View Full Version : Hello fellow VTT RPGers

June 26th, 2010, 16:20
Just Call me Bleddyn .... I am an avid RPGer and now a retired paratrooper ( medical due to wounds). I am also an entrenched MAC user ( no cat calling okay). I need help ... while I have a BA in Liberal Arts (this translates into computer stupid).

I need help with the following goals yes I have the BRP mod pdf from Foen ( bless his creativity but it reads pashtu to me)

1. Mod the BRP Ruleset for Elric/Stormbirnger
2. Mod the BRP Ruleset to support my Age of Arthur BRP
Find someone to create Tokens for the above games .... I have some graphics already for Elric made..

Let me know if you want to help me the knuckle dragger.
