View Full Version : New product releases Mar 23-2010.

March 23rd, 2010, 19:39
Any visit to the store will show the latest products added, but in the past tradition, we will include a brief blurb here as well.

We have a brand new setting for Savage Worlds with a matching token pack to boot. We also have the first low-fantasy adventure for knights, chivalry and damsels in distress for use with Savage Worlds and finally a pair of adventures from Pinnacle that take place above and below deck of some ocean going vessels.

Sundered Skies Token Pack
Savage Worlds Setting: Sundered Skies
Daring Tales of Chivalry #01: A Knights Tale
Savage Tales #4: Rise Alabama!
Savage Tales #1: Privateer's Bounty!

Finally, we have a new map pack for everyone else... compatible with all rulesets
Ravenlands Mega Bundle Map Pack

For additional information on the products prior to their conversion to FG, you can check them each out at RPGNow or a the respective publisher sites: https://www.peginc.com/, https://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php and https://www.scryingeye.com/

March 23rd, 2010, 23:32
The product description for the Ravenland map pack claims there are tokens included, but I don't see them listed anywhere (they just list which maps come with it). Are there really tokens included?

March 25th, 2010, 05:19
There are some actually. They have a solid square gradient background though. They were not part of the original PDFs for the Ravenlands sets but they were provided as a free add-on from Scrying Eye that they said we could include. There were a few others for weapons and treasure that are not included.

Since they were freebies, I can attach two samples here. There are about a dozen character tokens and a dozen creature tokens in the same style.