View Full Version : No sound

April 25th, 2010, 19:27
Hi, are there supposed to be default sounds when you roll dice?

April 25th, 2010, 20:03
Nope not as far as I know. The only two sounds I know about are a bell sound to get a player attention and a halt sound to stop chat.

Hye Jedi
April 25th, 2010, 20:35
Hi, are there supposed to be default sounds when you roll dice? I was wondering the same thing when I first used FG. Would be nice if there was a way to have the option to play a sound upon a dice roll, but given the unique nature of rolls, synching the sound with the movement may be the issue keeping devs from doing it. Not sure, but just a thought.

April 26th, 2010, 15:44
I think that an earlier version of dice sounds were included in the software, but were pulled some time ago by the developers. Not sure why.

There hasn't been any sounds with the dice rolls for at least a year.

April 27th, 2010, 00:01
I always thought it was amusing that FG2 produces no sound whatsoever, considering one of the original devs was a contributor to the Allegro sound library...

... Anyway, I can't remember a time when FG had sound but I'm rather new. This thread comes up quite often and I think people confuse the dice in this game with some of the dice roller tools out there that love to make (IMO) stupid rolling noises.

April 27th, 2010, 00:38
There used to be dice sounds but had issues synching across the rolls to the various clients. So while it was usually ok on your screen it could get out of synch on the other players screens and quickly became annoying.

April 27th, 2010, 03:39
That's easy, sound files are on local clients and a call is made to local file when the dice roll on local client. How hard is that? :)

At work I create requirements for programmers. :D

April 27th, 2010, 08:02
Maybe a halfway solution is to only have the dice roll sound play locally for the person who made the roll.

That way the async nature of the comms between clients and host would have less impact and there would be less concern surrounding interference with gameplay.

When I think about it, its not that important to me to hear everyone else's rolls. I appreciate FGII tries to recreate the round table experience but I think most people accept that other players could be half way around the world. Hearing their dice rolls is about as important to me as hearing them munching on crisps and cola during the game.

I'd also like to hear a warning bell played whenever for example I try to reference linked material but the module holding the data is not opened. Too many times I miss the error message in the chat window as I am typically several windows deep into library reference material or other windows.

Would be a nice additional cue aside from simple chat messages all the time. It would also enable rulesets to use audio cues for warnings and errors.