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View Full Version : Toolset help - new DM

Grey Hunter
June 24th, 2010, 09:45
Hi, I ran my first game last night, and while a lot about the toolset is intuitive, there are a couple of things I can't figure out.

1) - why do my monsters keep going invisible? - I set them to always visable, but last night they reset themselves three or four times - making it confusing for the players

2) Is there any way to mark a target? the fighter tried to mark his two per turn, but while the cleric was somehow able to mark a target, we couldn't see any way for the fighter to do so - what blatent thing am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

June 24th, 2010, 14:17
Now the first one I'm not sure about (are you dragging the tokens into a masked area?), the second should work simply:

All you need is a campaign effect of "Marked (End N)" which the fighter can either drag onto the enemy or target them and double-click. It will automatically apply a -2 Attack modifier for any attack not including the person that applied it as a target.

Instead of using the campagin effect, you could also a situational power with the effect (trgt/all) Marked (End N) and use it in the same way.

June 24th, 2010, 15:26
Now the first one I'm not sure about (are you dragging the tokens into a masked area?), the second should work simply:

All you need is a campaign effect of "Marked (End N)" which the fighter can either drag onto the enemy or target them and double-click. It will automatically apply a -2 Attack modifier for any attack not including the person that applied it as a target.

Instead of using the campagin effect, you could also a situational power with the effect (trgt/all) Marked (End N) and use it in the same way.

Yeah I use situational powers for marking... then you can pop in a "Marked; [Character Name]" (end N), so you can see clearly on the tracker who is marked by who. Especially useful if you have multiple defenders in a party.

Moon Wizard
June 24th, 2010, 19:20
The only challenge with using "Marked; *Character Name*" is that the Marks will not overwrite each other like they will if the effect is just "Marked".

On the NPC visibility item, in the 4E ruleset, the NPC tokens are linked to the combat tracker visibility switch, which overrides the per token visibility settings per the token radial menu. If you need to hide/show NPC tokens, use the NPC visibility toggle button (eye icon above name) in the CT instead.


Grey Hunter
June 25th, 2010, 07:41
Thanks a lot for the answers, that should help a lot.