View Full Version : (nice, friendly, switched on) Player looking for a Game -4e

June 3rd, 2010, 22:19
Hey there! I just bought FG this afternoon. I'd like to get into a game that was running on weeknights European time. I'm living in Spain, so GMT+1.

I have watched all the tutorials and have been pottering around on the program. I'm a fast learner.

I have a good mastery of the 4e system and as a fellow DM (who is dying to finally get a chance to play), I promise to be a very cooperative and well mannered player. My character promises to be cooperative, the manners... depends on the situation and who he is talking to.

I'd like to play a Dragonborn Warlord, but I'm totally relaxed playing anything to fit the needs of the group or the restrictions of the campaign setting.

When I master the program fully I'd also be looking to setting up my own campaign, where my DM would be the first person invited to the virtual table!

I know there are loads of people looking for games and less games going on (and those that are are in the States) so I doubt this post will bear much fruit, but here's a few lines about me:

I'm a 31 year old married father of two. I'm a kiwi, born in New Zealand, but I've been living in Spain for over 6 years. I'm an artist with a wide variety of interest from science fiction novels to rugby. I began playing d&d since I was 13. I DM a pen and paper 4e Campaign I like to call the Broken Realms which gets together about twice a month. I've always been DM but never the bride... er. No, I mean, never the player. I'd be stoked to play on the other side of the screen.