View Full Version : New and Looking

June 15th, 2010, 15:10

My name is Izzy and I am pretty new to Fantasy Grounds as well as these types of role-playing games. I am looking for a group that will be willing to play with a newbie and have to endure showing me the ropes. Although, I am a fast learner and will not fail to meet the dates set.

I am in California, US so i believe that is GMT -8. I am pretty much available what ever times due to it being summer and don't have college summer school.

It doesn't really matter what type of game is being run, I just want the experience and want to have fun!


June 16th, 2010, 12:49
Our Sunday night group (link below) is starting up a Pulp Sci-fi game (probably last about 6 to 8 sessions) using the FATE system. It would equate to a Sunday afternoon game for you.

June 17th, 2010, 04:01
Alternatively, you could join my Wed game, if you want. Its a 3.5/d20 game based on a module called Rappan Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves. We've been going through characters fairly frequently, and it is designed to be hard, but it IS survivable :) It is mostly a dungeon crawl, so it is a good way to learn the mechanics if that's your goal. It starts between 4-5pm central (gmt-6) on Wed. If interested, give me a message, or go to the calendar page.


June 19th, 2010, 16:16
I just started running a campaign a few weeks ago I had a couple players drop out I'm just running the game to get familliar with Pathfinder and get some Gamemastering experience under my belt. Xaotic is more experienced a dm than myself and if his game isnt to early for you I would sugggest geting in on it. If you need a game that starts a little later and just want casual game that will help get you familliar with the system. The link to the game calander is below
I can send you all the Pathfinder info you need if you have a instant messenger like Yahoo or skype. Pathfinder is basically a revamped version of 3.5. most everything is the same, a few skills have changed and not much else. If you have any familiarity with 3.5 you should be just fine. If you don't have any experience at all that's fine too, the campaign I'm running was supposed to be geared for new newbies, since I am one. Luckily I have Xaotik in the campaign to help with all teh newby questoins. If you're inrested just pm me.

June 25th, 2010, 15:56
If you weren't serious about actually playing, you shouldn't have wasted both our time by making a character and then not showing up. Or, if only to be polite, at least tell the DM you aren't interested anymore so that they can plan accordingly.

June 25th, 2010, 22:29
Hmmm, not sure we need this in a introductory thread... :(

@OhhIzzy, I wish you the best in finding a game, any preferences, Fantasy, Sci-Fi...?