View Full Version : AFMBE game (GMT+2)

May 30th, 2010, 21:34

I am setting up All Flesh Must Be Eaten, zombie survival game. This will be one adventure survival game where you have to co-operate with totally strangers to survive and to find out what's going on, but the stressful insanity is not your friend. The game is setup in a single hospital, which will be your playground for survival. Can you make it from thirty?

Thirty (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=496)

Players will use pre-made characters, but they can decide what type of character they want to be. The only prerequisite is that all character needs to be regular citizens without any military background.

Game will be once a week, starting from between 19:00 to 22:00 (GMT+2) and each session will be up to four hours long. The starting date is not yet decided so please let know about your interest and possible schedule times. I need up to five players to this (minimum of three).

June 2nd, 2010, 14:26
What kind of information about our characters should we provide? Their jobs? Their specialties?

(I'm available on sunday, monday, thursday and saturday at the times you've listed.)

June 2nd, 2010, 14:59
Sounds good Ikael!

I would like to play. But the times 19:00 to 22:00 (GMT+2) do not work for me. 21:00 (GMT +2) onwards would be better for me. Or you suggest another time.

Tell me the day and date you plan to play as well.


June 2nd, 2010, 18:28

I think that profession and small rought description of specialities and possible drawbacks would be enought for me to create the character for you. Actually I have played this game once before during a convention five years ago and I ahve made 30 ready-made characters to use, but I think this time I would like to have some new faces around, so I can drop out some of the 30 characters to have some fresh new air.

IMPORTANT: I want to have these character descriptions as private messages so no other player will know what kind of people we have in the game.

@jcdf, with the 19-22 time I meant the starting time, which it not decided yet. That means it's possible that I would start the game at 21:00 and have session up to 4 hours. I woud just like to know what times are suitable for the players (for me the earlier the better, but I will go with the flow). Possible gaming weekdays would be: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and the game would be once a week. Starting time is not decided yet.

June 2nd, 2010, 18:36
By the way

for those who don't know Unisytem, you can find the rules as free resource from the web. At one point there was the downloadable PDF of it in Eden Studios webpage, but the site went down. However you can still find the book as oneline book from following link:

WitchCraft RPG (https://www.scribd.com/doc/7850993/Witchcraft-RPG-Corebook-)

That book is not the AFMBE books, but uses the very same rules as the AFMBE. Inside that book you should only read chapters 3 (Roles) and 4 (Rules) to get the idea of the system. Other chapters are just setting related stuff. In addition you can ignore Character Concepts and Character Associations as they don't belong to AFMBE-stylished game.

June 4th, 2010, 08:41
Holy **** yes. I've been itching to get to play this game again. I'd personally prefer making a character myself, but eh, I suppose I'll make do with this. Pretty much any day will do for me with the timeframe you're planning to run the game on.

June 4th, 2010, 22:15
Ok Ikael I would like to play your game. Tell me a day and time a few days in advance.

June 17th, 2010, 18:36
Alrighty, back from the dead! I was having my vacation and visited Poland for a week, now I am ready to try out some apocalyptic plots. I have decided that the game is scheduled to occur on every tueday starting from 21:00 GMT+2, and will last up to 4 hours per session.

However, the first session will be at 29th this month, becase this adventure was played face-to-face earlier and I really want to convert maps and descriptions to FG module (and to translate it to english, because originally it's finnish one). In addition my bride will come back home at the weekend (she's working on different town this summer) so I won't have time to do the conversion to the next tuesday. Hope we can get more players involved! So join in the game using game calendar and send me private message about what kind of character you want to be. Thank you.

Can you make it from thirty? (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=496)

No survivors guaranteed.

June 18th, 2010, 00:31
I am definitely interested in this as I will be in GMT+1 myself.
I say I will be since I'm moving on Sunday. The only problem is that I won't
have a proper internet for a while at least, is it possible to join the game in
say a month from now? Since there is 30 people alive I suppose that should
be possible, right?
(btw, I'm Finnish myself, tho I've live outside of Finland for the past 10 years)

June 18th, 2010, 01:18
Glad you are back Ikael, I thought that this thread had died. I to would like to renew my interest in your game. I am at GMT. :)

The time of 7:00pm GMT+2 does not work for me. 8:30pm GMT +2 is the earliest I could start.

June 27th, 2010, 15:18
Long time no see again,

I just came back home from celeberating the mid-summer festival and checked out the game's status on game calendar. It seems that we would only have two players on the first session (planned on 29 june). Although it would be ok for me, I would personally like to have at least three players in the first session. So what would you think if we would change the starting date to 6th june (one week forwards)? I did put that date on vote on game calendar.

@9Ton: It's okay to join up the game later, but only if there is someone left alive ;) At this point I really can't promise anything but I regard it pausible idea.

@All: I think I haven't had any private messages yet about your interest of your character type/personality. I would approciate to have them beforehand the first session to have everything prepared. Thanks!

June 29th, 2010, 10:27
Long time no see again,

I just came back home from celeberating the mid-summer festival and checked out the game's status on game calendar. It seems that we would only have two players on the first session (planned on 29 june). Although it would be ok for me, I would personally like to have at least three players in the first session. So what would you think if we would change the starting date to 6th june (one week forwards)? I did put that date on vote on game calendar.

@9Ton: It's okay to join up the game later, but only if there is someone left alive ;) At this point I really can't promise anything but I regard it pausible idea.

@All: I think I haven't had any private messages yet about your interest of your character type/personality. I would approciate to have them beforehand the first session to have everything prepared. Thanks!
Do you mean the 6th of July? 6th June has already gone past unless you mean next year.

June 30th, 2010, 22:19
yes, sorry I mean the first session will be at 6th of July (bloody month names). There is already vote arranged in game calendar, please everyone make your vote there so I know who can play. I did also get one backup player if we're not going to get three real players that time.

In addition I wrote up revised Unisystem ruleset's player manual to let you new ones know something about the ruleset before you enter. However, I cannot somehow upload it here, so I will invite all you active players to my google groups where these resources can be found

July 5th, 2010, 21:17
first version of AFMBE Thirty module is now completed and ready to be played. I decided not to convert all the thirty characters to PCs, but to cut the playable character count to eight characters. These will be the playable character for this game and rach player will get one of these character and try to survive.

Remember that the first session will start 6th July (tomorrow) at 21:00 GMT+2 time. Connection information can be found from game calendar and we still have few player slots open so any interested can join the game.

July 6th, 2010, 18:32
I started to host the first session now! The game itself will begin at 21:00 GMT+2 time but players can join in and download the ruleset in no rush if they connect earlier. We still have one slot free for player, anyone willing to join can try out some survival skills.