View Full Version : Corrupt Module?

May 6th, 2010, 19:41
I'm having an issue with my personalities in the 4e ruleset.

I have a module of personalities that I made called "Monster Manual". It exports and loads fine. But when I create a new campaign, load Monster Manual, and then create a new personality, I run into a strange problem. My new personality will "adopt" the powers of a personality in the Monser Manual Module. If I change the powers in the campaign personality, it also affects the powers in the module personality (doesn't save them to the module though).

I've tried re-exporting my Monster Manual module and I still have the same problem. My guess is that somewhere there is a broken or corrupt link in the database file? Any tips on how to fix the problem?


Moon Wizard
May 6th, 2010, 23:40
There is a known bug in the export routine, where the IDs from a module can overlap with the IDs in a campaign, causing sublists to inherit from each other.

The current workaround is to manually edit the module that you exported, and change the <id-#####> tags directly under the <npc> tag to a different value, like <mm-#####>. The module files can be renamed to ZIP files and the db.xml file inside can be edited.

A fix for this issue is scheduled for the next release.


May 7th, 2010, 17:17
Thanks for the response! I'll await the next release. I really appreciate the work you are putting in to the ruleset.
