View Full Version : Looking for a couple playes for a Pathfinder campaign.

June 19th, 2010, 16:40
I recently started a 1st level campaign, with the sole purpose of giving myself a chance to gain DMing experience. The game was designed for 4 players and by the third week we were down to 2. The module i'm running is a fairly easy one, given there is a balanced party of 4. The game is newbie friendly, and casual. It may not last more than a couple weeks, but could become an ongoing campaign if there were enough wanting players. I'm using the Pathfinder rules, which vary very little from 3.5.

1st level any core rulebook race or class.

June 19th, 2010, 23:33
Answer ye these questions three, and perhaps a player on the other side ye see... :D

1) What day are you looking to play?

2) What time are you looking to play?

3) What characters are already established in play?

June 20th, 2010, 01:15
Sory I thought I had a link to the calander
https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=499 thursdays 8pm cdst and players are ranger and a pacifist cleric

June 20th, 2010, 06:30
The cleric is mainly being used because we had no healer and my fighter was pretty much dead the first session. I had to flip to the cleric alt to keep things moving. I'd prefer to switch back to the fighter, but if we can get a couple more to play, and no one wants to run the healer, I can stick with the hippie if the party needs him.

June 20th, 2010, 09:11
Any thing needed to run in this campaign; rulesets, etc?

June 20th, 2010, 17:12
the ruleset will download automatically when you log in. All you really need is the pathfinders players guide.

June 20th, 2010, 18:35
I'm interested, and would play as a paladin. I have good experience with 3.5., but have not played pathfinder yet (although I've already read a little through the handbook). I'm a brazilian, at moment living in Paris, but can communicate reasonably in english.

1. What version and license of FG2 is required?
2. At what day (in the week) and time (in UTC/coordinated universal time format) will the games be on?
3. At what level are the characters?
4. How should I make the character? (attributes, equipment, etc)

June 20th, 2010, 18:56
Ok, I'm in for this one...I'll let you know my char by this week..

June 21st, 2010, 15:27
the ruleset will download automatically when you log in. All you really need is the pathfinders players guide.

I only own the Core Rulebook so am not sure if I am equipped to play Pathfinder.

I am +1 GMT (Stockholm) so not sure but would that be too late for me to join the game?

Was looking to play a Wizard or a Rogue.

Let me know.

June 21st, 2010, 18:33
I only own the Core Rulebook so am not sure if I am equipped to play Pathfinder.

I am +1 GMT (Stockholm) so not sure but would that be too late for me to join the game?

Was looking to play a Wizard or a Rogue.

Let me know.

That would be 3am for you. Pathfinder rules are easy to catch on to it's basically d20 3.5 a can send you the pathfinder rules vai IM

June 21st, 2010, 18:36
That would be 3am for you. Pathfinder rules are easy to catch on to it's basically d20 3.5 a can send you the pathfinder rules vai IM

3am? Ouch. I guess I am out.

Thanks anyways for the opportunity. A damn shame that.

June 22nd, 2010, 21:09
Sorry, Friday 03:00 AM won't be possible for me. I'm out.

King Joey
June 24th, 2010, 08:55
I'm in but quick question: the genre says "Classic Fantasy"; does that mean we use the classic fantasy 15 point ability purchases?

I'm leaning towards a non-pacifist Cleric, but I can do something else if need be.

June 25th, 2010, 00:35
yes 15 point ability purchase unless you would rather roll. If you create your character off-line be sure to use the d20_JPG ruleset so you can import it in to the campaign.

June 29th, 2010, 22:16
If you're still looking for players, I may be interested. My only question is, how long do your sessions typically run? It sounds like you'd be starting at 9pm my time, and I do have to work on Friday mornings...
Also, if it makes a difference, I do have the PF books, but haven't actually played any type of rpg in years. And I've never used this program at all. (I'll download it if this works out).

June 29th, 2010, 23:02
No worries, they tend to last a couple hours, if that. This is a bit of a learning game anyway, seeing as some of us players haven't tried the pathfinder game either. Neither your work schedule, nor your lack of experience should be a real problem.

June 29th, 2010, 23:17
Cool. I'll download the program now and see how much I can figure out on my own.

June 30th, 2010, 21:01
I would be interested in playing if you still have spots open. I haven't use the FG2 program yet and have only downloaded the demo version to date.

If you still have a spot open, could I use the demo FG2 to play so that I can see if I wish to purchase a license?

June 30th, 2010, 21:23
Well, I believe that the DM has a standard DM license, so the demo would not work as far as I know. Only the unlimited license lets you play using the demo. Not 100% on that, but pretty sure.

June 30th, 2010, 23:07
Still looking for more? I can be in this game.