View Full Version : RMC Drag and Drop

January 23rd, 2010, 18:21
I am currently working on a companion system for RMC which would be very handy to have draggable. Now, for my own games I have everything drag and drop by simply having all items pulled up as "weapons" using a modified adventure_weapons and charsheet_weaponslist script. This works great for me, but to make this compatible system more friendly for others to use, it would be really handy to make them drag and drop in order to take advantage of calculations in the new adventure file.

Here is what I have done, but I appear to missing a step, goofed somewhere... easiest question is did I miss a step...

I created the gem data
I have a reference_gems file, works great
I have an adventure_gems file, works great
As a test, I've altered the inventory list to accept drops via charsheet_gems script
I added a copyGem function to the Management scripts
I altered the charsheet_weaponslist script and made a charsheet_gemlist script

Is there another step in there to achieve what I want, or is a goof stopping it from dropping?


January 24th, 2010, 22:38
I might need a bit more info to be able to help with this: any chance you could send me some cut-down files?

I posted a reasonable summary of drap and drop in reply to one of your ealier questions (here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10924)) so I guess that isn't going to cover your needs.


January 25th, 2010, 03:07
Well, inspired by your words I went back through things piece by piece and found a "gems" rather than "gem"...

Friggin higgly piggly.

But on the bright side, I can now drag and drop gems onto my inventory list. Now to create a special area on the character sheet for gems so that my inventory list can go back to carrying my other gear.

Thanks again,
