View Full Version : Creating an extension for tokens

May 16th, 2010, 12:37
I grabbed half a ton of tokens, and perfectly divided them into folders, etc.

Problem is, it's something like 850+ tokens, and I'd really like (if possible) to put them all neatly into a single .EXT file.

How can I do that? Which syntax should I use in the XML files to let FG know which icons should be considered "host" and which ones "shared"?

Is it even possible?

Moon Wizard
May 16th, 2010, 18:28
All tokens in the ruleset or modules are considered host-only tokens. Only the tokens in the FG2 Applidcation Data Folder/tokens/shared will be automatically propagated to the clients for them to use.

I'm not sure if you can put tokens into an extension, but you can definitely put them in a module.


May 16th, 2010, 19:00
Actually, I hadn't thought about modules :o

That's an EXCELLENT idea, moon_wizard!
Thanks, man... I just implemented it, and it works like a charm!!!