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View Full Version : new user trying the demo-resize chat

February 11th, 2010, 19:00
Hello all.
I am a new user trying out the demo with players to see if this would work for our poor gamer girl in Florida who is now several months pregnant and misses gaming horribly.
I downloaded and installed the demo without a problem but on both my computer and the test computer the dice & modifier box cover he bottom of the chat window......so our first question is, how to we resize that chat window to the dice and modifier don't cover it?

So far I really like the program and hope to try it out with her and one other to see if it will work.

Thanks & BB

February 11th, 2010, 19:09
Unfortunately, no, there's no way to resize the chat window. If you can increase your screen resolution that will probably fix it. But I understand some netbook displays are shorter than the FG minimum.

Sorry to bear the bad news.


February 11th, 2010, 19:54
It's possible with a slight ruleset modification on the GMs machine. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as an extension, so it can't just be "switched on". The minimum default resolution for FGII is 1024 x 768. This can mean that the bottom of the screen is truncated on some netbooks (where the screen resolution is often 1024 x 700).

This post shows you how: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=70085&postcount=12