View Full Version : Help getting started with rulesets...

Dread Pirate
April 9th, 2010, 07:31

I've been away from FG for about four years now and am trying to learn the ropes with FGII.

I've unpacked the 4e ruleset and then repacked it using FGPEMUtility.exe. I didn't make any changes to the ruleset whatsoever. I simply unpacked and then repacked and started up FG.

When I run FG, all the control buttons in the upper right corner of the UI are missing and, when I right click, the control menu doesn't appear. It seems like they are still there, but are invisible. If I click where the buttons should be, the appropriate windows open, but are missing all of the controls.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.

April 9th, 2010, 09:40
Did you keep the same name? Or did you unpack it in such a way that the folder structure was not kept?

- Obe

Dread Pirate
April 9th, 2010, 15:24
I unpacked 4E.pak, which created the 4E (extracted) folder. Next I renamed the 4E (extracted) folder to 4E and ran the utility, selected the 4E folder, and clicked create package. This created 4E.pak. I then ran FGII and observed the errors I mentioned above.

I also tried not changing anything and running the utility on the 4E (extracted) folder, which created 4E (extracted).pak, and then renaming 4E (extracted).pak to 4E.pak. I got the same results.

April 9th, 2010, 16:31
Just curious, but what was the reasoning for unpaking and repaking it? I believe if you rename it to something completely different and re-run the updates it will re-download the ruleset for you.

Dread Pirate
April 9th, 2010, 21:57
I'm just getting started with FGII editing and was taking babysteps to make sure I understood how the tools worked and what the file structure is. Apparently, I don't :(

I also tried creating a custom ruleset subfolder in the rulesets folder and copying the unmodified files from the unpacked 4E folder into my custom folder and I got the same results.

I also tried the same things with the 3.5E files with the same results.

Dread Pirate
April 11th, 2010, 15:08
The unpacker utility works fine with the foundation ruleset. I'm guessing the other rulesets rely on extensions for the UI.

Moon Wizard
April 12th, 2010, 21:24
The FGPEMUtility merely extracts the files from a PAK file (same as a ZIP file). You can do the same thing by renaming PAK to ZIP. Personally, I find it easier to rename and use the default Windows ZIP file handling.

It sounds like the graphics files for the upper right buttons are not in the right place, because you could click but could not see the buttons.


April 12th, 2010, 22:56
Actually this is a problem in the downloadable D20 ruleset. It has the graphic, but not the lines of code to add the close icon to the pages.

Edit graphics.xml and add:

<icon name="button_close" file="icons/button_close.png" />
<icon name="button_close_down" file="icons/button_close_down.png" />
<icon name="button_close_hover" file="icons/button_close_hover.png" />

Once you save that it should have the close button on all the windows again and work correctly. All the supporting code in there, its just missing the graphics reference.

Dread Pirate
April 12th, 2010, 23:07
It's more than just the close button on the windows that is missing. None of the radial menu buttons show up when you right click and the entire set of buttons in the upper right corner of the FGII Desktop is missing as well.

I guess I'll have to start tinkering with the foundation ruleset to relearn FG ruleset creation. I was doing well with FGI four years ago, but have to relearn everything I've forgotten.

April 13th, 2010, 09:33
Be sure to consider the Base Ruleset (https://oberoten.dyndns.org/fgwiki/index.php/Base_Ruleset) as an alternative to foundation ;)


Moon Wizard
April 13th, 2010, 14:20
As I mentioned before, it sounds like all the graphics files are not in the correct location in the repacked files.

Have you tried opening the PAK file as a ZIP fie to make sure that the folder structure is correct in the package? Also, the graphics.xml file is the file where the location of graphics files is defined.

If you want, I can review the file that you created to see what the problem is. Just send the file to [email protected], with a short description to remind me what to look for.
