View Full Version : Anime Style! Exalted Campaign

February 18th, 2010, 07:59
This game is Canceled due to lack of interest. I am going to start a Savage Worlds Dawn of Legends campaign.

February 18th, 2010, 23:39
I am totally up for an exalted game. I have plenty of time on my plate too! Just let me know the time and everything

February 18th, 2010, 23:59
Good to have you. I will be waiting for at least 3 players. If I can't find that many, I will ask one of my friends to play as well.

I wanted to start a session tomorrow just for everyone to get to know each other and introduce characters and the adventure. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone will be ready that quickly so I expect at the very least Saturday if people are familiar with making character. I picked solars so people don't have to chose between the others.

I decided against the futuristic setting until I get my feet on the ground and everyone into the game.

February 19th, 2010, 00:28
uh what time saturday? I have a game that day (well maybe not sure if we have it this week)

February 19th, 2010, 02:40
I'm interested in this i'd probably be willing to play fridays or saturdays

February 19th, 2010, 07:27
Are you guys capable of creating characters on your own and such? Don't forget only solars, only use the core book, I am not at all familiar with any supplements.
Also what are your time zones and days do you prefer? Let me know, so I can adjust the schedule. I'd prefer if we all work together on a schedule rather than me setting a time and expecting you to adhere to it.

I have a whole adventure ready to go. I just need 3 players at least.

Don't worry about your character concepts not fitting in. I will make sure they fit in, just use reason. This will be a game will a group needs to work together to accomplish a similar goal. Please make your characters accordingly. Please also, talk to the other players, see how you guys can make characters that can work together.

February 20th, 2010, 00:31
I am mountain time here i have a game on saturday, thursday and one will be moving to friday eventually but maybe we can do it on a time that my game's aren't? I can do a same day though if we can squeeze it after them. Also if anyone has skype we all could talk on that to plan out everything

February 20th, 2010, 04:12
Yeah i'm PST and im all good just i'm only free on fridays and saturdays. Finally got Anathema working so im gonna play with it a bit.

February 20th, 2010, 07:52
I would like everyone who is ready to make a character get on skype and the server tomorrow so we can figure all this stuff out.

February 20th, 2010, 16:03
server info? and what time? cause im busy till about 5 or 6

February 20th, 2010, 19:28
my skype is darthmekage

February 21st, 2010, 01:32
I'm so sorry I forgot to post a time or server info. My wife wants me to go out with her tonight, which doesn't mean you guys can't make your characters I'll leave the server open. Oily Seal Zany Roll

February 21st, 2010, 02:42
ok I'm considering our time should be from 5-9pm PST on Fridays. Its subject to adjustment if people need, but its okay to be a little bit late. But please if your going to be more than an hour late, let one of us know at least 2-3 hours before the games starts.

If anyone still wants to join thats fine, just let me know and make time to build a character on the server. Please build your characters before hand.

February 22nd, 2010, 00:05
I am online with Skype and the server is online as well please connect if you wish to add your character today.

February 22nd, 2010, 07:37
I have had direct contact with only 1 person so far. If this continues I will assume there is not enough interest in exalted. If no one contacts me by tomorrow I am changing game systems.

Most likely savage worlds. I am still learning the rules (read about half the book) but I haven't read any supplements yet. I would consider using the Hero System but there isn't a ruleset created for it, although the generic ruleset may work just fine.

I would like to see how well these generic rule systems work out. Savage Worlds is versatile, but it seems to lack depth. The hero system is much more versatile and can make characters extremely detailed or just as generic as SW. Unfortunately with the hero system, people may not be as willing to learn a new game system.

I would like to see some opinions from others as well to which system they would like to see run. I will try and find a setting close to what I see exalted is and maybe continue to run a similar style campaign. Demi-gods on earth basically.

February 22nd, 2010, 21:25
Ok no one has contacted me so far today or even bothered to reply or send a PM so I am ending this and I am going to start a Savage Worlds campaign.

This Game Is Canceled.