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View Full Version : Test Version 2.7

Moon Wizard
May 31st, 2010, 02:44
-- EDIT 2010-07-12
Test Release 6 pushed to test mode.

Please see the sticky thread on public testing if you want to be involved.

OK, it's finally time for the next test version. I have been heads down crunching through the code, learning and growing the code at the same time. This is my first release, so be gentle. ;)

As always, please make a backup of your campaign before opening with a test release.

Given the large number of changes to FG all around; I expect that there will be issues, so I plan to have this version in test for a longer period than usual and that there will be several iterations. I also expect that there may be new crash bugs introduced during the first couple iterations.

I'm hoping that the great community that we have here will help me identify and work through the issues to make this version of FG the best yet. I have uploaded test versions for all license types, so you can even try to run your gaming session with the test version. Make sure that you try out the changes on your own first, and make a backup of your campaign beforehand.

Unless Doug finds anything obvious in the next 24 hours, I plan to release the 2.7 test version tomorrow (2010-05-31).

I will update this thread as I release new iterations of the test version.


Moon Wizard
May 31st, 2010, 02:51
EDIT - This list is no longer the most up to date. Please download the test version and see the patch notes.


List of test version updates:

Fantasy Grounds - Features

UPnP will be used to configure port forwarding automatically when hosting, if supported by your configuration.
Maximing main window will no longer overlap Windows taskbar.
The default unmask mode is now box selection. Hold SHIFT key to freehand mask selection, and CTRL to remask.
All control objects will no longer intercept mouse events when disabled or hidden. (including imagecontrol)
Token scale for each token will be saved.
Tokens can be dragged between maps. (requires ruleset update)
Token radial menu reorganized to provide slot for custom menu items.
Tokens from unloaded modules will be loaded onto maps, instead of deleted.
Tokencontrols on the client will request token images from the host, instead of showing blanks.
Tokens in the token bag will show their file name on their tooltip.
Tokens from modules will be placed in a separate token bag using the module name.
The grid type of an imagecontrol (square/hex) can be changed via the radial menu.
Formattedtextcontrol mouse support improved. (scrolling, clicking, selecting)
When pasting or pressing Enter in a formattedtextcontrol, any selected text will be replaced.
Links in formattedtextcontrols will be shared when the formattedtextcontrol record is shared.
Campaign items from modules will use the module name as the merge ID and name for categoryselectioncontrols, unless already specified.
Categoryselectioncontrols will always have a category with an empty merge ID for base campaign data.
The number pad will now enter numbers, and shortcut keys using the number pad have been removed.
Multiple lines are supported for chat entries and tooltips.
Pointer handles will be easier to grab.
Stringcontrols support scrolling.
Stringcontrols will use line spacing for size determination instead of font height, when line spacing is defined.
If a stringcontrol of a child window is edited within a windowlist, the list will now scroll until the string field is visible.
When pressing delete or backspace on a numbercontrol, the control will now reset to zero.
Added negative vote option for chat window polls. (requires ruleset update)
Added chat frame support.

Fantasy Grounds - LUA Updates\n

buttoncontrol - Implemented setIcons function. (previously documented, but not implemented)
chatwindow - Updated addMessage and deliverMessage functions to support mode and dicedisplay parameters as part of the message object.
databasenode - Added removeAllHolders function.; Updated removeHolder function to remove holder value from child nodes. (previously documented, but not implemented)
formattedtextcontrol - Added onClickDown, onClickRelease, onDoubleClick, onDrop, and onDrag events
imagecontrol - Added setDrawingSize function; Added onZoom event; Changed onMeasurePointer event to onMeasurePointerEx event with new parameters; Updated onGridStateChanged, onDrawStateChanged and onMaskStateChanged events to fire correctly
Interface - Added onHotkeyDrop callback; Added openRadialMenu function.
numbercontrol - Added onTab event.
tokeninstance - Added registerMenuItem function; Added onClickDown, onClickRelease, onDoubleClick, onWheel, onMenuSelection, onScaleChanged, and onContainerChanged callbacks; fixed setTarget when identity not specified.
windowinstance - Added bringToFront function.
windowlist - Added scrollToWindow function.

Fantasy Grounds - Bug Fixes

The CTRL key will no longer reverse modifiers of die rolls.
Read-only number controls will no longer intercept mouse and drop events.
Long node names and paths will no longer cause a crash.
Editing an empty formattedtextcontrol using the radial menu will no longer cause a crash.
Using CTRL + left or right arrow keys will no longer cause a crash when navigating formattedtextcontrol text.
When changing paragraph format of selected text from within an existing paragraph, text preceding the selection would be lost. Fixed.
Host module data was sometimes being marked dirty on load, and sometimes not marked dirty when updated. Fixed.
List items created in host module campaign entries were not being deleted when module data reverted. Fixed.
Lists will no longer scroll past the bottom of the last list item.
Text in a formattedtextcontrol will no longer be scrambled with applying formatting in the middle of a text block.
Shared client images did not update correctly when mask enabled/disabled. Fixed.
When sharing images, client view did not always match host view. Fixed.
Setting grid offset values less than zero or greater than grid size would cause a crash. Fixed.
The stringcontrol nodrop tag was being ignored. Fixed.
The return value of stringcontrol.onEnter was being ignored. Fixed.
Fixed pointer rounding error when moving pointer start handle, which caused pointer to expand/shrink incorrectly.
Fixed layout of child windows in nested windowlists which was incorrect under certain circumstances.
When using large fonts in Windows, console messages were being clipped. Fixed.
Increased console buffer limit to avoid crashes when lots of console messages generated.

4E Ruleset - Features\n

Added custom chat frames for normal and story chat modes.
Added character class and level to character selection screen.
Added self-targeted heal toggle for PC power heal abilities.
Clients can open previously shared story, image and item campaign entries.
Host has visual indicator of campaign items previously shared with clients.
Host can unshare previously shared campaign items via menu or click on share icon.
Notes are scrollable.
Added scroller to story campaign items.
Image toolbars added. (mask/drawing, grid adjustment, targeting)
Image viewpoint remembered between sessions.
Individual tokens can be scaled on maps. (CTRL + mouse wheel to scale, CTRL + middle click to reset)
Host can SHIFT + left click on tokens to toggle targeting for active CT entry.
Client can SHIFT + left click on CT entries to toggle targeting.
When using the auto total feature, the totals will now be shown using the built-in chat entry feature, instead of appended to the chat entry text.
When running multiple characters on a client, a single click will activate a character, while a double click will open the character sheet.
Combat tracker menu can be activated using a left click.
Skill fields will accept auto-complete shown when spacebar pressed.
Increased default and maximum size of NPC sheet.
Recharge effects removed on rest. (for NPCs with the party)
Dropping dice on an NPC power will now replace the weapon dice indicator ([W]) with the dice dropped, instead of creating a separate dice field.
Letter tokens moved into separate module.
New chat icons for attack miss, attack hit, attack crit, damage, effect and heal.
When list filter opened, previously entered filter text will be selected by default.
When new button used on host, the name field will receive the focus.
Effect components occuring on failed save or aftereffect will no longer be displayed in the quick view.

4E Ruleset - Bug Fixes\n

NPC powers in exported modules will no longer overlap with campaign NPC powers.
Pointer distance calculation now is the same as 4E movement distance calculations.
Fixed script error when using custom NPC power list node names.
Power reference windows not linked from modules will no longer link to original object.
All trap and vehicle fields will be copied when dragging traps/vehicles to NPC campaign list.
Database holders will be correctly cleaned up at end of each session, and when releasing characters.
Module state icons were overlapping link icons. Fixed.
Small vertical scroll occurred on character sheets. Fixed.
Tab order of some power entries incorrect. Fixed.
Item power enhancement bonus was being applied to power description after power parsed. Fixed.
Resist all and resist energy effects were incorrectly stacking. Fixed.
Healing effect bonuses only applied if healing surge involved. (per rule updates)
When death save greater than 20, and no heal surge remaining, then no change.
When damage reduced to less than zero by modifiers, then target would be healed instead. Fixed.
Releasing active identity will activate the next available identity, if any.
Script error when attempting to open link in local mode. Fixed.
Long titles in reference windows would cause the title to disappear. Fixed.
Damage type of base weapon not being applied to powers using the weapon. Fixed.

3.5E Ruleset - Bug Fixes

Added preference to auto add name to rolls
Added preference to CTRL+click on numbers to add to modifier stack
Added preference to enable double-click rolling (works for NPCs only (attacks, skills, saves) - PCs will be added soon)
Fixed bug where Combats dragged to group Initiative window didn't retain values.
Dragging and dropping NPCs now creates a copy of the original node, complete with formatted textcontrol
Combat window now has token and link

May 31st, 2010, 03:04
Woohoo, that's one monster of an update. :D Good job moon, looking forward to playing with the new version when it lands later today. Cheers.

May 31st, 2010, 08:13
Man . . . really looking forward to this. :)

May 31st, 2010, 12:51
Fantastic! Thank you.

Is there any chance, or a priority, for updating the D20_JPG ruleset when the bugs are quashed?


May 31st, 2010, 13:21
Moon_moon, thats amazing! :) Thats wht i love FG!

Moon Wizard
June 1st, 2010, 01:27
Updated patch notes, release pushed to test mode. See the sticky thread on public testing if you want to be involved. Remember, I expect problems initially due to number of changes, so set your expectations accordingly.


June 1st, 2010, 01:46
People may want to hold off testing currently. We have an issue with a dependent directX file we need to work out first.

June 1st, 2010, 02:31
Okay, we should be good to go again now. If you downloaded the first release of the patch and can't launch Fantasy Grounds right now, just go to the application directory and launch the FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe again. It should remedy your problem.


June 1st, 2010, 04:52
Wow! Awesome. Thanks, SW. Everything worked fine for me in a quick run through of the new features, except the problem below. I'll test this release out with my group on Thursday and Saturday.

The "effects" icon within entries on the CT is missing. I can click the area where it used to be in order to continue using the functionality, but the image is not actually there.

Moon Wizard
June 1st, 2010, 07:00
I'm not seeing that on my end, can you send me a screenshot of your CT showing the issue?


June 1st, 2010, 12:24
A feature not mentioned in the list :

The NUMPAD now works to input numbers!


- Obe

June 2nd, 2010, 00:56
A feature not mentioned in the list :

The NUMPAD now works to input numbers!


- Obe

That's on the list of changes at the top of this thread.

And, sure, JPG, attached.

June 2nd, 2010, 02:54
I have the same problem with the icon. Also, after quick tests, I don't see that UPnP is working in my setup. I have Windows 7, WRT54G Linksys Wireless Router. There are other UPnP apps that are working with this setup.

While you can maximize now without it covering the taskbar, if you alt tab or change focus, when you alt tab back, you have to minimize any programs that are in front of it. That may be unrelated.

Love being able to drag icon's between maps.

More testing later!

June 3rd, 2010, 06:17
Great news! Fantastic new feature list!


June 3rd, 2010, 23:49
Another "issue":

My group is used to using the /m handler as a shortcut for /mood. It seems to have been (purposely? accidentally?) changed to a shortcut for /mod.

Edit: Another issue. Notes no longer wrap on whitespace. The letters roll over at the breaking point, rather than the whole word.

Moon Wizard
June 4th, 2010, 00:16
Thanks for the feedback so far. I am out of town for a few days, so I won't be addressing any items or updating the test version until the end of next week. I appreciate any other items you find, just post them to this thread or a new lab thread.


June 4th, 2010, 00:26
No problem. Over all, so far, it seems very stable. A lot of the updates are small fixes that have annoyed me subtly over the last couple years of using FG2 but I was never annoyed enough to point them out, like the filter text not being highlighted when reopened. So thanks for addressing the small issues along with the large. Looks like there are dozens of small bugs that will definitely improve FG2's stability overall.

Here's another bug. A player took a screenshot of the character select screen not showing the level/class, though the DM one does.

Edit: The same player reports that something's up with token loading. There were some tokens missing from his token box. I told him to wait to see if they were loading but nothing changed. He disconnected and reconnected, and now there are more available in the token box than before but still some missing. Making an uneducated guess, it seems that the list of tokens on the client side is being populated once when the client connects, and not repopulated when new tokens are downloaded.

June 4th, 2010, 02:59
Sorry moon, I've been up to my neck and busy with some other projects to get seriously into the new update but I should have some time the weekend to take a good look.

One thing I have noticed this evening that hasn't been mentioned (or at least I have missed it) is that in the last 2 hours of continuos use, where I have been updating a couple of my extensions, I can now return to the Launcher from a loaded campaign without it crashing FGII! Yesssssss :)

To satisfy my curiosity as to whether this was truly fixed I ping-ponged the server between Launcher and Campaign repeatedly for about 30 mins with no crashes or ill side effects occuring. Similarly I also noticed /reload all no longer crashes the app every 2-3 times.

Great job , these two crash issues were a real pain to live with when developing for FGII.

I have spotted some console errors, relating to missing/inaccessible graphics files for the following:


I did another update, just to eliminate possible download issues but the errors still get reported to the console when starting a new 4E campaign with no extensions loaded.

All for now.


EDIT: Extracting the 4E.pak reveals all four files referenced above are missing from the archive.

June 4th, 2010, 11:49

Is there any documentation for the new Lua APIs? I'm trying to update the multi-layer map extension and I get "attempt to call field 'resizeDrawing' (a nil value)" when I do:


Where toplayer is an imagecontrol with no image.



June 4th, 2010, 23:59
Looks like a number of great changes and a lot of effort. I'll see if I can spend some time with it this weekend.

One question:

NPC powers in exported modules will no longer overlap with campaign NPC powers.
Is the same problem with items fixed also?

June 5th, 2010, 05:35
"/em" no longer works as a shortcut to "/emote"

Also, this is really minor, but effect text used to be selectable by players in the player CT, but no longer. I don't really understand what the use of this is, but my players asked me to report it.

Also, I found a replicatable bluescreen (!) issue. Something about a DirectX DLL, which makes sense since there's a new DLL in the package. I'm running a Win7 x64 box with dual SLI'ed ATI Radeon HD 4800's.

I have the crash dump, but I'm way too tired at the moment to install the necessary tools to unpack it. Honestly, I'm not sure it would help all that much, based on the few times I tried to use kernel dumps to debug .NET applications. When I get time later this week I'll unpack it and upload it. If you'd prefer it in its raw form let me know.

Anyway, the crash occurs for me when I use the attack shortcut in the CT to pick up a die. When I drag the die up and down over the list of possible targets, bluescreen. Eventually. Doesn't take long.

June 5th, 2010, 08:03
As a noob to FG, but not to virtual game tables, how does one obtain the beta?

June 5th, 2010, 13:14
As a noob to FG, but not to virtual game tables, how does one obtain the beta?

Check out the "Welcome to Public Testing" (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9966) thread. However, be sure to back up your campaigns!

June 5th, 2010, 18:23
I know this probably isn't the place for this, but I am quite disappointed that there is still only three classes available for characters.

I have a campaign that has been running for over two years using my custom ruleset (that I am concerned will stop working after one of these updates). My custom ruleset allows for nine classes in a scrolling window. I have an NPC that I run as a character with this group that uses all nine and I have a PC in the group which is a rogue/assassin/fighter/blackguard and another planning to go sorcerer/elemental savant/cloistered cleric/geomancer within the next four levels. I also want to have the extremely cool features of the JPG 3.5 ruleset available. My request has gone unheeded as far as I can tell in the enhancement request threads, so I'm posting here, so I can at least be told this isn't the place to do this. It will have been read then at least. (I'll give you my code as an example of what I did, but I think you'll probably be able to implement it better than I, moon_wizard.)

Moon Wizard
June 5th, 2010, 18:56
The test release is primarily an update to the FG client. I only updated the 4E ruleset Primarily to show how the new changes will work in a ruleset. The 3.5E ruleset is next on my list of updates, but behind this test version.

The request for more classes in the 3.5E ruleset is on the wish list. However, it is a fairly complex change, since skill points and spells are tied to the class list. Also, the class list is currently static (always 3) vs dynamic, which is another complicated change with the interactions with other parts of the chraracter sheet.

When the 3.5E ruleset is updated, you will most likely need to update your extension or campaign to use the extra classes. However, it will still be a bit, since the current priority is the test version.


Moon Wizard
June 5th, 2010, 19:02
I need to look at the code to see why the resizeDrawing call is failing. I'll follow up when I get back next week.

The overlapping ID issue addressed for exported modules should fix any list overlapping in campaign entries, which includes npcs and items. I just specifically mentioned npcs, since that was the most commonly noticed symptom of the issue.


June 5th, 2010, 19:34
Thanks for the reply, JPG.

I am very glad this is on the wish list. My changes are static, just nine slots with scrolling objects so they don't take up any more room on the pages with limited space (like the first page of the character sheet). Dynamic was just way too complicated. I'd have made my ruleset an extension by now, but I just can't get it to work (and more concerned with running my campaign than coding :) ).

The Crusader of Metal
June 6th, 2010, 19:02
"Maximing main window will no longer overlap Windows taskbar." only works if you use the taskbar in the default position (bottom).

And the mutiple lines for chat entries, will it enable also the input of mutiline text in the main chat window?

June 6th, 2010, 21:50

I am experiencing repeated crashes of FG (runtime error) when I open library modules using the 4e rule set. The amount of modules to be opened seems variable (as low as 4, but I have not been able to exceed more than 10).

When I roll back the recent update I do not get this behavior. I can only assume its the update.


June 6th, 2010, 22:42
Hi I'm getting bluescreens when dragging dice

Moon Wizard
June 7th, 2010, 07:16
Thanks again for the feedback. Please remember to give me as much information as possible when you are leaving feedback, since in most cases, I will not always see the same issues you are reporting.

I am using the built-in Windows functions to tell me where the desktop is without the taskbar. I'll have to review the code to see why it might not function with taskbars in alternate positions.

Some questions to help me:
* Which modules are you loading when you get the crash?
* Is there a particular module that is causing issues?

This doesn't appear to be happening to anyone else who is testing. Can you give me more details?
* Does the current release version have any issues with dice on the same machine?
* Which graphics card and OS are you using?
* Does it happen every time you pick up the dice? or roll the dice? or move the dice?
* Does it happen when you double-click to roll?
Typically, blue screens are driver issues, not application issues. The test version does use a newer version of the DirectX libraries, so my guess is that the newer library might be making different driver calls than the release version.


June 7th, 2010, 14:50
The current release versions works fine it only happens with the test version. It happens almost every time after I pick up 1 or mor d4-s and try to move them. At first it gets really laggy then boom bluescreen. It happens sometime with d6-es. click rolling seems to work fine.

Im running Vista SP2 32bit with intel T1500 dual core processor, 3gigs of RAM and a VIA Chrome9 IGP. AS you can propably gues its a laptop. I'll try searching for a newer graphics driver, but im not very optimistic, the chipset is quite old.

June 8th, 2010, 01:04
Thanks again for the feedback. Please remember to give me as much information as possible when you are leaving feedback, since in most cases, I will not always see the same issues you are reporting.

I am using the built-in Windows functions to tell me where the desktop is without the taskbar. I'll have to review the code to see why it might not function with taskbars in alternate positions.

Some questions to help me:
* Which modules are you loading when you get the crash?
* Is there a particular module that is causing issues?

This doesn't appear to be happening to anyone else who is testing. Can you give me more details?
* Does the current release version have any issues with dice on the same machine?
* Which graphics card and OS are you using?
* Does it happen every time you pick up the dice? or roll the dice? or move the dice?
* Does it happen when you double-click to roll?
Typically, blue screens are driver issues, not application issues. The test version does use a newer version of the DirectX libraries, so my guess is that the newer library might be making different driver calls than the release version.



Moon, no specific module causes the problem, nor does any specific number. I have mod library books for all 4e rulebooks (player and DM/MM guides) as well as mod adventures.

At the beginning, I thought it was number related, because it seemed to always get a run-time error and crash after opening a dozen or so mods. But later it would happen with a variable number (as little as 4 open mods on one occasion). I tried different combinations of books but it would either crash right then and there or after a few minutes (short time no more than 2-3 minutes).

Everything got very unstable and even when I "rolled back" the update it wasn't any better. Even using a back up. I had to totally unistall and do a fresh install and make sure I only used release updates and not the beta to get everything working again.

Feel free to ask any more questions you need.


June 8th, 2010, 01:20
Lots of nice new stuff, great to see you keep coming up with new ways to improve FG!

Lately I've been having a good deal of crashes (still with 2.6.5) the cause of which I am not sure of (the error message is always a blank runtime error). I'll see if they persist in 2.7 and if so, try to find out why and post it here.

In the meantime, here are some things (a few bugs and two feature requests) I noticed that are an issue in 2.7 (some already were in 2.6 but I hadn't gotten around to posting them before):

- CA and GRANTCA (as well as other conditions that grant CA, like Blinded or Dazed) stack, but only if CA is set to ONCE or SINGLE. Since the most common use for CA I have is flanking, I usually use it with ONCE, which causes this issue. When the CA effect is set to persist, it correctly does not stack with GRANTCA.

- The icon for effects on the CT when hosting (both on unexpanded entries, and next to the list of effects when expanded) is blank for me now.

- The return key behaves very oddly when editing list entries (effects list, modifier list, several places on the character sheet like inventory, feats, abilities). When you press return, it will complete the item you're editing, and create a new empty item, as usual. However, it will also add a newline as part of the list item text at the place the cursor was at when you pressed return. Especially on lists that do not wrap on newlines (the modifiers list for example), this leads to rather confusing behaviour. For example, if you type "foobar" as the name of a modifier, then press return while the cursor is between "foo" and "bar", the modifier will now show "foo", but when you click it, it will switch to the last line of the text, and just show "bar" instead.

- When using backspace or delete while editing list entries (same places as the previous bug) to completely delete such an entry, I get a runtime error: R6025 - pure virtual function call.

- When a single client controls more than one character, the portrait sent to the chat is always the active character's portrait. This of course makes sense when it's chat messages. It would however make more sense if dice rolls sent from character sheets of inactive characters still showed that character's portrait instead of the currently active one's (if that's possible).

- I know that effects are now (since 2.6) on the CT even for clients, which is really useful, but my players preferred having the effects of the active CT entry also show up on the [TURN] <name> message that is sent to the chat at the start of each entity's turn. It was a useful reminder. Is there a particular reason it was removed, and if so, maybe you could at least make it an option?

- While the new messages on attack and damage rolls (since 2.6) are really nice as they show a lot more info, there is one drawback. It's useful for me to let my players know how much damage they took by unveiling my damage rolls to them. However, because the actual total damage (after any modifications from Weakened, temp hp, resistances, vulnerabilities, etc.) as well as useful extra info (like [Partially Resisted], [Absorbed], [Bloodied], [Dying], etc.) are now in a separate message, that doesn't get unveiled with the roll. Would it be possible to make it so that it does (possibly as an option)? If not, it would also help me if there were an option that made it so that GM damage rolls are not hidden (but all other GM rolls still are).

June 8th, 2010, 03:42
This doesn't appear to be happening to anyone else who is testing. Can you give me more details?

JPG, I am also having this issue. I describe it above, in this (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?p=91633#post91633) post.

I have a crash dump, if that would help. I've e-mailed it to you.

Moon Wizard
June 10th, 2010, 02:54
OK, I thought that I would get a chance to prepare another test version this week, but I have a family emergency that puts me out of town for another week.

In the mean time, here are the known issues I am tracking, let me know if I missed anything.

* Blue screen when dragging dice over CT
* Crash on module loading (4-12 modules)

* Some tokens not appearing in client token bags

* UPnP not working in some scenarios (may be limited by Windows UPnP library)
* Short version of built-in slash commands not working (/m, /em, ...)
* Maximizing still overlaps taskbar, if taskbar not on bottom
* Enter key in textitem lists behaving unexpectedly.
* Delete/backspace in textitem lists can cause crashes.
* [4E] Missing graphics file
* [4E] CA/GRANTCA stack in some situations
* [4E] Portrait chat uses active character, not rolling character
* [4E] Class/level information not visible to clients.

* [4E] Effects to be displayed with turn flag
* [4E] Let extra attack/damage/heal/effect target information to be unveiled with hidden rolls.


Moon Wizard
June 10th, 2010, 02:56
On the blue screen issue, I can replicate on my machine, but I have been unable to isolate the issue in the few hours I have had. If you have any experience in debugging DirectX applications and you would like to help, please send me a PM and I can share the details of what I have so far.

You can workaround this issue by not dragging any dice. You can still double-click roll, as far as I can tell.


Moon Wizard
June 10th, 2010, 03:01
Finally, for resizing images which are only drawings, the correct LUA function is:

imagecontrol.setDrawingSize (w, h, ox, oy)

w = new width
h = new height
ox = horizontal offset of original drawing surface in new drawing space
oy = vertical offset of original drawing surface in new drawing space

The drawing size can only be expanded.

If you have a 100x100 drawing, and you want to expand the drawing such that the original drawing remains in the upper left corner of the resized drawing. You would use setDrawingSize(200, 200, 0, 0);
If you have the same drawing, and you want the original drawing to be in the lower right corner of the resized drawing. You would use setDrawingSize(200, 200, 100, 100).


June 10th, 2010, 04:09
Thanks Moon_Wizard. Good luck with the family.

The Crusader of Metal
June 11th, 2010, 01:08
Hey moon, thanks for your answer! I imagined it was not a hard-coded thing as the "empty" size in the bottom (I use the task bar at the top) of the screen was exactly the size of my task bar. Using 7 Ultimate 64-bits if that helps.

And what about the multi-line text input in the chat window, is that going to happen in this update or at least soon? That is actually the thing that bothers me and my group the most, as we tend to speak a lot :P

Moon Wizard
June 11th, 2010, 02:30
Multi-line chat entries are supported (for ruleset developers to have more flexibility), but multi-line chat input is scheduled for a later release since it requires a redesign of the chat window to get it to work.


June 12th, 2010, 02:41
Ahh...a redesign of the chat window would make my players so happy. Moveable, resizeable, multiple tabs, simple formatting....

The mind boggles!

June 16th, 2010, 00:51
I can confirm that I've also recreated the bluescreen when dragging dice - seemed to be in a DirectX component.

Really looking forward to this release - it fixes so many annoying little niggles.

Keep up the good work Moon.

Moon Wizard
June 18th, 2010, 20:13
Apologies to everyone for the delay on this release. I had back to back travel, including an unexpected family emergency last week.

I'm back at home now, so I will be looking further at the blue screen issue, which is my primary focus. I was already able to rule out DirectX versions, but I still haven't found out what is causing the crash. It's definitely something in DirectX, but I just need to find out what changed that is causing the issue so I can bypass.


June 20th, 2010, 22:42
Just a quick question in regards to this....
Why use DirectX as apposed to OpenGL? There was a time when I would have argued that DirectX was better, but as the years have rolled on I no longer feel this is the case. OpenGL is just as good if not better than DirectX and is easier to build for.

Moon Wizard
June 21st, 2010, 00:29
Since Doug and I just recently took over Fantasy Grounds, we have no idea what the decision process was for choosing DirectX. Given that it has been using DirectX for years, I would guess that they chose the best engine at the time.


June 21st, 2010, 02:23

Moon, I wanted to give you more follow up on the issue of module opening and the test version.

I updated FG to the test version and saw the following:

1. I could log into campaigns where I had not previously opened modules without problems. However once within the campaign, opening more than a couple of modules (again a random amount, but the average is around 10), it would crash. I could log in to this campaign afterward, but not open modules without crashing.

2. I have one campaign (where my players log into), where it already has about 12-14 modules opened already (meaning the module.db folder has entries of which modules the campaign has open/access/no access to). I CAN NOT log into this campaign without an immediate crash. Only the deletion of all entries in the module.db folder lets me log into the campaign and if I try to open modules I get the behavior in 1.

My conclusion is something about the number or the way the files in the module.db folder behave. I can only reliably open campaigns with NO files in the module.db folder. When I copy/paste files into a previously empty module.db folder, even in a campaign that I could previously open, it crashes.

I have a backup folder you can test with if you need it.


June 21st, 2010, 02:29
Hello Primarch, does it appear to be linked to the amount of memory being used in FG? I wonder if you are hitting an OS memory barrier and the problem occurs when it starts to use virtual memory.

Moon Wizard
June 21st, 2010, 07:32

I was just working on the test release today, and I think I got the blue screen issue fixed. The next primary item is the issue you are seeing, and I was going to ask you for more information.

I'd like you to use the Windows Task Manager to get me more information on the memory usage on your machine.

* Are you running FG on a desktop or laptop?
* How much memory do you have in the machine?
* How many tokens do you have in your FG2 Application Data tokens folder?
* Are you using only parser-generated modules, or exported modules, or a mix of both?
* If you start FG with a new campaign, how much memory does Task Manager say that FantasyGrounds.exe is using?
* Please add modules one at a time, writing down the new memory amount from Task Manager after each load and the name of each module.

I'd like to compare the memory usage you are seeing with what I am seeing on my development machine.


Moon Wizard
June 21st, 2010, 07:54
Next test release update posted.

Test version fixes (App)

Blue screen crash when dragging dice. Fixed.
Short version of built-in chat commands not working. Fixed.
Maximizing FG overlaps taskbar when taskbar not on bottom. Fixed.
Enter key causes unexpected behavior in text list items. Fixed.
Delete/backspace key causes crash in text list items. Fixed.

Test version fixes (4E)

Missing graphics. Added.
CA stacking incorrectly with GRANTCA when set to ONCE/SINGLE. Fixed.
Portrait chat used active character portrait, instead of portrait of character making rolls. Fixed.
Toolbar graphics got out of synch as more buttons were added. Fixed.
Added option to display effects with turn notifications.
Combined the three player drop permission options into one option.
CT entry sections no longer expand when hovering, just click to open/close.


June 21st, 2010, 17:20
The inbuilt 'General' tokens have disappeared in this version - all the other token directories in the campaign are showing, but no letter tokens.



Moon Wizard
June 21st, 2010, 17:44
I moved the letter tokens into a separate module, since they are not ruleset-specific. I included the original letter tokens (32x32) in the Small subfolder, and a larger version of the letter tokens (70x70) in the Medium subfolder. The Medium tokens match the size of the tokens in the Gaming Tokens Packs in the FG store.

I just added the Letter Tokens module as an update to the test version download.


June 21st, 2010, 18:12
Thanks - got them now.


Moon Wizard
June 21st, 2010, 20:07
Another quick update to address local character import which I just realized was broken.

Test version fixes (App)

Local characters were unable to be selected on client. Fixed.
End key in text fields did not go to end of line in all situations. Fixed.
Launcher campaign list will scroll to last selected campaign.

Test version fixes (4E)

Client CT will scroll to active entry, when active entry changes.
Adding effects from campaign effects list will now use the current initiative, instead of zero.


June 21st, 2010, 21:30
Hello Primarch, does it appear to be linked to the amount of memory being used in FG? I wonder if you are hitting an OS memory barrier and the problem occurs when it starts to use virtual memory.


I will check, but the behavior does not occur in the official release (2.6.5), only with the test version (2.7.0).

See more in my direct response to Moon's post.


June 21st, 2010, 22:16

I was just working on the test release today, and I think I got the blue screen issue fixed. The next primary item is the issue you are seeing, and I was going to ask you for more information.

I'd like you to use the Windows Task Manager to get me more information on the memory usage on your machine.

* Are you running FG on a desktop or laptop?
* How much memory do you have in the machine?
* How many tokens do you have in your FG2 Application Data tokens folder?
* Are you using only parser-generated modules, or exported modules, or a mix of both?
* If you start FG with a new campaign, how much memory does Task Manager say that FantasyGrounds.exe is using?
* Please add modules one at a time, writing down the new memory amount from Task Manager after each load and the name of each module.

I'd like to compare the memory usage you are seeing with what I am seeing on my development machine.



I run my games from a custom built desktop. I'm running Windows Vista 64 bit version with all the latest updates. The system has 6 gigs of 1066 mhz memory. Quad core i7, Nvidia 295 video card 4 Velociraptor hard drives 10k RPM in RAID 0.

Driver scan reveals no outdated drivers. Hard disk fully defragmented as well as clean registry with no errors.

I have no tokens in the tokens/host folder. All tokens I use are either from open modules or imported adventure modules with tokens.

I use a mix of both. All reference modules used by players for their character sheets are parsed books. The actual adventure we play is an exported module (I make modules in separate campaigns and then export them to use in the campaign the players connect to).

Memory usage under 2.6.5

Total memory 6141 (MB)

New Campaign - 2.07
1 module - 2.46
2 modules - 2.47
5 modules - 2.57
8 modules - 2.82
11 modules - 2.91
18 modules (max) - 3.05

This includes reference and exported/imported modules.

Memory usage under Test version 2.7.0 (latest version)

New Campaign - 2.02
1 module - 2.56
2 modules - 2.56
3 modules - 2.57
4 modules - 2.69
5 modules - 2.81
6 modules - 2.91
7 modules - 3.05
8 modules - 3.22
9 modules - 3.26
10 modules - 3.32
11 modules - 3.33
12 modules - 3.40
13 modules - 3.42
14 modules - 3.42
15 modules - 3.50
16 modules - 3.56
17 modules - 3.56
18 modules (max) - CRASH!

At the time of the crash it was using approximately 59% of total memory capacity.

A second attempt was done and I managed to open all 18 modules with a memory usage of 3.59 out of 6.141. I did get a "not enough memory script error", then a crash.

Third crashed at 11 modules, 3.30 memory used.

Fourth and successive attempts crashed at different numbers but all over 10, with memory usage between 3.10 - 3.60 (no more than 60% of available RAM).

As mentioned previously I cannot open the campaign the players connects to since it has many module files in the module db folder. I can open other existing campaign if the open module number is small (less than 6).

Comparing the same test campaign in the release version (2.6.5), I can consistently open all 18 modules with memory usage roughly around 3 GIGs (half the memory). Under the test version 2.70 the same amount of modules sucks up another 10% of RAM with the crash issues. I cannot reliably open more than 10 modules in this version and it uses more memory than the full 18 of the official release.

I cannot reproduce any of these issue under 2.6.5 under any campaign (test or otherwise).

Let me know what more info I can offer, I more than happy to provide more detail if needed.


Moon Wizard
June 22nd, 2010, 07:45

You can e-mail me a jgregory at fantasygrounds dot com, if you want to move out of the thread; or just keep posting here, whatever you would like.

Thanks for the numbers. Could I also ask for a list of the modules in the order that you opened them for the numbers you got? I want to try and replicate the same scenario on my side as much as possible.

There is a hard memory limit for all Windows applications somewhere between 3.6 and 4.0 GB of application data, which is what you are hitting. Some of the changes I made in the patch release must have inflated the memory usage by about 10-15%.


June 22nd, 2010, 16:26

You can e-mail me a jgregory at fantasygrounds dot com, if you want to move out of the thread; or just keep posting here, whatever you would like.

Thanks for the numbers. Could I also ask for a list of the modules in the order that you opened them for the numbers you got? I want to try and replicate the same scenario on my side as much as possible.

There is a hard memory limit for all Windows applications somewhere between 3.6 and 4.0 GB of application data, which is what you are hitting. Some of the changes I made in the patch release must have inflated the memory usage by about 10-15%.



The list of modules as they were opened with memory usage:

1 module - 4e catalogue - 2.56
2 modules - 4e DM guide - 2.56
3 modules - 4e Monster Manual - 2.57
4 modules - 4e Monster Manual 2 - 2.69
5 modules - 4e Players Handbook - 2.81
6 modules - 4e Players handbook 2 - 2.91
7 modules - 4e Players Handbook 3 - 3.05
8 modules - Adventurers Vault - 3.22
9 modules - Arcane Power - 3.26
10 modules - Divine Power - 3.32
11 modules - Dragon-Dungeon MM - 3.33
12 modules - Dragon/Dungeon PHB - 3.40
13 modules - DM guide 2 - 3.42
14 modules - H1 Keep on the Shadowfell - 3.42
15 modules - Martial Power - 3.50
16 modules - Martial Power 2 - 3.56
17 modules - Players Handbook Races: Dragonborn - 3.56
18 modules (max) - Primal Power - CRASH!

Within a week I will be upgrading to a triple channel kit with 12GIGs at a higher speed (PC12800).

I'll retest with the greater total memory. If the memory usage stays the same it will represent about 33% instead of the current 60%.

Seeing that most of the time it will crash when adding the last couple of modules, I'm guessing even a 5% reduction in the current memory usage may be significant.


Moon Wizard
June 22nd, 2010, 22:25
Another test update. This update is primarily to address issues with module tokens, including client crash conditions.

Test version fixes (App)

Tokencontrols and maps with module-based tokens would sometimes appear blank and/or cause client crashes.

Test version fixes (4E)

Percentile rolls not working with /die command. Fixed
Improved d100 handling for results display.
Scroller added to front page of NPC details sheet.


June 24th, 2010, 03:33
I've tried the latest testing on my Macbook Pro and I am experiencing issues with screen redraw and artifacting when you move things around on the tabletop. It happens continuously, and is repeatable. If I was on my windows machine, I would be checking for a new version of a video driver.

- Running Snow leopard (up to date)
- Using Wine 1.1.44
- Issue does not happen in current release version, only in testing.

Anyone else tried it on a Mac yet?

Moon Wizard
June 24th, 2010, 07:55
I assume that you are running fine in the same configuration using 2.6.5? Also, did you try any of the other test versions over the last couple weeks?


June 24th, 2010, 11:10
Exactly the same setup. 2.6.5 has been rock solid with no issues. Unfortunately, this is the first time I've tried any of the test versions so I arm not sure if it occurred in any of the earlier builds.

June 24th, 2010, 20:14
moon - I can confirm my Mac OSX (Leopard) / Crossover 9.0.1 test setup is also demonstrating difficulties with 2.7.0. Similar to Harsten 2.6.5 worked well with no issues.

Under 2.7.0 when the launcher loads the background image is flickering, once a campaign is loaded, if I move the mouse over the chatbox everything blacks out except the chatpad until I move the mouse pointer back outside after which the screen returns to normal.

If I pick up a die, the screen again blacks out except for the region around the die.

Moon Wizard
June 24th, 2010, 21:57
DrZ, Is this also the first time you have tested 2.7.0 on your Mac?


June 25th, 2010, 01:31
Yes, up until a few days ago I had only tested 2.7 with Windows 7.

I'm still waiting for my new iMac to arrive but I installed FGII on one of my mac mini's running Leopard and Crossover 9.0.1 a few days back. 2.6.5 was running fine on the mac although I only ran local hosted test sessions.

I only noticed the problems with screen graphics under OSX/Crossover once I updated to 2.7.0.

June 25th, 2010, 01:35
When I installed FGII I ticked the mac/linux compatibility option. Just a thought but using the Test Manager and then updating using the updater didn't remove the -r flag from the executable app did it?

I'm just wondering how I can check under Crossover whether FGII is being started with the -r flag now that I have updated.

Oh and I think the Wine version under Crossover 9.0.1 is 1.1.34

Moon Wizard
June 25th, 2010, 21:17
I was just trying to determine what phase of the development process I might have introduced the Mac graphics issue, so I was hoping someone had tested previous versions to help me rule those out.

No worries. I did some DirectX cleanup that was performing some redundant operations that were unneeded for Windows, but perhaps they were needed when running with the Max emulators.

If anyone tested with Mac with the first test version, please let me know if you saw the same issue. (We're on the 4th test version now.)


June 26th, 2010, 08:12
moon - Is there anyway to rollback an update? Or can you send me one of the previous updates and I will re-install to try and help you identify where in the last 4 test builds mac support broke.

Or has that ship now sailed?

June 27th, 2010, 05:50
Ever since we as a group switched to FG, I've had at least 2-4 crashes a night. I thought I'd give 2.7 a chance with the group as a whole to see if it would help. Here are the notes I took throughout the evening. Please let me know what else I could provide to help debug these issues.

I run Windows 7 64bit, 4Gig of Ram.

Maximized. One person joined, then Two folks joined at once. Crash
Maximized. Had folks clear cache, two folks joined at once, Crash
Closed a bunch of modules, noted memory is 1,800,000ish KB. Had everyone join separately, was working fine. Click to Maximize, then it doesn’t redraw the screen again and the area taking up the rest of the screen where it wasn’t originally, is black.
Memory now 1,400,000ish KB, still having folks joining seperatley.
Cleaned out old “Shares” of images and such.
Stats on one of the Characters was off, and AC was calculated wrong. Clicked on Combat tab, then back and it was calculated fine then.
Crash when opening PHB1 which has formatted Reference information. Not sure of memory.
Had everyone join, but wasn’t maximized, and it worked.
Crash, no idea what was that was related too. 1,929,420 memory.

Most of the crashes had the following error.

Runtime Error!
Programe: C…
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate iit in an unusual way.
Please contact the application’s support team for more information.

June 27th, 2010, 07:59
I'm using Win7 64-bit with 4 GB of RAM too. My memory usage isn't anywhere near as high as yours.

1) What video card are you using?

2) Try closing ALL your modules except the current adventure module and see if that doesn't stabilize it for you.

Also, I had a similar issue to the one you're reporting when I would resize the FG2 window: the new areas would flicker strangely. It took me a long time to figure out why this occurred because it was intermittent... finally I figured out it was when I had a large image in my clipboard, believe it or not. So try making sure you're running with an empty clipboard.

June 27th, 2010, 23:21
Thanks for the suggestion. I think I'll try dragging items like NPC's from the Library's into the Campaign so I don't have to keep the modules open. I'll try to get some folks to test before next weekend.

I have a Nvidia NVS 3100M. It's a fairly new laptop.

One other note, in my quest to see about lowering my memory consumption, I tried to export all of my existing content to a module. When I then create a new Campaign, and open that module, everything looks fine. When I try to share an image with my locally connected second session, it shows the image for a brief moment and then goes blank. The chat log states;

Could not complete file transfer of file
The_Necromancer_by_Eireen.jpg@Test (HTTP/1.1 404 NOT
FOUND). Check your network configuration.

I tried creating a new Campaign with one image. Then turning it into a module with the same results.

June 28th, 2010, 02:52
Hi Mortani,

You say this happened since you have switched to FG. Are you running the test version?

People want to help you solve your problems but you will create less confusion if you only talk about the test version in this thread.

If you are running the standard version, why don't you start a new thread with your machine specifications and your problems. What graphics card are you using? what operating system? what ruleset? etc. etc.

You will get better help if people can concentrate on the issues you present rather than get distracted with the details of the current Test Version (Fantasy Grounds 2.7).

If you wish, leave a comment with a link to your new thread here or ask and somebody can make a new thread for you.

It took a little while for me to get my FG running right too.


The last thing you want is extra advice to counter bugs that might not even exist in the version you're running :).

June 28th, 2010, 03:50
Thank you Sigurd. I will post about my issues as a whole in a separate thread to be sure Im not distracting the primary purpose of this thread.

Note tough, other than referencing previous crashes that were there in the previous version, my comments have been about 2.7.

June 28th, 2010, 04:53
I had this exact issue this morning while recording tutorial footage. I'll bet money that any image you share from the campaign itself works just fine, and it's only the images in your adventure module that aren't sharing correctly. I fiddled with this for an hour, trying going back to 2.6.5, using a fresh campaign, changing the player client's username, everything.

The good news is I fixed it.

I knew I was on to something when I created a brand new test module, put a single story entry, map, npc, and item in it, linked them all on the story entry, and exported it. The image shared just fine--so I knew the issue was with my adventure module.

I opened up the original module campaign, and in every entry that I had linked an image, I changed it to normal body text (erasing the link) then back to a link and put the map in the link again. I re-exported the module and sure enough, the images were sharing correctly again.

I know that's not a super scientific explanation--but I did my tutorials in a gnome voice, so you can't expect much.

Try relinking your images, re-export the module, and see if that works.

Sorry for the thread de-rail, it's kind of on topic because I've had the exact same issue and it wasn't caused by 2.7.0 for me.

Moon Wizard
June 29th, 2010, 20:03
Quick update on the memory usage:

I have been working on shrinking the internal structures used to store the database, and I thought I was making good headway. (852 per node down to 520 per node)

However, I think I just found the real memory beast. Apparently, every object you can access in LUA gets it's own box to play in, which is adding 2500 per object (including databasenode objects). I'm currently in the process of learning more about programming the LUA interface to see if there is a way I can shrink memory usage without changing the way ruleset scripts are read and processed.


June 30th, 2010, 03:43

On my end I got my players involved in testing memory usage versus modules opened. 32 bit system (especially 32bit XP) gets the short end of the stick it seems.

Those players whom have such systems can't get more than 5-6 modules opened before a crash, not only of FG but the OS (total system freeze). Even though they have 4 gigs of RAM, a 32 bit system can't use it all. Subtract the amount that is used for the OS and other stuff running and its usually less then 2 gigs available for FG and opening modules. This is under the test version as well as the current versions. Those with 64 bit systems (Vista or Windows 7) do very well under the current version of FG, but have the same problems under the test version.

Some of my players have resorted to use no modules, have the character builder up during play for reference. FG (with no modules), character builder, VOIP program and in my case a music program in total use considerably less memory than FG with even a handful of modules open (let alone more than 10).

I appreciate your efforts on the reduction of memory usage. I think its a key issue and any reduction is beneficial. As more books/modules are made available and their size increases, memory usage will be a big factor.

Again thanks for you efforts and I'm available for whichever additional tests/info you may need.


July 6th, 2010, 08:14
Hi guys,

is there any news regarding the -r switch?
I mean it was a CPU consuming workaround, but better than having these black screen problems ... ;)

Moon Wizard
July 9th, 2010, 08:03
So, I have managed to get some of the memory excess under control. Some of the changes made to improve stability initially had inflated the memory used by loaded modules by 50-100%. I've spent the last couple weeks focusing on memory optimization, and I've managed to turn that around and get a 10-25% decrease per module compared to v2.6.5 memory usage.

I'm putting on some finishing touches, and performing some light testing before I push the next test version out.


July 9th, 2010, 14:14

Thanks MW!

I can't tell you how much it means to have someone who is technical, dedicated and who is also capable of communicating effectively. It's rare that you find a combination of all three in someone.

July 10th, 2010, 00:47
Oooo decreased memory useage. Can always appreciate that! :)

July 10th, 2010, 16:25
We had a chance to play mostly face to face this last Monday. There were a few folks remote, but even the local ones used a laptop connected to FG. I kept all of the Modules closed except the letter tokens. We went 12 hours of game play without one single crash!! Thanks for the suggestions.

Moon Wizard
July 12th, 2010, 04:02
New update to the test release. Someone with a Mac, please check to see if the drawing is working like it was before.

Fantasy Grounds Client Changes

Memory utilization of modules reduced by 10-20% over v2.6.5, previous test versions used 50-100% more.
Disabled support for loading campaigns created before v2.0.
New chat frames were not aligned correctly in certain multi-line conditions. Fixed.
Added local database backup when managing characters locally in case of crashes when saving. Still need to add auto-save at 5 minute marks to preserve changes.
The bitmapwidget.getBitmap function has been deprecated, since it was never fully implemented.
Backed out DirectX optimizations from previous test version to remedy Mac/Linux issues.
Added /flushdb command to clear all holders/owners from database. Also, this will clear all shared material.
Export was not appending ".mod" to the module name. Fixed.
Image files were not being added to exported modules. Fixed.
Crash occurred when button deleted on a button press. Fixed.

4E Ruleset Changes

Increased maximum image size to 2048x2048.
Added ability to add faction groups to a map by dragging the faction markers on the bottom of the CT.
Added support for non-Endurance skills in disease reference windows.
Creatures with energy types in their name would sometimes apply conditions to themselves instead of their targets. Fixed.


July 12th, 2010, 06:34
New update to the test release. Someone with a Mac, please check to see if the drawing is working like it was before.


just checked, unfortunately it does not work correctly here :-(



July 12th, 2010, 08:17
U5 seems to have improved the Mac support issue as a I can now see the desktop background at Lanuch again and I don't get so much screen flickering when moving the mouse, however its still broken as when I pick up the dice or move the pointer over the chatpad, the entire desktop background goes black. As soon as I click the background, it reappears and stays until I either pick up dice, move the pointer over the chatpad or de-focus FGII.

Moving the pointer over the book icons on the right edge also causes the background to disappear. Seems to me the issue might be related to focus and screen refresh.

July 12th, 2010, 09:36
DrZeuss is right, I can see ONE improvement as well:
- clicking in/on NPC and PC sheets does not show any flickering

So that leaves flickering when:
- pointing over the chat window
- hovering over the right menus
- accessing any Library windows
- hovering over any lists in the NPC window

It seems to be a refreshing error to me



July 12th, 2010, 10:36
Could be the refresh thing. This was something that come up when trying to use overlays from VoIP programs. The speakers ID would only refresh if the pointer was over the chat window but, everywhere else, the refresh would stop.

July 12th, 2010, 10:38
I used the previous test version on Parallels (https://www.parallels.com/) on my Mac and had no problems. This would be a better solution for those Mac users that both have a mac that can handle Parallels, and either the money for a 2nd OS or have an unused Windows XP/Vista/7 license laying around.

FGII is a Windows native app. I think it is unfortunate that we would have to hold back any potential improvement to retain compatibility with an emulator. It is the emulator dev's job to upgrade their compatibility, IMO.

Am I understanding the situation correctly?

Anyway, will we be seeing the DX optimizations reappear in an improved/more compatible form in the future?

Thank you!

July 12th, 2010, 11:23
Well if moon backed out the optimisations in U5 and I am still experiencing problems you would have to say the optimisation code was not the root cause of the problem. Having said that there has been a change in the refresh behaviour as noted above so there may be some linkage, either way give moon some time and I'm sure he'll crack the problem.

Just for the record, I would prefer not to have to have to install another Win OS under Parallels or VMware to support FGII on OS X. For me up until the test release of 2.7.0, Wine/Crossover has worked incredibly well and the DirectX support has been excellent across a number of apps I have tested/run. Here's hoping Wine support isn't dropped.

July 12th, 2010, 16:11
New update to the test release. Someone with a Mac, please check to see if the drawing is working like it was before.

Fantasy Grounds Client Changes

Memory utilization of modules reduced by 10-20% over v2.6.5, previous test versions used 50-100% more.
Disabled support for loading campaigns created before v2.0.
New chat frames were not aligned correctly in certain multi-line conditions. Fixed.
Added local database backup when managing characters locally in case of crashes when saving. Still need to add auto-save at 5 minute marks to preserve changes.
The bitmapwidget.getBitmap function has been deprecated, since it was never fully implemented.
Backed out DirectX optimizations from previous test version to remedy Mac/Linux issues.
Added /flushdb command to clear all holders/owners from database. Also, this will clear all shared material.
Export was not appending ".mod" to the module name. Fixed.
Image files were not being added to exported modules. Fixed.
Crash occurred when button deleted on a button press. Fixed.

4E Ruleset Changes

Increased maximum image size to 2048x2048.
Added ability to add faction groups to a map by dragging the faction markers on the bottom of the CT.
Added support for non-Endurance skills in disease reference windows.
Creatures with energy types in their name would sometimes apply conditions to themselves instead of their targets. Fixed.



Moon, I have tested memory utilization and whatever you did works VERY well! :D

The same 16 modules under 2.7.0 now uses around between 3.00 and 3.10.

I even attempted to do something I thought impossible, open all 33 modules I have in my library.

It opened ALL of them, with memory usage topping around 3.40-3.50!!

I can now open campaigns with previous opened modules very easily and it seems VERY stable. I will test it further but your optimization certainly put this issue to rest. :)



Moon Wizard
July 12th, 2010, 18:06

You should still try to keep an eye on loading 20+ modules, or "compilation" modules.

I'm currently out of ideas for shrinking memory usage without a complete data management rewrite, and that might even require changes in the way the ruleset LUA code is written (thus breaking backwards compatibility). It's a lot of work with no feature improvements and a chance for breaking compatibility, so it's very low on the feature list.


July 12th, 2010, 18:21
Just for the record, I would prefer not to have to have to install another Win OS under Parallels or VMware to support FGII on OS X. For me up until the test release of 2.7.0, Wine/Crossover has worked incredibly well and the DirectX support has been excellent across a number of apps I have tested/run. Here's hoping Wine support isn't dropped.I understand. I would not lobby for that to happen, as I am sure there are a number of users who prefer to use WINE.

It was just my perspective, since there are a number of Windows apps I need to use on my Macbook, and the compatibility of WINE is sketchy, so I've had to resort to using a virtual machine. The results are excellent, but it is not the solution for everyone.

I am curious, is there a way you could try wine 1.2 release candidate (RC7 is the newest as of this writing)? I wonder if it would make a difference. Just an idea.

Moon Wizard
July 12th, 2010, 20:08
Quick update to Test Release 6 of v2.7. This update is primarily to back out DirectX changes that cause flickering for Mac users. Please let me know what you see.

Backed out more DirectX changes to address Mac flickering.
Added database backup every 5 minutes when managing local characters.

I found a couple more DirectX call changes that I didn't tag during development, so I'm going to try backing those out.


July 12th, 2010, 21:38

I noticed that when in full-screen mode (or, I guess it is called "mazimize window" mode) I can still see my taskbar, which is prefered for a program like FG, IMO. But the problem I noticed is that I can't seem to alt-tab between applications and FGII when it is running in this manner.

If FGII is the active application, then I can alt-tab to something else fine, but I can't alt-tab back.

*edit* in fact it seems that not only can i not alt-tab between applications, I also can not manually click applications on the taskbar to switch and forth to FGII. I must minimize all applications that are covering FGII to return to it *end edit*

As soon I restore the window to its non-mazimized state I can alt-tab back and forth normally.

Is this known? I am on Windows 7 64bit and using FGII v2.7 TR6, btw.

July 12th, 2010, 23:29
J, TR6 Launcher launches with background black, moving the pointer causes the background to flicker. Clicking the left hand buttons causes it to reappear when the display refreshes with the new page but hovering over the start button in Launch Campaign causes it to disappear momentarily before it returns again as the splash page loads.

Once the campaign has loaded. Hovering the pointer over the chatpad/right-hand book icon panels or list entries and picking up dice causes the background to go black momentarily (1 sec) before the display restores to normal again.

If I pick up die and roll them, only the die and about a 2 square inches of background are shown (whilst the die animation is in effect). This view remains momentarily (again only a second or so) before restoring to normal.

So it looks like there is a visible delay in the screen rendering between focused and non-focused objects and/or the screen refreshing.

So unfortunately its still not working correctly, however all in all its a positive improvement over TR5. :)


July 13th, 2010, 03:14

You should still try to keep an eye on loading 20+ modules, or "compilation" modules.

I'm currently out of ideas for shrinking memory usage without a complete data management rewrite, and that might even require changes in the way the ruleset LUA code is written (thus breaking backwards compatibility). It's a lot of work with no feature improvements and a chance for breaking compatibility, so it's very low on the feature list.



I'll continue testing, although I think you have achieved a reasonable memory usage and stability with a "reasonable" amount of modules open.

It would be interesting to see what number of modules most FG users open. I don't foresee ever using more than 18 tops at one go, my average being about 16 modules.

Having been able to open all 33 is amazing to me, so having 20 or so seems like a piece of cake. :D

I'll keep you posted on any abnormalities in my testing.


Moon Wizard
July 13th, 2010, 07:18
Another minor update to address Mac drawing issue. (Test Release 7)


July 13th, 2010, 08:12
TR7 exhibits the same behaviour as TR6. No change.

July 13th, 2010, 15:41
I'm not sure if the listed fix was supposed to be resolved, but there is still an issue with sharing images from modules. You can recreate this by doing the following. The same steps work in 2.6.5

Create a new 4E Campaign
Add an image
Export to a module
Create a new Campaign
Load the module you just created
Connect with a player session, and try to share the image in the module from the GM session.


Fantasy Grounds Client Changes

Image files were not being added to exported modules. Fixed.

Moon Wizard
July 13th, 2010, 20:54
Can anyone on a Mac that was already using the -r command line parameter let me know if the latest release is working for them?

DrZ's setup did not use the -r parameter, so I want to rule out that the problem is with the -r parameter.


July 14th, 2010, 00:41
Just tested the latest release on a Mac using Wine 1.44 with the -r option and still having issues. The black background isn't some much an issue now, but still shows up occasionally. When you mouseover any object on the screen, it now shifts the entire object up the screen a quarter inch or so and returns to it's original position when the pointer moves off of it. The dice do have the box described above when you pick them up.

Getting closer. Keep up the good work.

Moon Wizard
July 15th, 2010, 10:08
OK, another attempt to find out what is causing the Mac drawing issue, plus a few other changes. (Test Release 8)

I've backed out all the DirectX specific changes, and now I'm backing out some of the clipping rectangle optimizations.


Internal drawing changes to address Mac drawing issue
When changing category style/name, module data was disappearing. Fixed.
Images in modules were not being shared with clients. Fixed.
Images in modules were being marked dirty on load or share. Fixed.
Enabled minimize button.
Changed handling of window activation when maximized.
Added DB.copyNode(sourcenodename, destnodename) function
When specifying fields to copy in the acceptdrop tag of a window list control, any first level node can be named and all children will be copied as well.
Enabled <field>*</field> in the acceptdrop tag for window list controls. The star tells FG to copy all fields of a dropped shortcut which matches one of the class tags.

4E Ruleset

Script error when sharing image that was previously shared. Fixed.


July 15th, 2010, 10:25
:cry: TR8 doesn't seem to have fixed the blacked out/flickering background issues on Mac. Behaviour is pretty much similar to TR7.

I tried with and without the -r flag, no difference.

I am using Crossover Standard 9.0.1 which is using Wine release 1.1.34, can someone who's using a newer test version of Wine please add feedback.

July 15th, 2010, 11:37
Unfortunately, I am seeing the same issues as earlier builds with the latest stable version of Wine (1.1.44).

Moon Wizard
July 15th, 2010, 20:16
Arrgh, so frustrating since I don't have a Mac to reproduce the issue locally. Let me scan through the code again to see what else I can find that might affect it.


Moon Wizard
July 15th, 2010, 22:26
Another test release just for the Mac drawing issue. (Test Release 9)

I went through every line of code I changed, and I backed out anything that seems even remotely drawing related.

Anyone want to send me a Mac? ;)


July 15th, 2010, 22:55
Another test release just for the Mac drawing issue. (Test Release 9)

I went through every line of code I changed, and I backed out anything that seems even remotely drawing related.

Anyone want to send me a Mac? ;)


Download and install VMWare, then run a Mac Virtual Machine. This is what I do when testing my code on different OS/Platforms. It works great, and should let you deploy to a Mac and run your tests.

July 15th, 2010, 23:01
Well, I paid over $2200 for my macbook pro when I could have got a similarly speced windows-based laptop for under half that :P so no, I don't think I will be sending you one... haha. sorry.

July 15th, 2010, 23:44
:eek: Sorry J, TR9 still doesn't fix the issue! Same behaviour as before with and without -r flag.

This is indeed very strange. Could the problem be down to the changes made to the window handling for the taskbar issues or perhaps changes made to memory management?

Given the problems are evident from the launcher, does that help narrow down other likely areas?

Moon Wizard
July 15th, 2010, 23:52
I just had another thought related to the API libraries. I'm using the February 2010 libraries for the new version vs. the October 2006 being previously used. Perhaps something in the linked libraries has changed...

I'm trying to get VMWare installed with Linux and Wine to see if I can reproduce locally.


July 16th, 2010, 00:03
J, Note: Wine is more an API wrapper than it is an emulator. For this reason the developers of Wine bundle a customised version of the Win API libraries including DirectX. Wine's cfg tool allows you to override libraries thus enabling an app to reference libraries that are either bundled with the app (called native in Wine and the default) and those that are bundled with Wine (called builtin in Wine).

Thus its possible to tweak Wine bottles to select between the app's or Wine's builtin libs. You can even add in custom libs and point your apps at that.

I'm guessing if you have updated the directX libs then that could very well explain some of the issues. Wine's directX support can be twitchy. Is it possible to regress the directX libs and still keep the changes you have made in 2.7.0?

Also, I tested overriding the libs bundled with FGII (D3DX9_31.DLL and D3DX9_42.DLL) as well as D3D9.DLL and D3DXOF.DLL with the bultin versions with Wine. The problems still persist though.

July 16th, 2010, 00:19
What ever you have done, it is working fine for me with Crossover and the -r switch.

I start FGIi on the console however, so maybe that is an issue?

July 16th, 2010, 00:25
One problem I found: using the BRP rules set, clicking on "Prefs" and then clicking through the options therein, gives me an error message.

July 16th, 2010, 00:33
One more thing: having a look in the Library, I get funny text arrangements with "fold out" text passages. Both mentioned errors happen with Crossover as they do with Parallels Desktop, so it's not a Wine issue.

July 16th, 2010, 00:34
No way!!!!!

I just tried the following command from the command line and its still not working for me???

open ~/Applications/CrossOver/Fantasy\ Grounds\ II/Fantasy\ Grounds\ II\ \(FGII\ 2.7.0\ U9\ \(TEST\)\).app --args -r

Can you confirm the version of Wine your using as well as the exact command line your using. Thanks

July 16th, 2010, 00:49
Try this:

cd Program\ Files/Fantasy\ Grounds\ II/

and then:

wine ./FantasyGrounds.exe -r

July 16th, 2010, 00:51
Starting FGII from the "Run Command" window never worked with the "-r". You need to click on "Open Shell" and then type in the commands I wrote

July 16th, 2010, 00:54
oh, and you need to select the right "bottle"! This is important!

Here my wine version:

Yog-Sothoth:Fantasy Grounds II vudo$ wine --version
Product Name: CrossOver
Public Version: 9.0.1
Product Version: 9.0.1
Build Tag: cxoffice-9.0.1rc1
Build Timestamp: 20100419T213838Z

July 16th, 2010, 01:06
OK. Tried that. Still get the same problems. Here's the version output for Wine:

lolth:drive_c zeph$ wine --version
Product Name: CrossOver
Public Version: 9.0.1
Product Version: 9.0.1
Build Tag: cxoffice-9.0.1rc1
Build Timestamp: 20100419T212325Z

Any ideas? I am running Snow Leopard on a new iMac 27" Quad Core i5 with ATi Radeon HD4850 512MB.

July 16th, 2010, 01:22
Ok, I am using the trial Version of Crossover 9.1 on a MBP Core2Duo 2,24MHz.

No idea. :(

So here is what I do:
- I open Crossover
- click on "Programs" -> "Run Command"
- select my bottle "UdosBottle"
- click on "Open Shell"
- type in "cd Program\ Files/Fantasy\ Grounds\ II/"
- start it with "wine FantasyGrounds.exe -r"

Works like a charm ... :confused:

July 16th, 2010, 01:27
Ok, I am using the trial Version of Crossover 9.1 on a MBP Core2Duo 2,24MHz.

No idea. :(

So here is what I do:
- I open Crossover
- click on "Programs" -> "Run Command"
- select my bottle "UdosBottle"
- click on "Open Shell"
- type in "cd Program\ Files/Fantasy\ Grounds\ II/"
- start it with "wine FantasyGrounds.exe -r"

Works like a charm ... :confused:

OK. So maybe its a graphics card related issue? You didn't mention which version of OS X your running though, so it could be an OS difference.

Aside from that I do exactly the same thing as per your step guide and still get the same issue under 2.7.0 TR9. Under 2.6.5 everything works fine, even without the -r flag.

I am at a loss? :cry:

Can any other Mac users confirm 2.7.0 TR9 works for them?

July 16th, 2010, 01:59
OK. So maybe its a graphics card related issue? You didn't mention which version of OS X your running though, so it could be an OS difference.

Hm, not sure if it is a graphics card problem. Would be strange in my opinion.
I am running the latest SnowLeo releas, 10.6.4 that is. No Developer versions or such.

July 16th, 2010, 02:30
OK. What about Wine configuration. Have you tweaked it in anyway?

July 16th, 2010, 02:43
OK. What about Wine configuration. Have you tweaked it in anyway?

nope, nothing. plain fresh Crossover Demo installation.
I deleted ANYTHING that had to do with Wine on the MAC (Library, Program Files, etc.). Then did a new Demo installation and after that I installed FGII in a new Bottle (as I deleted all bottles earlier).

Moon Wizard
July 16th, 2010, 03:48
OK, I'm going to split this topic into two new threads. One for the Mac drawing, and one for general updates to the test release.

Too much excitement for just one thread.


July 16th, 2010, 03:49
Hello all,
I'm kinda new around here, so I apologize if any of the following is not technically in the correct area, but this seemed like a good place to begin.

I ran into a few items while working on a ruleset for Earthdawn under 2.6.5, so I decided to try 2.7 to see if any of the issues were resolved. Here is what I had found.

Issues with acceptdrop:
1. The class field was not being honored. If the draginfo was of the proper class, an item was replicated into the window list just fine, if it did not match a blank entry was added. Experienced in both versions when dragging an item into a dead space area of the windowlist.
2. If the draginfo was of the proper type, and dropped onto a list item directly, two copies of the item would be added into the list. Both versions
3. These lists are anchored to a frame, which is scrollable. In 2.6.5, you could arbitrarily scroll the list down to find dead area to avoid issue #2, had been using that as a work around. In 2.7, you can no longer scroll the list past the length of the list. (I prefer this behavior, though I had to recode all of these as onDrop functions to avoid problems 1 and 2. :} )

Memory leak/race condition issue: (this may be more of a feature request?)
The character sheet for the ruleset uses a lot of linked fields, windowlists, etc. Everything worked without issue so long as only a single person was in a character sheet at a time. If a player and the gm opened the character sheet, memory usage would begin growing until it hit the 1.9gb mark, and then that instance of fantasy grounds would crash, which I'm assuming is because it's a 32bit app. This happened in both versions. After cleaning up some code, adding code to help against races I found here on the boards, it had gotten much better, though grew pretty quickly still. I finally found that the entire issue seemed to spawn from setValue. setValue doesn't appear to check the value it's going to write, it just writes it, which causes any onValueChanged events to fire. The host and the client were then in a war of updates. I added a wrapper around setValue to check the value, if the one attempting to be set is different from the value store, setValue executes, if the values are the same, no update is made. This cleared up all memory issues and crashes on both versions for me. I'm wondering if this shouldn't be considered to be added as a default behavior for setValue? It could stop a lot of extraneous writes to the database, etc.

Moon Wizard
July 16th, 2010, 03:56

Responding in the new thread.


August 29th, 2010, 22:40
This is for 2.7.1 I haven't have time to try 2.7.2. I found a problem that when a player opens a map it just shows the top left corner instead of where the DM's viewpoint is. To reproduce just open a map that scrolls (or resize the map frame to smaller than the map) and have the host share the bottom right image viewpoint. Have the client close the map then reopen the map and he will be looking at the top left of the image instead of the bottom right of the map with everyone else.

Moon Wizard
August 31st, 2010, 19:53

I think that this will be the case for a bit. It would require a new request/response handshake just to pick up the client view location, and I'm trying not to make changes that big at the moment.

Also, in the long run, I want to decouple the gm/player views anyways.

Resharing the image will force the image back to the gm viewpoint.


September 7th, 2010, 10:50
I want to decouple the gm/player views anyways.

Yay! Finally! If you can do this, and allow for full client-side map manipulation, my group and I will be eternally grateful. This has been our number one gripe with FG2 since Day One (which was just after version 2 was released).

September 7th, 2010, 12:28
I am all for decoupling the views too so as to increase the flexibility of the software however I would still want an option for the GM to 'lock' the client view to that of the host's. There are times when I do NOT want my group to have free control of the viewpoint e.g. when there are regions of an image/map that are yet undiscovered.

Hopefully any future changes will still keep the option open.

September 7th, 2010, 17:26
I am all for decoupling the views too so as to increase the flexibility of the software however I would still want an option for the GM to 'lock' the client view to that of the host's. There are times when I do NOT want my group to have free control of the viewpoint e.g. when there are regions of an image/map that are yet undiscovered.

Hopefully any future changes will still keep the option open.

I agree.

What would be nice would be the option to do it on an image by image basis.

i.e. the screen grab of a letter handout that you have to scroll to read is unlocked, but the map is locked.

September 18th, 2010, 07:45
I was testing the SetIcons function for the Buttoncontroll today.

setIcons("button_closecs_hover", "button_closecs", "button_closecs");

(Usually the Icons are set "button_closecs", "button_closecs", "button_closecs_hover") Just in one special case they need to switch. That is why i created a function for setting the icons differently

The Error Message sais "Invaldi parameter(s) to setIcons. Versione being used 2.7.2

Any Idea where my mistake lies?


September 19th, 2010, 16:11
I've run into a confounding issue with linklist and librarylink, there seems to be some sort of a difference on how these are handled based on role (host or client).

I was able to recreate the issue in 2.6.5, 2.7.1, and 2.7.2, so I thought I'd link the thread I created for the issue here, hopefully that is acceptable.



September 20th, 2010, 19:59
Still using 2.7.1 but I want to report a problem. This has happened to me about every session I run a real game in the 4E ruleset with 2.7.1. Basically you can't attack with monsters on the Combat Tracker. When you try to drag a die off the monster entry both on the tracker or a monster you get the following error in the console: Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_rules.lua"]:913: attempt to index global 'Input' (a userdata value)

This error repeats about a dozen times. The only way to get the monsters to attack or do damage again is to restart the server.

I haven't been able to pin point the cause or reproduce it at will. My best guess is is it seems to happen when you add monsters to the Combat Tracker in the middle of the fight. IE in a 4E game I was running a fight with Black Puddings that spawn Pudding Minions when hit. In another game I was adding more friendly guards to an ongoing battle.

I and several players tried to reproduce the problem with no luck, but in hindsight both problems occurred after 4-5 rounds in the black puddling fight and a more than a dozen in the other fight so there may well be some sort of precursor that has to happen prior dropping the monster onto the tracker. The guard I dropped directly from the Library entry and the pudding spawn came from the short cut dot on the tracker which was back to a module NPC link.

September 20th, 2010, 20:19
The GM's modifiers are output to the chat window as he uses hot keyed modifiers. I don't think the players should see the modifiers and it spams the chat window.

To reproduce, start FG and create a modifier either with the /mod command or on the Campaign Modifiers List. IE /mod 1 Charge then drag the modifier from the mod box to a hot key. Open the combat tracker and press the hot key and every time you press a modifier hot key the mod will be output to chat as a bubble entry.

Edit: This example was using in the 4E ruleset

Moon Wizard
October 5th, 2010, 22:29
Fenloh, it's a bug in setIcons. Thanks for the heads up.

kirbol, I'll look at the other thread.

Griogre, I responded to the 913 error in the other thread. On the modifiers, I can't recreate in 2.7.2.


October 6th, 2010, 01:02
Moon I have seen the same thing as Griogre. I have had Combat Advantage set up as F8 going on 4 years. When I hit F8 it outputs to the chat window and applies it to the stack. The same happens with F7 (Charge) :pirate:

I tried to clear the slot and re-add the modifier to the Hotkey slot but no joy. This only on the host hot keys and not when the client adds the hotkey to the stack.

Moon Wizard
October 6th, 2010, 02:00
OK, I'll need one of you to walk me through the steps to recreate in a new campaign.

I just tried again with my test campaign and a new campaign on both v2.7.2 and v2.7.1. Whenever I set a hot key with the text "/mod 1 Charge" or a modifier from the campaign modifier list, and then press the button or the hot key (F1-F12); the modifier is not echoed to the chat window but is added to the modifier stack. The modifier text is included on the next roll I make after applying the modifier.


October 6th, 2010, 04:10
JPG, the key is opening the combat tracker and then using the hot key. But from the start:

1) Create a new campaign in 2.7.2.
2) Type /mod 1 Charge. Which will load the modifier in the mod box.
3) Drag the mod box down to the F1 hotkey.
4) Press the F1 Hotkey, everything works good.
5) Open the combat tracker.
6) Press the F1 key. You should see Charge show up in OOC text and a 1 in the chat window. The second mod is added to the mod box correctly.

Moon Wizard
October 6th, 2010, 17:24
Just found that one.

October 7th, 2010, 05:27
I don't know if this would be different program wise from Griogre's experience but my Modifier came from the button at the top right just below the CT button and also only spams when the CT is open.

This also occurs when creating a new modifier in this window and dragging to the hot bar in the current Version