View Full Version : DB.XML feature suggestion

May 4th, 2010, 15:39
There have been quite a few suggestions over the years for a "server" version of FG that players could connect to in order to update or create characters when the game master system is not online. This has been dismissed due to the programming time required vs the need.

Last night I had a bit of an epiphany; what if you didn't need a server?

If the character data portion of the schema in DB.XML were split from the rest of the file and hooks added to the client so that file could be addressed from a user defined path that supported web paths, shouldn't it be possible to just stick your character files on a web/file server that each client can get to?

In my head, that seems like a simple solution that requires a fairly light coding change compared to writing a whole server to do the same.

Theoretically, once you split that out, someone could even write a web interface to edit characters so you could do it without even having the client with you, which could be a nice bonus feature.


May 4th, 2010, 16:26
But doesn't this just re-introduce the main problem with requiring a third party to host files (and thus be up all the time) or you cannot play?

I understand that some people feel the need to be able to edit their characters all the time (and that the current design prevents this), but I actually like that fact!

May 4th, 2010, 17:39
By making it a user-definable path (with the default being local, of course) it would function exactly as it does now *unless* the users want to host the file on an externally-accessible resource. For people that don't want to use the feature, it would continue to work the same as it does now; it just adds flexibility.

There are LOTS of free, reliable web assets that could be used to make this work for those that want to use it - Dropbox and its sharable web file access immediately springs to mind, but lots of free web hosting systems exist.

May 4th, 2010, 22:15
I think this is a neat idea, but also wonder if it is as simple as it sounds. I'm guessing that the host has to handle concurrency stuff and network latency, so it needs to be smarter than just a file system - perhaps the Devs would confirm?

If that's not the case, and the host doesn't do anything except, well, host then it would seem like a great way to extend the engine.

Just my 2c


May 4th, 2010, 23:31
The devs have recently hinted that they are looking at adding some sort of inbuilt XML/XSL capability to FGII. The ability to import/export campaign information (including charsheets) enables greater interoperability with several 3rd party apps as well as meet the needs of many users who wish to view the characters offline.

May 5th, 2010, 06:59
Not to mention that this might mean that we can now OWN our own characters and keep them on our own computer for transfer to a new campaign etc wich becomes important if you share the GM role with other people.

- Obe

May 6th, 2010, 08:02
By making it a user-definable path (with the default being local, of course) it would function exactly as it does now *unless* the users want to host the file on an externally-accessible resource. For people that don't want to use the feature, it would continue to work the same as it does now; it just adds flexibility.

There are LOTS of free, reliable web assets that could be used to make this work for those that want to use it - Dropbox and its sharable web file access immediately springs to mind, but lots of free web hosting systems exist.

Yes you are right it's a cool idea...

May 7th, 2010, 21:14
weighing in behind Oberoten on this one - as one of 3 GM's in an on-going campaign world, I'd love to have the ability to just transfer PCs from game to game without the rigmarole of emailing db.xml files back and forth. The extractor/uploader is a wonderful tool, but easier would be better! :)

May 7th, 2010, 23:45
I probably didn't make my earlier post very clear. I guess what I was trying to say was that if the devs are already considering adding an extended export/import capability such that its possible to 'publish' or 'import' data to/from 3rd party applications and/or filesystem directly from within FGII, then the capability your discussing will be simplified.

Its already possible to extract the charactersheet nodes from the db.xml file and publish them as viewable/editable HTML pages or push them into another campaign db.xml. This is what I do at present for my group after each game session (albeit via a homebrew process and at present requiring 2 external apps - 1 homebrew the other commercial).

Once (and if) the XML/XSL capability is made available from within FGII, there are endless possibilities of making campaign information accessible beyond the online game that extend way beyond PC character sheets. How about the ability to publish notes? Or a campaign log? Or the ability to migrate other campaign information from one campaign to another.

I've already staretd writing a new campaign log extension for 4E with this future capability in mind. I'm envisioning auto-publishing my campaign and adventure logs to my groups campaign portal at the end of a game session via a single mouse click. :)

May 12th, 2010, 21:27
DrZ, you rock! Auto-publishing the logs would be a wonderful addition!