View Full Version : New to site, new to gaming

July 9th, 2010, 02:13
Hello everyone, I was directed to this fine site from the nice people on the internet. I am new to table top style gaming, I have played very little 3.5 and some 4.0 I would like to continue learning however. I was hoping to find a group to play with. Right now I have more time on my hands then I know what to do with and could play just about any day at any time. If anyone wishes to get back to me, I would LOVE to join a game. Thanks for your time


July 9th, 2010, 02:43
What style of game are you looking for?

I have a Traveller (Sci-fi) game seeking a couple of regular players.


July 9th, 2010, 02:53
well being new to the whole scene im down to try just about anything. The only problem i see is that I don't have manuals for most games. And i'm not sure how hard it is to teach someone something new online. I really am interested in just about anything though

July 9th, 2010, 03:26
The basic mechanics of any game are fairly easy to pick up. The more detailed elements you learn as you play. The only real difficult thing for a learner is the creation of a character. If you can come up with a character concept, then the GM can usually work with you to build a character.

I have setup a site for my campaign, have a look at it and if you are interested then send my a PM and we'll get you started.

GURPS Traveller: The Empty Peace (https://ronnke.ath.cx/the_empty_peace/blog/?page_id=120)