it works.

A lot of the changes I've made so far won't be compatible with the v137 as it changes some of the data structure around.

Requires action for skills and talents are now strings as it is more than a simple yes/no.

I've removed the fields for circle and discipline from skills because neither are valid for skills. Changed the description in skills and talents into formatted text.

Removed automatic addition of Willforce from spell effects because it's an on-use ability that takes strain.

Added extra string fields in the character sheet talents/skills/spells next to strain, threads for extra notes, most commonly "(see text)"

Removed indication of general skill since all skills except knowledge and artisan are general and replaced with a default use check box to say it can be used untrained.

Fixed the map to work properly with a hex grid.

Updated steps up to 40.

Carry capacity calculation updated. Removed dexterity penalty on over burden as that doesn't seem to exist in 3rd edition.

Added karma check boxes to the "attacks" list item so you don't have to keep opening and closing each to change your karma options. Although I can't get them to show/hide as they do in "attacksfull". If they are checked and the ability doesn't allow karma it won't roll the karma but the box is still there.

Things that still need doing are:

Reformatting the monster templates to consolidate # attacks and # spells as they simply use # actions, used as they want with spells and attacks. Monsters no longer award a flat number of legend points. They are categorized in circles (like D&Ds challenge rating) such as 1st circle, 3rd circle (1 per 2 characters) and 2nd circle (group).

Need to remove all instances of combat movement/full movement. Full movement is simply double regular movement. I'll probably enter blank spots for other kinds of movement such as flight or swimming.

I made a quick module for the success results table. I tried making it a button in the toolbar on the right but couldn't figure out how to put table in any windows it would pop up. I'd rather implement some sort of drop or "roll against" system to automatically compare the result with the table. I may need your help on that one.

Another thing that would be nice (although not necessary) would be a combat options window to calculate the modifiers for darkness, aggressive attack, etc.

I'll try to put together a package that will add as many changes as I can but still keep ongoing 2nd edition campaigns from breaking. I'll be out of town for about a week though and will work on that when I get back.

September 8th, 2012, 05:53
OK, I've taken some of the basic updates that I've done that would still be compatible with games created in v137 so people who have been using it to play 3rd edition games can enjoy some of the 3rd edition rules. Once I'm done messing with my other changes I'll put together another package that can be used for new 3rd edition campaigns but won't be backwards compatible. It only contains the changed files as this board only lets me upload attachments 9.5 MB and it ends up being 13 with everything. As always, make sure that you back up your rulesets/campaigns before overwriting.. I'd hate for anyone to lose any time because I missed something. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!

Changes are as follows:

Removed automatic addition of Willforce from spell effects because it's an on-use ability that takes strain.

"Borrowed" peices of the 4E ruleset to fix the map to work properly with a hex grid as well as update the icons associated with it.

Updated steps to 3rd edition (With a maximum of step 40).

Carry capacity calculation updated to 3rd edition. Removed dexterity penalty on over burden as that doesn't seem to exist in 3rd edition.

Modified the "/step" chat command to limit at step 40 as well as handle errors when entering in no number or a string.

December 9th, 2012, 05:10
Very minor update. I am looking into a way to get the result levels to show up on their own with a roll. I haven't had too much time to work on it. I would appreciate any help that my fellow Earthdawn fans can offer. In other news, if you haven't seen yet. FASA has taken back the publishing rights to Earthdawn again and is working to revitalize the line!

Changes are as follows:

Fixed proper spell effect calculation on the spells tab.

Added "/result" chat command to easily look up success levels. Usage: /result [target #] [die result #]. It will output if that is a pathetic, poor, average, good, excellent or extraordinary success.

December 9th, 2012, 12:09
Man Earthdawn is my favorite system, I'm so glad to see someone is keeping the ruleset alive!

December 14th, 2012, 09:23
Man Earthdawn is my favorite system, I'm so glad to see someone is keeping the ruleset alive!

This ruleset is an absolute pleasure to use. After a month or so layoff, we got our ED3 going again last night and it just flows!

December 14th, 2012, 18:06
Got the following error while trying to create a campaign for this Ruleset Error: Could not load included file (fonttest.xml) Running most current fg, windows 7 64

December 14th, 2012, 19:43
Sorry about that. I was trying out different fonts and forgot to take it out in my final version. Open up your base.xml file and remove the line:
'<includefile source="fonttest.xml" />'

That should do it!

December 14th, 2012, 20:35
I then get the same thing with graphics.xml and game elements.xml.. should I keep removing until Idon't get the error?

December 16th, 2012, 02:22
You have to install the full v137 from the wiki at https://oberoten.dyndns.org/fgwiki/index.php/Earthdawn then overwrite it with the file I uploaded. The one I posted is merely a patch of the changed files since I am unable to change the wiki or upload the full rule set (it's too large). I went ahead and fixed my previous upload to correct the fonttest.xml error.

December 16th, 2012, 03:31
Doh I feel stupid

December 16th, 2012, 03:42
Well let me know how it runs if you play a game. I have run two recent adventures myself. I definitely miss some of the automation that the 3.5 ruleset has, especially with targeting and the combat tracker. The party list is really a nice touch too. I wonder how hard it would be to integrate those into this ruleset or if it would just be smarter to move this stuff into that... I'll have to look it over and see if either is within my skill range.

December 23rd, 2012, 19:58
One last update before Christmas.

---Version 1.40----
Added result window for GM. To use, click the result table button in the upper right hand corner. From there type in a target number from 2 to 40 in the target # field. The system will capture rolls made and display the success level in the window (pathetic, poor, average, good, excellent, extraordinary). You can also manually type result numbers or drag and drop into the result # field.

It is definitely an improvement over having to type /result. I haven't used it in my game yet but I can see where it will make things run much smoother. As always feedback and suggestions welcome!

September 14th, 2013, 16:32
Any Libraries for this? I'd love to give it a twirl. Looks very thorough!

September 14th, 2013, 16:52
No. I has not been licensed, so no official libraries exist. You can always make your own. If you go to here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/filelibrary/community/rulesets/Earthdawn/ED_lib_template.mod) it will show you an example of the data structure.

September 17th, 2013, 22:16
What about sharing unofficial libraries? :) NPCs custom horrors, magic items etc...

September 18th, 2013, 00:04
I've been using mostly the NPCs out of the GM books. I can throw something together quickly if you want, say some those NPCs and monsters from your page?

September 18th, 2013, 00:34
Wow, That would be amazing! I didn't know people actually visited that page since it has been rotting in cyberspace for decades ;)

September 18th, 2013, 00:45
Did a Google search for Earthdawn NPCs and it was the 2nd on the list. I'm doing 2 NPCs and 2 Monsters so you can see how the database needs to look like to create your own (another way is to create a new campaign, create the NPCs in the campaign then extract the data from the db.xml file that gets created).

September 18th, 2013, 01:53
Ok, rename the file to extension ".mod" and throw it in your modules folder. Sure, you will spend some time setting up for your games if you do it this way. I would suggest importing only reoccurring NPCs as setting up the wall of talents and skills takes a long time. Monsters not so much.

Either case, more Earthdawn in the world is only a good thing. Have fun gaming!

October 7th, 2013, 03:26
Heads up to anyone using this. It looks like this ruleset is broken for Fantasy Grounds 3.0. I made a backup of my FG to test it out and it corrupted the campaign file (yay backups). I will see what I can do to fix it but I am not an advanced coder. I was really just hoping I could rewrite some of this is the Core+ ruleset with some copy/paste from some of the 4E ruleset (Physical, Mystic and Social defenses work very much like Ref, Fort and Will defenses). If anyone wants to test it out make sure you backup everything first and post me any error messages that you find and wherever you find them.

Moon Wizard
October 7th, 2013, 03:54
Can you send me a sample campaign and give me a little more detail on the corruption? ([email protected])

I've been striving to maintain backward compatibility, so I want to look into this.


October 7th, 2013, 08:24
I've tried it and it didn't work but then I didn't get any errors either. The library just doesn't show up.

October 8th, 2013, 00:04

I sent the campaign zips before and after saving in 3.0 for comparison along with my custom ED ruleset (the one I upload here is backwards compatible with the old one, mine is not, I made a lfew formatting changes to mine). I took out the 50MB worth of maps. I hope that doesn't hurt your diagnostics.

Looks like it doing something funky with the tags. On line 11447 of the "after" campaign it closes the <tr> and a <td> early. It is also adding in an extra </td> for good measure.

To get the error all you need to do is open the campaign then exit it again. I also notice that you can not open any modules, it just hangs.


<td><i>Sperethiel </i>(Elf) </td>
<td>6 </td>


</tr> (Elf)</td>

October 10th, 2013, 12:24
The latest FG 3.0 round of fixes seems to solve both the database corruption and the inability to open modules. I think that means it is game on again.

October 11th, 2015, 22:19
I'd like to drop into this thread to let people know that I've been doing a live earthdawn campaign featuring this ruleset (And it's modifications thereof)

I am doing some adjustments in the UI and learning how to work with the code and whatnot as I go. My goal is to make all of the assets "fit" for the GM within the ED 4.0 ruleset that's in the process of getting out. I won't be taking requests, but I do want you to know that I'm willing to share the results as I get further, and looking for collaborators who can get a bit more gritty in the lua side.

For the feedback of the players over our 1.5 year campaign, I have a clear goal with the UI improvements, where it involves a quicker and leaner way to interact.

So far I'm working on the NPCs, and adjusting to work with the character sheet minisheet after that.

Good luck and if anyone is interested in seeing progress on this project, please reply and say hi

October 14th, 2015, 05:32
Welll done and good luck Jacklifear!

October 14th, 2015, 09:02
Excellent news, I'm eager to see what you came up with. I can't help with coding but I might be persuaded to create a theme.
I previously created a Ordo Hereticus Theme for Dark heresy: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20048-Warhammer-40K-Dark-Heresy-Ruleset-for-FG-3-0-Created&p=187659&highlight=#post187659
Let me know if you're interested.

October 15th, 2015, 04:14
It's not anything massive, but this is a screen shot of the revamp of the NPC panel for creatures. A lot of 4.0 involve having more than 3 actions, and knowing why they are relevant. I kept the "Other tab" to list the other abilities, but this way we can see the initial attacks.

The screen shot involves three creatures of my beastmaster (don't mind his rediculous names)
and the three examples of creatures from Earthdawn 4.0 blog post regarding apes.


For those who use this ruleset already, I would like to know your opinions of this change. (I have more to do, but this is my first attempt at "cleaning up the UI" of the program. It has some things that aren't pixel perfect, but I'd love thoughts.

ALSO, @cutlass reply with a screen shot or two of your themes, I would love to reskin this overlay a bit, it's in need of a more earthdawn feel

October 15th, 2015, 08:11
Here are two screenshots from the dark heresy ruleset: