View Full Version : Odd LAN Connection Problem

May 8th, 2010, 00:46
I recently purchased an Ultimate License, and I am running FG for several people. Three of them live in far away states. Two of them are roommates in my apartment, and they use wireless connections. I have a wired connection. We three are all hooked up to the same router. My computer is in a DMZ and the appropriate port is forwarded.

The first time I ran the game for everyone, it worked fine. I used an alias instead of my IP and they all connected and we played. The next time I tried to run the game, my roommates were unable to connect to my game. The three people that do not live with me were able to connect just fine, but FG would give my roommates the following error: "Error: Could not connect to the host. Check the address and try again."

Eventually, we got it to work again the second time, but both of my roommates had to uninstall and reinstall the program (and I did some things, too, but I don't remember what as I had people waiting on me and was in a huge rush).

So here we sit, ready for game #3, and the same problem rears its head again: the three non-roomies are connected and ready to go, and my roommates are getting errors. This time even uninstalling the program is not working. Everyone is using an "unregistered" copy of FG to go with my ultimate license.

Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Moon Wizard
May 8th, 2010, 00:54
Have you tried using the internal IP address (instead of the alias) for the LAN users? or vice versa?


May 8th, 2010, 01:01
That worked! Sometimes the simplest fix is the best, I suppose! Thanks!

And a fast enough response to save tonight's game, too!