View Full Version : D20 Modern mods with D20_JPG

April 18th, 2010, 05:14
Is there a way to use the purchased D20 modern modules (Core, Psionics, Spells, Monsters) with Moon_Wizard's D20_JPG ruleset?

I opened each .mod file and changed the ruleset line in definition.xml to "foundation" instead of "d20-MSRD" which allows it to load but some of the links (particularly tables such as ranged weapon table) are dead links.

I changed nothing other than the ruleset line in definition.xml, and most of the other links work fine, so this leads me to believe this is not a reference issue.

Has anyone faced this issue before?

April 18th, 2010, 22:53
I have not looked at the D20 Modern SRD library .mod file, so I can not tell for sure what the xml script looks like. But the problem could be is that you need to change the reference information.

<listlink type="windowreference">
<recordname>[email protected] Basic Rules</recordname>
<name type="string">Appraise</name>

For just an example from the 3.5 Basic Rules skills and feats section. If you wanted to use these skills or feats, as they are listed the same. You will need to also go through and change any reference information to the new ruleset as well located in the "definitions.xml" file.

So the new code should look like, if you are switching to the foundations ruleset.

<listlink type="windowreference">
<name type="string">Appraise</name>

Or to what ever ruleset that you are going to use. With the new added code, you can also add "Any" under the ruleset instead of just "foundation" and it should also open up for any of the rulesets that you own or use as well. To make it easier, you could also look up the ruleset name inside your html/xml editor by useing the "Find/Replace" feature.

I hope that helps.

April 22nd, 2010, 02:12
Well I eventually found it.

Thanks for the suggestion but it wasn't all links, just certain ones; the tables. I looked a bit closer and it turned out that they were all referencetable classes while the referencetextwide and referencetext classes were working fine.

So... I checked out reference_basicclasses.xml and sure enough there was the problem; apparently the D20_JPG ruleset does not have a referencetable class.

So I made one off of the D20_Modern basicclasses and it still didn't work... copied over the sheetdata element from the D20_JPG referencetextwide (which worked fine in the D20_MSRD modules) and it worked.

Now if Moon_Wizard could give some of his magic to the D20_Modern ruleset (It's redheaded... it's a step child, it has to wear its big sister's pink sneakers to school... it needs some attention.) It would be as tight as the MSRD is.

April 22nd, 2010, 09:45
The D20 Modern SRD was based on the Digital Adventures SRD ruleset.

Off the top of my head (I have never looked at d20_jpg /3.5e rulesets so there may be more!) the major difference was that the magic/psionic system part of the character sheet had a large re-write.

When you entered a player class you could right-click on the entry and choose the FX system it used (magic/miracles/psionics I think been soooo long)

Hope that helps!