View Full Version : SW Sundered Skies campaign.

May 27th, 2010, 03:06
I am working on starting a Savage Worlds Sundered Skies campaign. I would run it every other weekend on Saturdays. Using this weekend as the rotation starting point. Meaning, that if I were to start it now, it would be this weekend and every other after that since I have every other weekend off from work and this weekend I have off.

With all that said it will not be this weekend. I am looking at a month from now as a possible start. I have a Vent server for voice communication. Ventrillo will need to be downloaded on your end. It is a free piece of software so no other monies are required.

OK. With all that being said are there any people interested in playing in a Sundered Skies Savage World campaign? If so, please reply to this post.

Thanks in Advance.

Mr. Grimm

May 27th, 2010, 05:24
I'm interested. What time on Saturdays?

May 27th, 2010, 05:34
At the moment I am thinking late afternoon or night Eastern. but I am open about the time.

May 28th, 2010, 19:55
It seems I only have one person interested in Playing Savage Worlds? Is this true? Do I need to run something different possibly?

May 28th, 2010, 22:17
You would get a better response if you told people what time zone you are in so they could tell what time the game was going to be. Theres a big difference between Saturday in Australia, the US, or Europe. Also the weekends are usually the worst times to run a game just because people like to go out, through Friday Nights and Sunday afternoon/night are usually pretty good times.

May 29th, 2010, 00:28
You would get a better response if you told people what time zone you are in so they could tell what time the game was going to be. Theres a big difference between Saturday in Australia, the US, or Europe. Also the weekends are usually the worst times to run a game just because people like to go out, through Friday Nights and Sunday afternoon/night are usually pretty good times.

Yeah you are right there... I seemed to have missed that. Would be late afternoon/early evening EST or -5 GMT. I have no problem switching the time if that is needed.

June 5th, 2010, 04:28
I would be interested in playing, but as stated fri.evening-sun afternoon are unpredictable. If you played late monday or tuesday evening I'd be there but saturdays are usually to busy with other "life" stuff.

June 5th, 2010, 09:40
I would be interested in playing, but as stated fri.evening-sun afternoon are unpredictable. If you played late monday or tuesday evening I'd be there but saturdays are usually to busy with other "life" stuff.

I might be able to get a game going after 11:30 pm EST on Monday or Tuesday. I am think that might be too late for most.