View Full Version : Looking for a group

July 16th, 2010, 08:39
I'm new to D&D entirely... I've played part of a campaign, before my DM up and quit on us, now I'm trying to find a new group, in case he's gone for good... it will be a week from today before I know for sure if he's gone, however...

Unfortunately, my schedule at work is far too erratic to say I'll have such-and-such day off every single week, so the only times I am ALWAYS available are early morning hours, beginning at -6 GMT 11:30...

If anyone is going to run a campaign at such a late hour, please let me know. If I don't play through FG2, I'll never be able to play again, and that will break my heart, I really love getting to play.

July 16th, 2010, 10:28
What genre of game are you looking to play?

I have a Traveller (Scifi) game that plays weekly, Sat 11 pm (GMT) so if my math is right that would be 5pm Saturdays for you.

July 16th, 2010, 17:01
Well if you are looking for D&D 4e you can check this Yahoo group:


They play LFR (Living Forgotten Realms) in many different days and times during the week and there are people from all around the world on it....so you won;t be stuck with a fixed schedule. The down side is that there is no fixed schedule at all and nobody is 100% sure of when a DM will offer a game. But you can alwasy ask for a game during a time and day and see what the group can come up with.