View Full Version : 3.5 Forgotten Realms

June 20th, 2010, 22:46
Campaign is being put on hold due to myself receiving transfer orders. Will resume at a later date TBD.


Games run every other sat - Noon EST.
Doing this bi-weekly so that everyones saturday is taken up every week due to D&D. I'm a nerd..but I'm not THAT big a nerd.
Setting is Forgotten Realms, 3.5
Starting level would be anywhere from 1st through 6th, depending on the back story I get with your character.
Starting wealth would also depends on back story.
2 flaws/2 traits. (I pick your flaws)
No alignment restrictions, but be prepared to reap what you sew.

No psions, no overly holy and zealous type character races/templates (half-celestial, Astral Deva, etc..), no half-dragon/half devil etc either, but any other class is alright from pretty much any rulebook or supplement book. Those type of combinations rub me the wrong way and I've never had a good experience with any of them. A cleric or paladin who preeches all day or whatever is fine, just nothing overtly divine or diefic as described above.

Level adjustment races are allowed as long as your backstory can support being primarily a surface dweller, at least presently.

June 20th, 2010, 23:08
There are a few ongoing, but none are recruiting as far as I know. However if you are to DM many on this forum would be interested as 3.5 FR is one of the highest sought for game types. I'm in Europe so times may be a challenge, but I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if we can work something out.

June 21st, 2010, 00:49
I could DM.

June 21st, 2010, 01:36
I am also EST and looking for a game in the evenings, preferably Fri or Sat, as the Sat FG game that I participated in just died out.

June 21st, 2010, 05:32
Fri and Sat evenings would work for me. My games tend to last awhile though..2 or 3 hours just isn't enough to really get alot done. I'm about 50/50 with RP vs action.

Setting would be Forgotten Realms, 3.5
Starting level would be anywhere from 1st through 6th, depending on the back story I get with your character.
Starting wealth would also depends on back story.
2 flaws/2 traits.
No alignment restrictions, but be prepared to reap what you sew.
No psions classes, but any other class is alright from pretty much any rulebook or supplement book.
Level adjustment races are allowed as long as your backstory can support being primarily a surface dweller, at least presently.

June 21st, 2010, 23:00
I would also be interested but weekends wont work for me.Ive tons of stuff happenin on the weekends.so if your time frames change as more people become interested,hit me up.Im on mountain time.willing to plat any character but like paladins.

June 21st, 2010, 23:12
I could do a game during the week, but it's have to be early my time. 5pm-ish running no later than midnight.

June 23rd, 2010, 03:31
My problem with weekdays is that I currently am in FG gaming groups scheduled for Monday eve and Thursday eve, with the rest of the weekday evenings dedicated to the wife (kids are all grown up). Friday I can play in the evenings, and I can play on Saturday after my live afternoon game.

I am interested in playing a "monster class" from Savage Species...actually the Astral Deva template, and willing to work with the DM if there are issues regarding any of the class/race abilities. Starting level is not an issue for me, and I'm a fairly good story writer as far as backgrounds go, just give me a bit about the main plot line to start from.

July 8th, 2010, 01:16
Hi, me and a friend were wondering if you would like to start a dnd campaign on Friday or Saturday nights. I found your post and realized the date was June 20th. I hope you are still interested to play. My friend can DM or I can; but if you wanted to that would be great too. If you would like to get back to me that would be great, if not I hope all goes well!
Thank you

July 8th, 2010, 02:21
Hi, me and a friend were wondering if you would like to start a dnd campaign on Friday or Saturday nights. (Hey... that's me! :D )
I would definitely be interested in joining up. I am brand new to Fantasy Grounds and I am excited to get to use it. I would prefer 3.5 Ed as I have only had 1 session experience with 4th Ed and would like to get used to FG first HOWEVER I am open to 4th Ed if that is what every one else would like to use. As far as me DMing... if I am the only one who is willing/able to I suppose I could but I have never used FG in a live setting and would like to get used to it first. Let me know... I am going to PM you my email address. Timezone: -5 Eastern Time

July 11th, 2010, 00:09
Seems there's still a bit of interest. I can run a game on friday or saturday nights. 2-4 players would be my optimum. I don't like larger parties.

If you guys have msn meesenger, or a messenger that's compatible with it, add me at [email protected] and we can get this ball rolling.

July 11th, 2010, 19:23
Shooting for character generation next saturday (24 JUL)at Noon EST. Let me know if this will be possible for those interested.

July 16th, 2010, 00:53
Yes this would be awesome! I will be sure to have the 24th available.

July 16th, 2010, 04:00
While Saturdays in general work for me, on the 24th from noon till 2 PM my wife asks that I accompany her to her work picnic. However, I am available to build my character either before or after that event.

July 17th, 2010, 00:34
I'm definitely interested in a 3.5 FR game. New to online tabletop gaming, but veteran of every P&P game out there almost.

Well, well versed in FR lore and backstory, have ran many campaigns there myself back in my DM'ing days.

Friday evenings or Saturdays both work well for me. East coast here, home around 6 on Fridays and most all day Saturday. Sunday too!

July 17th, 2010, 17:19
Games up, you know how to get ahold of me.

July 17th, 2010, 17:31
What is the game host address? PM me on AIM

July 17th, 2010, 17:41
What's your aim name?

July 17th, 2010, 17:44

July 17th, 2010, 22:20
I'm jb41339 on Yahoo! messenger. I'll try and contact you both. I thought the game wouldn't actually start till next weekend due to a prior post, might be thinking of a different thread though.

Also, I have Skype/Vent/TS, so voice is no problem. I type quasi-fast as well. Not semi, quasi. :D

Really looking forward to playing guys; it's been a while since I've last had the pleasure. Think it was around the time that 4e first came out and I found a group, kinda local, for P&P.

I do not recommend 4e.

Most of the years that I played was as a DM, so I can always help out with whatever as well. Want to be a PC for a bit though, couple concepts I would like to try to build for a character. Really could play just about any class needed for the party, leaning toward either a thief or cleric, with some wizard levels thrown in. Grew up playing 2e, so the class/level system of 3/3.5e seems awfully cool to me.

Hope I'm not too late to get in to the game! :D

July 18th, 2010, 14:53
Sorry Kain, I didn't get your PM till late last night. I did send you a message via messenger at the time though. I could go ahead and start working on my character's backstory, race/class, alignment etc. Is there any class that the party is particularly lacking?

Is the next playing session scheduled for next Saturday?

July 18th, 2010, 21:39
Get ahold of me on MSN. I just got home from my weekends retreat and have msn on almost 24/7 here at my place due to two computers. We can go over the details on msn, but you're more than welcome to play.

Updated the OP.

July 19th, 2010, 00:58
Hello, I am new to FG and have no clue how to get something going although I have played p&p more than once.. I am wondering do I need to buy a light version, I read somewhere that it is possible to connect to a ultimate version without a registered copy? I am very interested and would like to try a game. I play anything available, have played a werewolf-human, a gnome-thief, a computer specialist- human, a shur (deamon/drow), wizard. any help would be greatly appreciated.

July 19th, 2010, 01:24
The ultimate version enables several people to connect, but the specifics are unknown to me. Just to connect to a full version as a player, you need atleast the lite version. Full version to DM, and Ultimate version to host for several people as the DM. I believe the players on an ultimate version don't need to buy anything.

July 19th, 2010, 01:36
thank you for the clarification, so in order for me to do a test run of an online game I will need to buy the lite version?

July 21st, 2010, 01:31
Might be a time change for this weekend. Get ahold of me on MSN or check the OP for an update.

July 23rd, 2010, 03:42
New time, marked on the OP.

10am, Sat JUL 24th, EST

July 23rd, 2010, 14:30
Hey, the earlier the better!

July 25th, 2010, 15:42
First session went well. Updated OP.

July 29th, 2010, 15:52
Bumb for game reminder for Saturday.

July 29th, 2010, 21:25
Be there or be square.

August 2nd, 2010, 16:15
Looking for a couple more solid players for this campaign. Had a couple folks pull a No call/no show and didn't give me any advanced warning, so they're being replaced.

Games take place every saturday at noon EST. Campaign is just under way, only a couple sessions in. Looking for some friendly folks. :)

August 2nd, 2010, 18:35
How long are sessions?

August 2nd, 2010, 18:57
Between 3-6 hours.

August 3rd, 2010, 22:14
Still looking for a couple more solid players.

August 5th, 2010, 01:45
I haven't played forgotten realms in a while, but if you don't mind me relearning it along the way then I can play. What character classes do you currently have? I can play just about anything. send me a pm.

August 5th, 2010, 21:31
Game is a go for saturday. Looks like 4 solid players. Gonna be a good game. :) Wish Kiro could join us :(

August 6th, 2010, 15:49
Game may or may not happen this week. I'm not sure if my phone can handle it, but I'll give it a shot. I won't have the internet hooked up at my new place for about a week or so.

Be online at the normal time and we'll se how it goes.

August 8th, 2010, 14:56
Game went well. Party is set to leave Waterdeep with their first real lead.

The game ended at a perfect moment to include new PC's into the campaign should they wish it. We're still looking for 1 more solid player, but could take up to 3 more total.

August 8th, 2010, 21:23
I'd like to join, but am living in GMT +8. if the game is Saturday night, I could play... It would just be Sunday mornings for me.

Been gaming for over 15 years. Let me know what you think.


August 10th, 2010, 13:55
Check your PM's, spelljammer.

August 12th, 2010, 07:44
My last group I played with was in a FR setting and it went downhill once my DM/brother started getting screwed with hours at work. So I wondered if they had tabletop online and ended up here. Im up for a game on saturdays if you need another person. I can play any character if u want to suggest one to give the group more opportunities or ill use one of my many already created ones and send you the details of the character.

August 12th, 2010, 12:05
Checks your PM's.

August 13th, 2010, 18:30
Ok, got a couple possible players, but you guys aren't checking your PM's. Not much I can do.

Game is on for tomorrow as scheduled.

August 19th, 2010, 14:00
Could use 1 more player.

August 20th, 2010, 22:45
Post poning this weeks session due to players needing to take an absence. Will resume next week (28th Aug), same time as usual.

August 28th, 2010, 04:58
Game is on for tomorrow.

September 6th, 2010, 03:50

I wanted to find out if you were still accepting new players for your sessions? Can you also please confirm the day/times?


September 8th, 2010, 13:58
Hey all, hope the game went well Saturday. Looking forward to the next session. Anyone want to fill me in on this last Saturday's happenings?

September 8th, 2010, 17:48
THoringrad - At present we have 7 players. Atleast 1 player tends to miss a session a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. If space opens up or I feel I can handle 8 players, I'll let you know.

PC's finished the abandoned keep area, identified and divided up the loot. I believe Matt kept notes for your share of the gold and xp. Party made their way back to Luskan to talk to Morganth. Vhaezre talked to him privately twice.

Wonder what they talked about?

Then Morganth revealed alot more about his motives behind finding the stones and an adversary was revealed. Morganth tasked them with another assignment in the Dalelands and teleported the party there.

That's where the session ended. Of course, I left out alot of detail, but nothing you can't fix by asking the party next session.

September 8th, 2010, 19:38
Argh, I knew I was going to miss a lot of story by not making this past session. Can't wait till Saturday, the Dalelands! =D

September 15th, 2010, 13:18
Game is on schedule for saturday.

September 25th, 2010, 16:54
What's the word for the 25th?

Besides CC via LHK?

September 27th, 2010, 14:39
.......whut? Cro Cop via Left High Kick?

September 30th, 2010, 23:39
Are you still looking for players?

October 1st, 2010, 03:01
Yes, Apehlion. We could add one more with a recent loss.

October 1st, 2010, 15:16
Contact me at [email protected]

October 1st, 2010, 16:32
.......whut? Cro Cop via Left High Kick?

Yes. In hindsight, my prediction was way off. :(

Game on for the 2nd?

October 1st, 2010, 18:23
Yea. Might be a short game though. Have a date that evening.

October 2nd, 2010, 18:19
Campaign is being put on hold due to myself receiving transfer orders. Will resume at a later date TBD.

October 2nd, 2010, 19:50
Campaign is being put on hold due to myself receiving transfer orders. Will resume at a later date TBD.

Suit up soldier! Keep us informed and hope all goes well! :D

And tap it once tonight for me! ;)