View Full Version : Pathfinder + Skype + FG2 = my new game

July 13th, 2010, 19:35
Ok, guys. I am setting aside the homebrew campaign setting I have run for the past 7 years or so and am starting from scratch. My new game setting (still under construction) is a little more contemporary, a fantasy epic set in an alternate Prussian Empire, so here is a synopsis:

Earth: 1327
It has been over a century since the apocalypse. The ensuing armageddon has subsided and a new peace marches across the land with the establishment of new empires. This peace would not be possible without the beloved help of our new gods. They came to our troubled world and, in exchange only for our devotion, quelled the upheaval of the world. True, there is much chaos still thriving in the land. Beasts never before seen or seen only the the tomes of legend still walk. Wizards arise trying to master the forces of magic that now flood the aether. And the other side can still be glimpsed in lands not yet tamed by the gods' wills. But now this world offers us hope for salvation and a greater promise of the future. So sayeth the gods.

The Earth existed along side other worlds in parallel dimensions. While this world was free of true monsters, magic and careless divine intervention, the nearest parallel world was much different. That world was ruled by petty gods who unleashed floods of power in a vain attempt to prove to each other who was greater. The human followers worshipped them and were consumed by constant holy wars. The creations of the gods worshipped them and were consumed in holy wars. The excess power corrupted the land to create monstrous abominations and pervert otherwise good creations into twisted evil versions of themselves. No where in this world did any government last beyond a generation, when the powerful men who forged it died. No where did something beautiful created by one god go unmolested by the jealousy of another god. And so the world was filled with misery.

Finally, the veil between their world and Earth did weaken and began to allow things to travel from one to the other. And with one final holy war did the bonds between world snap. Lakes, rivers and mountains merged between worlds transforming the land. Whole nations of monsters were dumped into the peaceful countrysides of nations used to war only with distant foes. And some good creatures seeking refuge from a world of terror are met with fear and hatred. The gods from the other side looked at last upon the relative uptopia of earth, with its nations that have stood for hundreds or even thousands of years. They looked at astounding cathedrals and monuments to gods that they could not see. They looked at the bounty of humanity in numbers that were beyond imagination. And they grew covetous.

The gods crept though the veil and spoke to the leaders of the world. They show them the source of the apocalypse and promised that if the old gods were abandoned and that these new gods would be worshipped in their stead that they would halt the chaos, seal up the breach and bring peace once again to the land. Some kings agreed readily. Others were not convinced and still loved the gods of their forefathers. To seal the deal, the new gods offered a way for the kings of the world to ensure their place in a world that had already seen kingdoms fall. The gods would give a blessing of holy power to each of their bloodlines. They would be masters of magic, able to be gods among men. They would pass this power down through their heirs and hold, for all time, their thrones.

The kingdoms of mankind agreed and so began to spread power and stability through the world. One thing the gods had underestimated, however, was the power of noble infidelity. After generations have passed this holy power can now turn up in the oddest of places.

Still, through the effort of will, the gods do keep the breach closed... for the most part. And this will continue so long as it remains in their best interests... hopefully.

This game begins at first level and involves a dungeon. This dungeon should carry the party at least to fifth level (or until the party gets bored with it). Then it goes freeform from there with the party growing to either become vassals of the Prussian empire or striking off to forge their own kingdom.

Each PC will be a bastard of noble lineage and receive sorcerer spellcasting for free (with certain limitations). Pathfinder core plus other classes are negotiable.

We play every other saturday around 2:30pm central time or whenever convenient. We use skype along with Fantasy Grounds, so you can't be timid. We are all older players, so kids need not apply. This is about 50% hack 'n' slash and 50% Role playing, usually but expect the dungeon to be combat focused. The game is in session but its possible to jump in. I have three strong players already but can use two more dependable players.

Message me or reply below with questions or interest. Thanks, and good gaming.

Edit: You can also sign up at the game calendar: pathfinder Gestalt (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=505)

July 14th, 2010, 20:27
OK, if it makes a difference I could start the game off at 3rd level if it means getting two more solid players to add to my three (some of whom are already grumbling about the 1st level blues).

July 25th, 2010, 20:39
well. its been a fortnight. one bump before I give up hope.

July 26th, 2010, 03:40
It sounds like a good background and storyline :). I wish that I had more time to actually join in this game. But I would not give up hope in hosting games. There are lulls in when people are able to play or have already signed up to play in other games and do not have time. A campaign like this would be really fun to play I believe but if no one is interested the first go around, just work on it some more and make it a little better. Just check back here and look to see if anyone is interested.

You can also go around and look for anyone interested in playing a pathfinder game or 3.5 (as its similar enough to get people to play). This might be one of your best bets to get people to join.

I'll keep an eye out for this campaign, whenever I have time to play, and see if you are hosting it then.

Good luck :D

July 26th, 2010, 04:22
I'm not a big fan of post apocalyptic games.

One thing you might try for more response is to put together a little introduction on a free website and throw a link in the message. A little more captivating detail and I'm sure you'll find people.


July 26th, 2010, 05:58
I'm not a big fan of post apocalyptic games.

One thing you might try for more response is to put together a little introduction on a free website and throw a link in the message. A little more captivating detail and I'm sure you'll find people.


Its not truly post apocalyptic in the Mad Max sense. Its more like Forgotten Realms after the Time of Troubles or post-cataclysmic Krynn, which are both technically post-apocalyptic settings as well.

I have made promo pages in the past, but since this is a new setting... I just don't have the shinies to throw up and sell the world yet. I have three players so far and we've gotten to 2nd level already. But a full party would really be excellent. We have had intermittent fourths over the years, but nobody really stuck.

I shall keep trying and when I have enough original stuff, I will link to a splash page. Thanks guys (cpbs too) I appreciate the pep talk.

ps you CAN go to my map thread and see work I've done in the past https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12818

July 29th, 2010, 23:45
Hey guys, I've got a web page up now, giving a bit more detail about the game. Its still a little sparse, but I will try to maintain it as we play.


August 7th, 2010, 06:55
Alright! we now have four players. Just one open slot left. Don't miss out on a great game, contact me to fill that last slot!

"You'd do it for Randolph Scott!"

August 7th, 2010, 23:58
Looks interesting, but the timing is off for me. Screenshots and adventure updates can allow us to play along vicariously.