View Full Version : Losing encounter detail info

June 16th, 2010, 14:56
Hi there,

I've just started using FG and am planning for my first campaign to use the 4E Scales of War series.

I've successfully got to grips with the 4E Parser (Thanks Tenien - what a lifesaver!) and have parsed in all the core rulebooks that I need.

I've also used DrZeuss' wonderful SOW XSLT tranform (Thanks!) to create the story and encounter text files and parsed these into a Rescue at Rivenroar module.

So far so good.

However the encounters just have the number and type of creature in them - no link through to the correct npc from the monster manual - no worries - I open up the library and drag and drop the right monster entry onto the existing encounter entry ..... no, that creates a NEW creature entry in the same encounter - it doesn't link to the existing one.

OK - I re-parse the adventure module without the encounters.txt and try again. Open up the relevant story entry which already has a link to an encounter - click this and it creates a new encounter. So I rename it, enter the level and XP, drag in the right creatures from the (parsed) monster manual , assign some tokens and then move on to the next story entry, next encounter etc.

I save the campaign and close FG.

Next time I open up the campaign, in the encounter list there are the right number of encounters, but they're all called 'New Encounter'. They all have the right number of creatures in them, but no descriptions, no links to the MM and no tokens.

I'm now going to delete all of those encounters and try again to create them from scratch without first clicking the link on the story from the module - I'll see if they stay, then try linking the existing encounters back into the story entries and see if that works.

Before I go through all of that again, am I doing somethingfundamentally wrong here? Am I trying to do the impossible?



June 16th, 2010, 22:24
No you aren't doing anything impossible. What your problem probably is is that your encounter lists are out of sync with your monster referance list(s). I'm guessing as I have not used or looked at DrZeuss' SOW XSLT transform.

Cutting to the chase, DrZeuss' SOW XSLT mostly like makes an encounter link using a certain path to the monsters. If open up the Rescue module db.xml file you should be able to see the path. For some reason your monsters are not in the same place as where the path is.

Most likely the XSLT transform assumes you have monsters in personalities of the module and you don't have them there or it assumes you don't have monsters in the personalities of the module and assumes your monster reference modules are named a certain way internally.

Any almost any case a mass find and replace of the path name in the encounter lists of the Rescue module db.xml will probably fix it. Please be aware that mass find and replace operations are inherently risky operations and you need to limit the change to the right area of the dm.xml file. Make *sure* you make a back up copy of the db before you try it.