View Full Version : GURPS 4E World War 2 Monthly Game

June 2nd, 2010, 21:22
I am looking for players interested in joining up with the 82nd Airborne in their epic battle across Europe in 1944. (This is a reboot of a GURPS World War II campaign that I started with some friends last year, but stagnated when players were taken away by real life.)

Characters will play members of Baker Company, 2nd Battalion, 510th Regiment, 82nd Airborne, aka, Bakers Bastards. The campaign itself is based in reality, but there will be significant modifications (the PC's will end up in places the 82nd didn't simply because it would be fun to participate in a battle, small decisions will be made that will alter the time line, etc).

While the setting will necessarily involve a large amount of combat, I am looking for mature (18+) players who enjoy Role Playing just as much (I don't want combat to be the sole focus of the game. In fact there will definitly be game sessions without a single shot fired).

BTW, even though the material can be serious in nature, I'm a very laid back person and want to have fun while playing, so therefore I will definitly try to lighten the mood so we're not all somber, sad players:)

Game Information: We will be using GURPS 4E. I'm still a relative newbie to GMing this, so we will be starting 'rules lite', ie, we'll introduce rules as we go along to insure that no one is confused or overwhelmed.

If you're a newbie to GURPS, you're still welcome to play. We'll try to help you along the best we can.

Playing Times: I am aiming for a once a month game (due to real life, anymore then that and the quality *snerk* of the game might degrade). The exact time of game play is something we'd have to work out amongst the players. I am in the American Eastern Time Zone and we'd probably shoot for an evening time (say 8pm to 11pm).

Requirements: I have a Full Version of Fantasy Grounds, so I will need players who have at least Lite Versions in order to play (unless someone wants to buy me a Ultimate Version :D)

There is no need for a microphone, as I intend to run this all text based. Sure, some things might go slower, but I think we'll still have fun.

It would be great if all the players had access to the GURPS 4E Character book, simply so that the GM doesn't have to constantly pause and look things up for others.

The Website (https://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/bakers-bastards) <-- I've created an obsdian portal site to give some basic information about the game. I'll setup forums in the near future as well.

Bonus! Every character will have a custom Order of the Stick style token made for their PC :)


If you're interested, post here and we'll see if we can't get the ball rolling.

June 2nd, 2010, 22:33
Oh I'm interested all right. I have a monthly shift pattern that means keeping all sorts of strange hours. So there is a good chance I'll be able to play regularly even though I live in GMT.

June 3rd, 2010, 02:59
I'm interested, though I'm not familair with the 4E GURPS rules. I have the full license, but have yet to play a game :(

June 3rd, 2010, 14:25
I'm interested, though I'm not familair with the 4E GURPS rules. I have the full license, but have yet to play a game :(

Gurps is rather easy to learn (there's some advanced rules that can be confusing, but I add those in as necessary). And I'm willing to teach new folks, since after all I learned from someone here :)

The easiest way to learn is to look at the Gurps 4E Lite Rules (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/Gurps/GURPS-4th-Lite.pdf).

However, if you intended to play and make a full character, I'd highly recommend the Gurps 4E Basic Characters book (https://e23.sjgames.com/item.html?id=SJG31-0001). It'd be hard to make a well rounded character without that in my opinon.

June 5th, 2010, 21:37
I'd love to join, but it'd start 2:00 am where I live, so I have to fold

June 9th, 2010, 09:10
Any advance on two players? Would you be willing to run a game with just two?

June 9th, 2010, 13:50
I don't think it'd work out with only two players sadly. I put out some feelers and should know in a day or two if I can get some more folks. If not, well, I'll have to shelve this one for the time being. :/

Maybe it'll pop up again under another game system with more people playing (I'm looking at Savage Worlds right now, so that's a possibility).

June 9th, 2010, 14:11
I'm interested, regardless if it is GURPS or Savage Worlds.

June 11th, 2010, 18:02
I am interested, but i am new to GURPS as well I have been reading up on it. My timezone is PST and Saturdays are usually a no go. Please PM me if this thing takes off.


June 11th, 2010, 19:41
I'm fairly interested as well and am considering rolling up a character if this goes foward.

June 11th, 2010, 19:47
Right now I'm looking at 4-6 players (I have a friend outside of these forums who intends to play). That would be a good amount for me. After this weekend I'll probably start working on getting the ball rolling for this.

BTW, for those who havent played Gurps before, the first mission is going to be a basic training. It's purpose is to help figure out the rules and 'wont count', as in, if we play it and you don't like how your character was made or want to make changes, you'll have a chance after that.

June 12th, 2010, 00:17
I'm interested, and I have had an opening in my game schedule, but I'm way out of your TZ so I would need a better picture of when you plan to run your sessions

June 16th, 2010, 01:51
Okay, sorry it took me so long to get back to this (there's some hectic RL stuff right now). I suppose before we go forward with anything we should see what peoples schedules are like. Someone may find themselves unable to play if we have to play on one day and they can't make it then.

ronnke was kind enough to set up a scheduling calender for this game so that we can see everyones availability out which day of the week would work best (Keep in mind this is probably going to be once a month, but I like to have a day of the week so that we're not constantly working around).

Go to this site (https://ronnke.ath.cx/sessionplanner/?SessionKey=1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc), enter your name, choose your timezone, and then click on the times that you are available. Once we get people putting up their schedules, we're start figuring things out and moving forward.

(The scheduler is set with GMT timezone, so for those unaware in America:
Eastern: GMT -4 (for daylight savings at least)
Central: GMT -5
Mountain: GMT -6
Pacific: GMT -7)

June 16th, 2010, 02:03
Posted my general availability.

June 16th, 2010, 23:42
Still interested, but as the scheduler is on a weekly basis and I work a four week 24 hour shift pattern, I cant really make use of it.

June 17th, 2010, 00:02
It's more of a rough schedule, if there's a way you can estimate days when you'd be available, that'd be nice. Otherwise, it won't be a big deal if people miss once in a while.

June 17th, 2010, 00:18
Sure. I'll PM you a copy of my four week shift pattern. Ill have to modify it from GMT to your time zone, but it shouldnt be a problem. Ill be on a blacksmithing course over the weekend though, so you should have it by Monday.

June 19th, 2010, 01:14
I have setup some simple forums for the WWII campaign. Nothing fancy, but it should help. There's not much there, but if you're serious about joining th campaign, feel free to go and sign up.


June 22nd, 2010, 20:52
Good news. Im free from Sunday this week through to about the 15th of July as Im on annual leave. The only exception being a week tomorrow, when I have to work a single night shift. :(

July 4th, 2010, 13:40
Wondering if you still had any openings for this game. My schedule is pretty open for the most part. I haven't played GURPS 4e yet but I do have the books and have been interested in trying it out.

August 20th, 2010, 04:29
I would be interested in playing in this campaign. I am in Central Time (-6 GMT/UT). I generally work M-F 9-5 and get home around 6PM Central Time.

I own all the GURPS 4th ed books (and quite a few 3rd ed books for that matter). I'm fairly familiar with GURPS but have not had very many oppurtunities to play it. I want to get involved in several GURPS campaigns as a player so that I can get more familiar with the rules and prepare to run my own GURPS campaigns.

June 23rd, 2021, 17:15
How many character points do the PCs get, and what is the Disadvantage Limit? Are realistic and cinematic Martial Arts, Magic, and Psionics allowed? What's the tech level, mana level, and control rating? Which book has the game setting?

What days and times will you be playing??? I'm available:
Sundays: after 5:30 pm Pacific
Mondays: any time
Tuesdays: any time
Wednesdays: any time
Thursdays: any time up until 6:00 pm Pacific
Fridays: any time until 2:30 pm Pacific
Saturdays: any time
