View Full Version : Check on Re-installing

March 23rd, 2010, 12:36

The bitdefender anti virus product totally hosed my system on Saturday. That's right it was not a virus, but the checker itself.


In any event, it messed up my FG2 install, but luckily my data was intact. This got me thinking about re-installing. Luckily I stored my confirmation email, and I was able to DL the link.

So does this link remain active and for how long? Should I burn a copy of it onto a CD or backup drive.

BTW I'm beggining to *hate* DVD/CD, incase you don't know they are not even guaranteed to last 15-20 years. I had a lot of old software to re-install.....yeah right....pure *hell*.

Neverwinter Nights 1/2 from Atari has to be the worst offender. It also uses securom, so it forces you to swap discs all the time...these then get scratched over the years. I can't even re-install stuff I paid for, and their attitude sucks.

March 23rd, 2010, 17:34
There are a limited number of times the download link will remain active but if it fails, just send a note to [email protected] and we will increase the limit. This is mostly meant to prevent people from distributing the links.