View Full Version : Drawing Color

May 24th, 2010, 13:53
Hi @all,
does anyone know if there is a possibility to change the Drawing color?


May 24th, 2010, 23:49
Well, I thought it was your dice color, but apparently not (I just tried). It would be nice if it were, though.


Moon Wizard
May 24th, 2010, 23:52
Currently, there is no mechanism to change the drawing color. It's on the wish list.


March 1st, 2011, 20:28
Currently, there is no mechanism to change the drawing color. It's on the wish list.


I'd love to have this ability. My DM'ing style is more open world. I usually let the players go where they wish. So I need to make quick maps. In the pen and paper games I DM it's as easy as dry erase markers on a battle mat. It'd be great if i could do something similar in FG2. You know green for trees, gray for rocks, etc...

March 3rd, 2011, 10:17
I find it quicker to fire up gimp and draw it there and drop into FGII folder

has the added advantage that the Mask will work on it.

March 4th, 2011, 09:24
Currently, there is no mechanism to change the drawing color. It's on the wish list.

That would be nice. Having at least a few colors available is useful for making quick sketches, for maps or whatever, and you can use a different color for highlighting something.

For instance, a color for the map and other color for the explanations ("this is high ground, this is a tree, this hex is dangerous terrain").

Although if this it's abusively used, it can become a bit messy!

March 4th, 2011, 14:26
Just out of curiosity, can the color of the drawing tool be changed in the code?

For example, you can change the dice through the color picker and then change it back. I had a thought to modify the dice as they were being rolled to change it to another color and then change it back. This would be nice when rolling Criticals or extra damage dice (ex, a sickly green for poison damage).

One would think, if the original black line color is assigned with an RGB color, you could possibly grab a different color and then change it on a whim. Say, 8 predefined color controls (ROYGBIV with Black and White) with onClick events to change the stroke color.

Just a thought.

Moon Wizard
March 4th, 2011, 20:26
Probably, it's just the prioritization of features and testing that get in the way. ;)
