View Full Version : Linefeed in Dice Roll Messages

May 3rd, 2010, 14:41
Hi there,

how can i create a Linefeed within a message. I have tried several things like /n and such, but it does not accept it. I helped myself with lots of spaces, but it does not work very well.

Or do i need to split up the message and send it severel times. If so, how can i make sure, that the Dice message is showing at the end?


Moon Wizard
May 4th, 2010, 06:37
Did you try \r already?

If you want to break into multiple lines, just make sure that you send the non-dice messages before the dice messages to make the dice appear at the end.


May 4th, 2010, 09:40
Hello moon_wizard,

thanks for the quick reply.

I tried \r and \n, but both seem to be registered by the program, but the outcome is somehow still one line.

We are using the 4e Ruleset as a Baseis and the Message is sent to the Chatmanager using


We did not get the dice to roll at the end of the message, yet. Maybe another hint?


May 4th, 2010, 14:34
I haven't done any coding, but how about "<br />" ?

May 4th, 2010, 19:39
I might be labeled daft for suggesting this but instead of creating one message broken across two lines, could you not simply send two messages, one after the other?

Each would then be distributed onto a new line. You can even fake the second message to look like its part of the first by omitting any icon or sender details.

This is pretty much the approach I take when I need to send information that needs to be structured.

May 4th, 2010, 22:11
I'm with DrZ, but it would also be good to have this ability built in to the engine.

May 5th, 2010, 09:20
That ist what we most likely will do, break up the Message...



August 31st, 2011, 10:32
I am still having this problem, but i thought i have seen something in the 2.8 patchnotes, but i seem to miss it somehow.

breaking it up in 2 messages does not work. Maybe if i find the last step, just bevor the message is sent, but i happen to miss it somehow.


Moon Wizard
August 31st, 2011, 22:20
You can capture the dice messages in the onDiceLanded event handler for the chatwindow control.
